A diesase won't stop Melinda

Chapter 4: Years Later

Years passed since that day Melinda and Leo were great friends. He came over after school and they would talk for hours till his mother came and left for home. She had a full head of hair and was about shoulder length. Mattew and Nicole were still together but they where engaged. Their relationship was on the rocks. Melinda knew it was over her but she brushed it off when she found Mattew in her room in the corner on the makeshift bed. It was weird how much Melinda's life has changed from being a child. Her family gave her to Mattew two weeks after that Christmas so many years ago. She wasn't sure why but she cared less now, she was happy she could official call Mattew her dad. Nicole wasn't so happy about it but once again Melinda cared less.
“Melinda, you ready?” Mattew asked as she picked up her bag and placed it over her shoulder.
“Yea, more then anything.” Melinda said with a smile.
Her Medulloblastoma had gone away for awhile but came back at the age of eleven and staid till she was thirteen. They had a few scares that she wouldn't make it through the night but she pulled through stronger than ever and it finally went away leaving only the Anhidrosis. Melinda understood fully of what she had and she tested it, testing of how long she could stay outside until she passed out. The longest was ten minutes on a normal day and that's just standing there. Five minutes moving around. Mattew was pissed at her but he understood her curiousest to her disease.
Melinda looked at Mattew as she followed him. She was able to finally have a real home and live in a room that was low temperature to keep her body cool. Nicole didn't want her moving in with them but Mattew wasn't going to let his daughter live in a room where she spent all her life if she could finally go home. Mattew knew it would be easier for him to keep track of her heat cramps and everything else. He also knew it gave her a new hope of living, He could see her living in that room was getting her depressed and slowly draining her life out of her.
“Leo won't be able to make it today.” Mattew said as they got in the car and turned it on and they both got in.
“Why not? He knows how big this is, doesn't he?” Melinda asked as she placed her bags in the back seat and Mattew pulled out. The rest of her bags in the trunk.
“Mrs. Hay, Leo's mother, is sick and his sister is out of town. So he has to take care of her.” Of course Mattew was lying.
“Oh well then I can't get mad.” She said understanding.
Melinda's relationship with Leo had of course grown over the years. Becoming closer and soon sharing their first kiss, it happened on his birthday. He wanted to spend it with her and that alone made her smile. But that was a few years ago. Mattew pulled into the house and looked at her. Once again her face glued to the outside world. After a moment Mattew patted her back and turned off the car and got out. Melinda pushed her hair out of face and grabbed her bag and stepped out.
“Welcome home.” Mattew said opening the door.
The house was dark when the door open, Mattew walked in first and disappeared into the dark. Melinda, herself, just stood there looking at the opened door before taking her step into a real house.
“Surprise!” The lights went on and Melinda stumbled back with tears in her eyes. “Awww guys.” Her voice cracked and the tears fell.
Everyone was there, Leo, his mother, Ariel, Nick, Leo's brother and sister, and Nicole. Leo was the first over to her after the clapping and cheering. Melinda was in shock when Leo finally reached her. No one every threw her a surprise party. She had seen them on TV and always dreamed of one but never thought she would ever get one.
“Surprise, did we get you?” Leo asked as he wrapped one arm around her waist and walked with her into the living room. “Very surprised.” Her hand went up to her eyes wiping the tears. “Mattew said we would get you.” Leo smiled as Mattew laughed in the back round. “Well then he was right, you guys got me really good.” Melinda said and laughed. “Well lets party!” Ariel said as she turned around and hit play on the DVD player and Paramore blasted through the speakers and few started dancing.
Leo took Melinda hand and spun her around she laughed and went back into her arms. It was a place she learned to love. He wrapped his arms around her front and brought his front to her back and they just swayed to the music. She closed her eyes and felt his head rest on her shoulder. They staid this way way for the next four songs. It was Melinda who broke away first even though she didn't want to but her body was getting thirsty and a bit hungry.
“Thanks.” Melinda said turning and and kissing his cheek and walking away. The party went on for a while and everyone enjoyed it. Melinda was sitting down trying to keep her body cool. Leo walked over to her and took her hand without thinking about it and Melinda smiled as she rested her head in his shoulder.
“You having fun?”
“Yea, trying to keep cool, Thank you.”
“Thank you for what?” Leo asked looking down at her.
“For throwing this party for me.” She said looking back at him.
“It was Mattew's idea. He knew you wanted one and why not now plus I just helped.” Leo rested his head on top of hers.
“Still,” She laughed lightly.
“Your welcome.” He said also in a light laugh.
They rested there for an hour Melinda listening to his breathing and feeling his thumb going up and down on her arm. That move relaxing her even more and she slowly feel asleep on him. He didn't seem to mind at all it seemed soon he feel asleep again. Mattew was watching the two and smiled. He knew Melinda and in love with Leo and watching them like this made him smile he was the only guy that really wanted to be with her. Mattew tried a few other guys and girls to become friends with Melinda but they all made fun of her after a few weeks with her. Leo would punch the boys who did and send the girls out. He hated when any one made fun of her.
Nicole came up from behind him and hugged Mattew's waist. “So are you sure this will work?” she asked as Mattew moved moved out of her arms and towards the two sleeping. Nicole still didn't fully understand what was going on with Melinda and how she was official Mattew's daughter. They had almost broke up because Mattew talked about Melinda moving in with them. “yes I'm very sure. She and I will a able to study her a lot better then coming home early everyday just to fight with you.” The last part wasn't meant to come out but Mattew cared less at the moment.
“So this is about her?”
“Yes, I'm not going to let her live in a hospital the rest of her life.”
“Why not move her in with her parents, they must want their kid.” Nicole yelled.
“No, they gave her to me. I adopted her two weeks after that Christmas so many years ago. She is my daughter.” Mattew said as he looked at her.
Nicole's face froze, No expression at all. She couldn't believe what Mattew had just told her and Mattew just looked over at the sleeping Leo and Melinda. He sighed as Nicole grabbed his face and made him look at her. “Tell me it's not true.” She said through her teeth. “It's true. I'm not sure why you can't see what she means to me. Just like you she needs someone.” Mattew said pushing her away and waving good-bye to Leo's family leaving him behind on the couch with Melinda. “why didn't you tell me then?” She asked color drained from her face.
“Cause you were upset with me already so I kept it from you.” He said not caring he was done with her hating on his daughter. He just wanted Melinda to have a happy family and life. “I'm leaving.” Nicole said pushing him aside extremely hard causing him to land on on the glass table. Both hands now cut up and bleeding. “Go!” Mattew yelled his anger over the top.
It had been two hours since Nicole left and Mattew wasn't sure where or when she get back he didn't care. He fixed his hand and the few cuts on his arms. Then cleaned up the mess surprised Leo and Melinda had slept through all that. He was sitting across from them, She looked so peace curled into his arms. He ran his hands through his hair as she sighed and Leo slowly woke up. Leo first caught sight of the gauze around his hands and arms and looked up at Mattew who just shook his head lightly and Leo know not to bring it up.
“She is a angel.” Leo said looking at her then over at Mattew.
“She is happy. That's what she is.” Mattew said standing up.
“Cause you made her that way Mr. Mattew.”
“Oh no, You did son.” Mattew said looking at him.
“How about we both did?”Leo said smiling as Mattew agreed.
Melinda woke up to the two guys just talking. She smiled as she closed her eyes again and stretched lightly.
“Thank you guys for the awesome party.” She said with a yawn before resting her head back on Leo's chest and he started to rub her back. “Your welcome.” Both said. Melinda saw Mattew's hand and went to say something about it but before she could get anything out he just shook his head no and walked into the kitchen. “Your really comfortable.” She said looking up at Leo who smiled. “Um thank you?” He said rubbing the top of her head as Mattew came back with water for the both of them. “Melinda why don't you go check out your room now that everyone is gone.” Mattew said as Melinda sat up and drank the water.
She looked at both boys who urged her on and she stood up handing the glass to Mattew and made her way down the hallway. Melinda looked at the doors and found her's saying “Welcome to the Lion's den.” she laughed lightly as she look back at the guy who where at the end of the hallway watching her. Her hand touched the door knob and she just stood there for a moment. This was her room where she would live the rest of her life, seeing if she didn't move out, She felt the tears fall as she finally open the door and was in aw.
Melinda's pale blues eyes closed for a minute before she opened them and looked at her new room. It was a golden yellow, the walls held pictures of lions and some of her old drawing. There was one that made her fully break down. The picture of her and Leo sleeping with the lion cub. She looked over at the bed and there was Teddy and Simba. This room was everything she ever wanted. She sat on the bed and grabbed Teddy and pulled it to her. One hand explored the blanket she sat on the wiped her tears.
“What do you think?” She looked up to see Leo standing at her door. “I-I-its beautiful...” She cried and he made his way over to her bed and sat next to her. “Mattew picked it.” He said wrapping his arms around her and she rested her head on his shoulder. “He said you would enjoy the lion theme.” His eyes glanced over at the pic of them when they where little and he laughed. “I love it. I couldn't ask for more. I really couldn't.”
“And I couldn't ask for a better Melinda.” Blood rushed to her face as she tried to hide her face but Leo stopped her by placing both his hands on her face and pulled it to his. He pressed his lips to her and she smiled as she kissed back. Their second kiss. They both pulled away and Leo just held her.