Status: New M. Shadows Story!!!

When I Look At You

/Chapter 3\

We stumbled through my front door, our lips attached and our hands on each other.

I couldn't explain the feelings that were surging through my body as his hands caressed my hips gently, but with urgency.

"Mia." He murmured, his lips coming back to mine.

I smiled, loving the sound of my name coming out of his mouth and the feel of his lip ring pressing against mine.

I couldn't explain why this was happening.

I never bring random guys from the club home with me.

But there's something different about this guy.

And I want to find out what it is.

Matt's lips left mine to my dismay, traveling down my neck and sucking lightly.

I felt my back hit a wall and I threw my head back, a moan escaping my lips.

I moved over slightly and my head hit a shelf hanging against the wall.

"Oww." I whined, rubbing my head as I started to laugh.

Matt was instantly soothing my head.

"Are you okay? Did you hit your head hard?" He asked, his voice full of sincerity.

I looked up at him and his eyes were trained on me.

They seemed to be on fire.


And it was all aimed at me.

I felt my cheeks start to redden and Matt smiled.

His finger slid across my cheek, the skin heating under his touch.

"That's cute." He murmured.

"What is?" I asked him, hoping he couldn't feel it.

"The blush. Woman don't blush anymore. They're overly confident. And most of the time for no good reason. But not you." He said.

I smiled, not knowing if I should take that as a compliment or not.

"That was a compliment if you couldn't tell. Just shows me you're not conceited." He said.

I smiled and nodded, not really knowing what to say.

He started talking again and I couldn't help but look down at his lips that I so desperately wanted to feel pressed against mine.

Matt must have noticed because he chuckled slightly and bent down to press a kiss to my lips.

Much too soon, he pulled away.

I tried not to pout but it showed on my face.

"How's your head?" He asked me.

"It's a little sore." I said honestly.

Matt cupped my cheeks and bent my head a little farther down.

He pressed his lips to my head where I banged it.

I smiled at how sweet he was being.

"How is that?" He asked me.

"Feels a lot better." I said.

He smiled and bent my head down, placing another kiss on my head.

"Any better?" He asked again.

"Mhmm. It's getting better." I said with a smile.

Matt leaned down and his lips pressed against mine, and I completely melted.

"That feels so good." I moaned, when his lips trailed down my lips and across my cheeks.

His lips were warm and soft and my skin heated under his touch.

"Please." I said softly.

"Please what?" He asked, pulling away from me.

I grabbed his head, probably a lot rougher than was necessary, in my attempt to get his lips back on my skin.

"Don't stop." I murmured, pulling his lips against mine.

Matt's arms wound around my waist and he held me closer.

His hands ran up my side, massaging my back and then coming up to cup my face.

"I don't usually do this." He murmured, laying his forehead against mine.

"Yeah. Me either." I told him.

He smiled and his lips came back down on mine.

When his lips were against mine, I felt like someone had just shot me up with adrenaline.

My heart is pounding, my skin is flushed.

And I never want it to stop.

We made our way to my bedroom, me kicking the door closed on my way in.

We fell back on my bed, Matt on top of me and holding himself up so he wouldn't hurt me.

I ran my fingers over his scalp, admiring how soft it felt even though it wasn't that long.

Then I ran my fingers down his smooth cheek, his pronounced chin and his mouth that performed miracles on me.

"Wow." I whispered.

He smiled again and I felt my heart start to beat even faster.

"My sentiments exactly." He murmured, before bending his head down and capturing my lips once again.

And that's exactly what it was.