Status: New M. Shadows Story!!!

When I Look At You

/Chapter 2\

"I can't believe I let you talk me into going out tonight." I grumbled as I downed my shot of Vodka.

"Oh come on. How was I supposed to know your boss was a stalker and would follow us to the club?" Jasmine asked.

I looked across the dance floor and saw Jack looking extremely cozy with some bimbo.

I have no idea why the hell I slept with him in the first place.

He's my boss for goodness sakes.

I tried not to stare at him but it wasn't working out too well.

"Will you stop starting at him?" Jazz complained, punching me in the arm.

"Oww you asshole!" I whined, punching her back.

She rubbed her sore arm and we started a slapping war.

"It's alright ladies. No need to fight. There's plenty of me to go around." A guy said, walking up and putting one arm around my shoulder and the other one around Jazz.

I looked up at him and started to laugh.

"Do we know you?" I asked, looking at him strangely.

"We're about to get to know each other." He said, leaning in closer.

I put my hand out to stop his mouth from coming any closer to mine.

"I think not." Jazz said, moving from under his arm at the same time I did.

"Come on babies. Don't fight it." He said.

We both laughed and made our way onto the dance floor.

"What a fucking creep." Jazz laughed.

"For real though." I said back.

About a half an hour had passed and me and Jazz were still having a good time.

"Are you thirsty?" I asked her.

She nodded and I went towards the bar.

I stood there for a while, trying to get the bartenders attention.

"You look extremely sexy out there." A whisper blew across my ear.

I turned my head to look at Jack.

"You think so?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Hell yes. You and that sexy friend of yours really know how to put on a show." Jack said.

"Too bad we weren't putting on a show for anyone." I said.

"Come on baby. You know you did that for me." Jack said, leaning closer.

I smiled and looked up at him.

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart." I told him.

"Don't tell me your still mad about last week." He,said.

"You mean when you screwed me and then left me without a word, going to screw another woman? I'm not mad. Not even a bit. Lesson learned." I said, turning back to the bartender.

"Can I get two shots of JD and two of Vodka?" I asked.

"Of course sweetie." He nodded, getting ready with my drinks.

"You know I hate it when you're mad at me." Jack murmured.

"Lucky for you, I'm not mad. Don't worry about it." I said, sliding the money across the counter.

I grabbed my shots and started to walk away.

"Mia, come on." Jack said.

"What the hell do you want Jack. I've told you I'm not mad, so don't worry about it. The only thing between us is our job. You're my boss. That's it." I said.

Jack let go of my arm.

I walked back over to Jazz, handing her two shots.

"What took you so long?" She asked, taking a shot.

"No reason. Bartender was busy." I said.

She nodded, taking the other shot.

I followed her lead, downing both of my shots back to back.

I started to feel really good after that.

I grabbed Jasmine's hand and we danced, laughing and having a good time.

I swayed my hips, getting lost in the music.

I felt my body crash into someone and I turned around quickly.

"Im so sorry." I said immediately.

I looked up quickly, my eyes meeting up with warm hazel eyes.

I was stunned for a second.

The man I was looking up at had the most gorgeous, hazel brown eyes I've ever seen.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even see you there." He said softly, his voice smooth and deep, close to my ear.

I looked up, only to see that I had to crane my neck to look at him properly.

He had a handsome face, dark eyes, and an amazing smile that spread across his face when he saw me staring at him.

I noticed the most adorable dimples I've ever witnessed peaking at me.

Oh boy.

"You alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I said.

"Good. I'm Matthew, well Matt." He said nervously, sticking his hand out.

I smiled and shook it, trying to figure out why the hell he looked so familiar.

"Hey Matt. I'm Mia." I said with a grin.

A huge smile spread across his face as he looked down and saw that we were still shaking hands.

But he didn't let go, and I didn't pull away either.

Maybe this is gonna be a good night.
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