Status: New M. Shadows Story!!!

When I Look At You

/Chapter 8\

Matt's POV

"You took down a man four times your size, all alone?" I asked in complete shock.

Mia nodded and I could tell she was embarrassed.

"Well, he got me before I got him down." She clarified.

My eyes widened.

I looked over Mia.

She's a tiny woman.

Only about five feet, five inches.

Maybe a hundred and ten pounds at the most.

And she took down a six foot four man who was three hundred pounds.

It completely blew my mind.

Even when she demonstrated just how strong she is by taking me down, it's still crazy.

She's quite a woman.

I tried not to stare at her as she looked down at her hands like she was shy.

For some reason she didn't strike me as a shy person.

She's a bounty hunter for gods sake.

But to know that I had caused her to feel shy, actually filled me with joy.

Ever since I met her a few days ago, she's been the only thing on my mind.

The only thing I could think about.

We only spent one night together, but that was hands down, the best night of my life sappy as it sounds.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked softly.

Now it was my turn to be shy.

"Well, I just, haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we last saw each other." I admitted.

I've never been this way around women.

Not ever.

I've always been super confident.

Something about Mia just makes me nervous.

I can never tell what she's thinking.

I saw her cheeks redden and knew I had said the wrong thing.

"I didn't mean to make you feel weird. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." I answered quickly.

"No, no, no. I'm actually glad you told me." Mia said.

I was confused to say the least.

"Uh, why?" I asked.

"Cause I feel the exact same way." She murmured before leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine.

I didn't realize how much I'd been craving the feeling of her lips pressed against mine.

But it's like heaven.

And I never want it to end.

I couldn't keep myself from touching her.

From pulling her closer to me.

My arm wrapped around her waist and my free hand came up to cup her face and keep her close.

I made sure I was careful not to touch her swollen eye.

I'm positive it hurts like a mother fucker.

I've had black eyes.

I know what it's like.

When we pulled away, I could see a big smile on Mia's face and it made me happy that I'd been the one to put it there.

"Why don't you sit down at the kitchen table while I serve breakfast and get you an ice pack." I suggested.

Mia smiled in appreciation and I grabbed her hand and led her into the kitchen.

She looked around and her eyes were wide.

"Wow, this is really nice." She said.

I smiled.

"Thanks. This has always been my dream home. Big, lots of space, not too far from the beach, have my own studio. It's perfect." I told her.

She smiled.

"That's awesome. A studio? Do you work from home?" She asked.

"Sometimes. Mostly if I'm just fucking around or working on lyrics I go in there. Helps me focus a little better." I told her.

A moment passed of just silence and I went and grabbed the plates of food and an ice pack from the freezer.

I handed it to her and she smiled, putting it gently against her eye.

"What is it that you like to do? You know, besides take down felons." I said.

She laughed, and the deep, natural sound made me smile.

"Paint. I absolutely love to paint." She said.

The passion in her voice told as much.

"I've always tried to draw, never really worked out. I imagine painting is even harder." I said.

"Well I can't carry a tune to save my life, so we're even." She said.

I chuckled and looked at Mia.

"What?" She asked.

"You're just so beautiful." I told her.

She huffed.

"Yeah I bet. Crazy hair, barely any make-up and a black eye. I bet I look like a beauty queen." She said, sounding irritated.

I reached across the table and grabbed her hand.

"You're beautiful because of all of those things. You don't even have to try and look beautiful. You can roll out of bed, and look like the most gorgeous, amazing woman in the world. It's just natural for you." I told her honestly.

She seemed to look at me for the longest time.

And before I knew it, she was sitting in my lap, her arms wrapped around my neck.

I hugged her close and smiled, loving the way she smelt and felt against me.

"You are so sweet." She said.

I grinned.

"Would you like to go out with me some time?" She asked.

I was completely taken by surprise.

Mia must've taken my silence as a no because she stood up and distanced herself from me.

"Sorry, that was a stupid idea." She said quickly.

I followed her quickly, grabbing her hand so she couldn't move away from me.

"I'd love to go out with you. You just caught me by surprise. I'm not used to being asked out. I'm usually the one doing that." I laughed.

Mia laughed too and I hugged her tightly.

"How does Wednesday sound for you?" I suggested.

"Sounds great." She grinned.

Her eyes traveled back to the table full of food.

"Let's dig in." I said.

And that's exactly what we did.

We ate, we talked, we laughed.

I can honestly say Mia is the coolest chick I've ever met.

I really like her.

And I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
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