Status: New M. Shadows Story!!!

When I Look At You

/Chapter 15\

Mia's POV

It's been a few weeks since me and Matt decided to stick together after talking about the Val thing.

He's opened up a lot more about the things that went wrong in there relationship.

And damn, this bitch sounds crazy.

I felt so bad for Matt.

He's gone through a lot because of Val.

And she's hurt him so much.

Well, not anymore.

He's mine.

And it's my job to protect him from shit like this.

I felt my mouth turn up into a smile when I rolled on my side, and Matt pulled me closer to him in his sleep.

I kissed his arm and rubbed my fingers across his tattoos.

Man, how anyone could have a man like Matt and still think they're missing something is beyond me.

I had the idea to cook Matt a nice breakfast and serve it to him in bed.

I grinned.

He'd definitely love that.

I lifted his arm gently and rolled from under it, slipping a pillow under it instead.

I tried not to giggle as Matt snuggled against the pillow.

Man he's so adorable.

I slipped on his cut off shirt and boxers and made my way downstairs.

I started rummaging through the fridge and found the ingredients I was looking for.

I was about to start on the eggs when a loud knock interrupted me.

"What the hell. Could you knock any louder? I'm trying to be sneaky here?" I said to myself as I walked over to the door before the noise woke Matt up.

Bella ran over to the door and started to whine.


That's weird.

Usually she's barking like crazy.

I walked over to the door and scratched behind Bella's ear.

"Who's at the door silly girl?" I asked her.

She gave me a doggy smile and I grinned as I unlocked the door.

A pretty blonde was standing there with a basket in her hands and a huge smile until she saw me.

"Uh, hi. Can I help you?" I asked her, not sure who she was or why she was here so early.

Her smile slipped right off her face and she practically snarled at me.

"Yes as a matter of fact, you can. What the hell are you doing in my boyfriends house?" She asked.

I felt the confused look settle on my face.

Her boyfriend?

And then realization hit.

This is Val.

I crossed my arms over my chest and blocked her entrance into the house.

"Actually, this is my boyfriends house. Who are you again?" I asked her, even though I knew exactly who this bitch was.

Her eyes narrowed and she took a step towards me.

"Your boyfriend? Is that so?" She chuckled.

"Yeah, that is so. Now that you know, you can turn and go right where you came from." I said, turning to go in the house.

"I don't know what Matt told you, but we've been together for a very long time. We've got history. He's been playing you." Val snarled.

"No, what you both have is ancient history. Matt told me exactly what kind of relationship you guys had. So did Leana, Jimmy, Johnny, Brian and Zacky. You guys are done. I'm his girlfriend. And I wouldn't ever dream of causing him as much pain as you have." I told her angrily.

Her hands went to her hips and she had the audacity to look offended.

"Matt and I had an understanding of what happens when he goes on the road. He was okay with it." She said.

"Holy shit you are crazier than I thought. You broke his heart you fucking psycho! The most amazing man proposed and promised his love and devotion to you, and you took that as a sign to go and screw anything with a dick while he was out supporting your ass!" I seethed.

She took a step back.

"That is not how it was." She said firmly.

"That is exactly how it was. Not only did you break his heart, but you sabotaged all of his other attempts at happiness. You are a selfish and psychotic bitch and you need to stay away from Matt. You may have been able to scare off those other women but I'm made of sterner stuff. And unlike you, I know what I have in a man like Matt. And I'm not letting him go. If I were you, I'd make this the last trip you ever take to his house. Things might not end so civilly next time." I told her, an underlying promise in my words.

"You don't scare me. Matt is mine. We belong together." Val said.

"Wrong again. Matt is mine. You blew your chance with him. You don't get anymore. Not while I'm around. So you need to back off." I told her, taking a step towards her.

She stumbled backwards and off the step.

She scrambled to get her footing and finally righted herself.

She opened her mouth to say something else, but I was already inside and closing the door.

What she has to say isn't important or relevant.

She's a part of Matt's past.

And that's how it's going to stay.

As soon as I locked the door, I turned and saw Matt on the stairs, rubbing his eyes.

"Who was that?" He asked groggily.

I couldn't help but grin at how cute he is.

"Lady got confused. Don't worry, I sent her in the right direction." I told him with a smile.

He nodded and held his arm out to me.

"Come back to bed, what are you even doing up?" He asked.

I smiled and went towards him, twining my fingers with his.

The warmth of his hand spread through my hand and I sighed.

Oh boy.

I felt bad for lying to Matt about Val.

But he's had enough of this bitch.

He shouldn't have to deal with it anymore.

Maybe it's true what everyone says.

Ignorance is bliss.

I just hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.