Status: New M. Shadows Story!!!

When I Look At You

/Chapter 12\

Mia's POV

I couldn't stop my hands from fidgeting.

I wrung my fingers through each other and stiffened when we pulled up to Johnny's.

I heard Matt chuckle and I turned to look at him.

He leaned forward and cupped my cheek, pulling me toward him until our lips met.

"Don't be nervous, Mia." He told me softly.

I huffed.

"Easy for you to say." I grumbled.

He grinned widely and kissed me again.

"You take down 200 pound guys that skip on bail but you're scared about meeting some of my friends?" He asked me.

"Yeah. That's exactly right. They mean a lot to you. What if they don't like me?" I asked, looking down at my hands.

He made me look back up at him.

"You dont have to worry about that. They're gonna love you." He said.

I took in a deep breath and straightened my shoulders.

"Okay. Let's go." I told him.

He chuckled and got out quickly, running around to open my door for me.

It always makes me smile when he does sweet stuff like that for me.

He helped me out of the car and wrapped his arm securely around my waist.

We walked into Johnny's and I heard laughing coming from the pool tables.

There was a big group of guys and women laughing and having a good time.

"That's them." Matt said.

"Shads! Get your ass over here!" A guy with dark hair and a fedora yelled.

I took in a deep breath and we walked over to the pool tables.

The guy with the fedora grinned widely and gave Matt a guy hug and then stood back, smiling.

"You must be Mia. Matt's been telling me about you. But Mr. Selfish wanted to keep you all to himself. I'm Brian. It's great to meet you." He said with a grin.

I couldn't help but smile back.

This guy is definitely a unique character.

And Matt cares about him a lot.

"It's nice to meet you, Brian." I said, shaking his outstretched hand.

** An Hour Later **

I couldn't stop myself from laughing as I watched Jimmy chase Johnny around the table.

These guys are comical.

They've made me feel welcome since the second I got here.

I saw Brian's girlfriend Michelle walk up and I smiled at her.

Brian and Matt were playing against each other now so we're both just watching.

"Overwhelmed yet?" She asked with a chuckle.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"I've been overwhelmed since the second he came into my life." I told her honestly, my eyes on Matt again.

She followed my gaze and then her eyes were on Brian.

"I definitely know how you feel." She laughed.

We stood in silence for a minute before she turned to face me again.

"He really cares about, you know." She said.

I looked at her with curiosity.

"What makes you say that?" I asked her.

"The way he looks at you. The way he talked to Brian about you. You can just see it on his face. And on yours. So I'm only telling you this so you're not blind sided." Michelle said.

And then I was really confused.

"I'm sure Matt hasn't told you yet, but, his ex is my twin sister." Michelle said.

My eyes widened.

"Okay. I appreciate you telling me, but we all have exes. It doesn't matter unless he acts on it." I told her.

"You're nit understanding me. They were engaged. They were going to get married. But Matt caught her going around behind his back. He called it off. Now don't get me wrong, I love my sister more than anything. But she fucked up. And she still wants Matt. I just want you to know what you're getting yourself into." She said.

I stayed quiet for a minute, just mulling over what she told me.

"I appreciate it. I really do. I can tell you care about Brian. And I know you love your sister and you're in a tough spot. But I care about Matt. I really do. And I deal with criminals every day of the week. So I csn handle your sister." I told her.

She was quiet for a moment and then she smiled widely.

"You're gonna fit in just fine. You're alright Mia." She grinned.

I couldn't help but laugh.

And even though she wasn't trying to be malicious in telling me all that stuff.

It still bugged me.

Because if weverything she said is true, then Matt must still have contact with this chick.

And that didn't sit well with me at all.

And something else that didn't sit well with me, is the fact that I didn't hear this from Matt first.

He knew I was coming to meet his friends.

He also knew Michelle would be here and the subject of Val would eventually come up.

I looked over at Matt and he winked at me.

I forced a smile on my face and continued to think.

Not sure what I'm supposed to do with this now.

I heard the guys yelling about getting more drinks and then Matt was coming towards me.

I'll get to the bottom of this.

And then I'll decide whether to freak out or kick ass.


Why can't I just have a normal relationship?
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