Making Noise To The Beat Of Fasion

Holding Hands In The Powerful Stare.

The new guy pushed past Claire without waiting for an answer.
“Hey Frankie!” Gerard called from the kitchen, obviously hearing his friends voice.

“Hey Gerard! Who’s the chick?” Frank asked as Gerard emerged from the kitchen.

“…My new room mate,” Gerard said.

“Oh, for a minute then, I thought you pulled, but then I remembered it was you,” Frank smiled at his friend.

“What you trying to say?”

Frank just grinned and handed Gerard the case of beer. “Party tonight?”

“We had one last night… but why not?”

Claire watched as the conversation went on like this, the two insulting each other in a ‘friendly’ kind of way as it progressed. She thought about going to her room before remembering that there was already someone in there. She was really starting to think that she was going to hate living here. Especially if parties were going to happen every night and random people were going crash in her bed without her consent. But, she may as well learn to put up with it. Maybe it wont be as bad as she thought, maybe today was just a bit of a bad day to come.

“Claire, you up for a party?” Gerard asked, smirking a little.

“Oh… I don’t know”

“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Frank chimed in, taking a seat next to her.

“As long as I get my own bed tonight” she said.

Gerard chuckled and Frank, seeing the chance said “Or you could just sleep in mine”

“What is it with people saying that to me today?” Claire said.

“Oh, come on, I’m only joking…” Frank said

Claire sighed. “I don’t mind if you guys do. But don’t be offended if I disappear into my room. I’m not exactly a party animal”

“I’ll go invite the others” Frank announced, getting up and heading towards the door.

He left Gerard and Claire in silence. She felt uncomfortable starting a conversation, so she waited for him, but it seemed that maybe he felt the same way.

“Uh… can I take a shower?” Claire asked.

“Sure it’s your house too now”

She thanked Gerard and found her way to the bathroom. She opened the door to find someone already in there.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she quickly muttered, closing the door.

“Tis k, I’m coming out now” the guy said. She recognised him as the one that had been in her bed “who the hell are you?”