Status: Complete<3


All The Nightmares You'll See Tomorrow

Terrance's POV

The next day slowly rolled in as the guys and Spencer all sat around the coffee table in the center of the apartment. I'm not sure if Spencer was into the whole revenge thing, but I know for sure the rest of our friends were and I wasn't too happy about it. I honestly want to stay away from violence as much as possible mostly for Light and Alec's sake. I mostly want to focus on teaching Alec the last subject he hasn't learned yet and move on to Art related things. I'm pretty sure he has no idea what the names of colors are and such, and that's my top priority right now. I run my hand through my hair roughly and sigh out angrily as everyone, but Alec, Light and I continued talking.

I look over at Light and whispered to him, “Hey can I talk to you alone?” and he nodded as he got up from the floor and followed Alec and I into our room. I sat down on the floor with Alec on my lap and glared at the floor, “Seriously I thought being with my friends would make me happy, but it's not.”

Light sat down in front of me and sighed, “I don't like how they're so fixated on revenge. I mean what's the point?”

I shrugged, “I guess it's to bring some closure to them, but's the last thing I want to worry about. All I want to do is teach Alec things he doesn't understand and live my life with him and my friends if they change their minds.”

Light looked down at his hands and bit his lip, “I have to tell you something Terrance,” he said changing the subject slightly, “It's been bothering me for awhile and I couldn't tell Spencer about it either..” he trialed off.

I blinked twice and repositioned Alec on my lap, “Okay..go on then Light.”

“Well, yesterday while Alec and I went on our walk we stopped by the local coffee shop for a break, and well when I was about to grab the first cup of coffee I had ordered this really, tall, built teenager ran into me. The coffee dropped on my hand and when I turned to face the person who had just ran into me I froze. He had this dark aura around him and it scared me. I've never experienced that feeling before in this town and I've been here since I was born. It was foreign to me.” he explained and I pulled my eyebrows together.

“Describe the person Light, I know you wouldn't just bring up any random person if it didn't bother you so much,” I told him and tighten my grip on Alec who was falling asleep against my chest.

“Well, he was about your height and built like the you and your friends. He had messy dark hair and really dark brown eyes, though strands of his hair were covering his eyes slightly. What got me was how clouded his eyes were...they were filled with anger, sadness, regret, loneliness, hopelessness and sorrow. Like it was such a mix that it reminded me of how you and Spencer were when I first met you guys only this boy's eyes seemed way darker.” Light whispered out the last part as if he was scared as he pulled his legs up to his chest.

I sat on the floor somewhat stunned at what Light told me and I began to feel a bit nervous. The description of the teenage boy was worry some to the point where I don't feel safe if Alec and Light go on those walks they take without Spencer or I with them. The boy seemed dangerous and the last thing I want was to run into him and have a conflict. I sighed and got up off the floor, gently scooping Alec's sleeping form in my arms and walking over to the bed.

“Light I want you to stay here and watch over Alec okay?” I instructed, “Tell him I went for a walk and I'll be back as soon as possible.”

Light got up of the floor quickly and bit his lip, “Where are you going Terrance?”

“Just for a walk, I'll be back later,” I told him as I left the room without another word.

I walked down the hallway passed all the guys who were still bickering about their pointless plan and exited the apartment without being noticed. I rolled up my long sleeves and tapped the toe part of my shoes on the ground before walking down the steps and onto the sidewalk. I suddenly felt the familiar urge to protect my own against whatever maybe out there now, now that Light told me he bumped into an unfamiliar, unfriendly figure.


It's been about three hours since I left the apartment for that 'walk' I said I was taking and I still haven't seen any sign of that guy Light told me about. I wanted so badly to see his face so I can rest my racing mind for at least a day before I went to bed tonight. I looked down at my watch and it read 7:26 at night and I was walking under street lamps as I walked the almost empty sidewalk. Some people were still out minding their own business and spending their Summer outside as much as possible. I sigh out in frustration as I walked into the park for a break of walking, I was beginning to feel annoyed since I couldn't find that guy Light talked about. The only reason I was dead set on finding him was because I think it might be Lance... The description just fit his nature perfectly and that seriously worried me. As I ran a hand through my hair slowly, I noticed a figure standing off in the distance of the park. I quickly ran behind a tree and peaked around it as I stared at the body that was about a few feet away from me.

It was defiantly a male that was standing there alone and I felt myself shake with nervousness. I gripped the tree trunk tightly as the male figure turned around slowly. I couldn't make out his face since it was getting dark and the moon wasn't out, but I kept trying to strain my eyes to see. I waited behind the tree for a couple of minutes when the male figure finally decides it's time to leave the park. He starts walking slowly towards the exit and my nervousness turned into excitement. When the male figure passed me I still couldn't see his face, but I got a better view of the rest of him. Light's description pretty much fit the retreating figure that was before me, I had to hold myself back from following the figure since I so badly wanted to see his damn face. I sigh when the body was far away from me and slide down to the ground and sat there. My hands started shaking uncontrollably as I continued to think that the person I just saw could be Lance Williams, and if it his then shit will go down in this peaceful town.

If it is Lance then he was probably part of some ruthless gang and that gang could be here, hiding out somewhere in this town. Most likely waiting for Spencer, David, Ronnie, Craig, Alex or I to walk these streets alone and then jump us. I'm afraid not for myself, but for Light and Alec who are accidentally mixed in with this now. If that person is Lance a whole new gang war could break out and destroy this town like it did my home town, and then move onto the next town over. More people would die or get badly injured, teens will be forced into making gangs like Spencer and I had to do. Families will be broken and lost forever, friends will be missed. People would be running for their lives in attempts to escape the town that turned to hell. God! These thoughts were running through my mind when my town got turned to hell. We're like a fucking disease that spreads and infects everyone we get near.

I shake my head to rid myself of the awful past thoughts and get to my feet to run back to the apartment. I had to tell the guys whether Light wants it or not. If something isn't said then something will happen when our guard is down.


I burst open the door to the apartment and all conversation that was happening on the other side stops completely. I close the door behind me quickly and lock it in one swift movement before sliding down the door to catch my breath.

“Terrance?” I heard Spencer call out, “Dude what the fuck happened?”

I shook my head, “No, nothing happened...yet.”

“Yet?” Alex questioned, “The shit are you talking about bro?”

I looked over at Light and saw that he was shaking slightly. I sigh and got up from the floor and walked over to him and patted him on the head.

“Light that guy you told me about,” I started and paused for a bit, “Well, I think I saw him tonight and I think I might know who it is too..”

“That's the last thing I wanted to hear tonight Terrance..” Light whispered and turned to walk away.

“Terrance I would love to know what the hell you and Light were talking about?” I heard David raise his voice in frustration, “Not cool to keep friends in the dark about shit.”

I rolled my eyes, “Fine.” I said sternly, “Yesterday while Light and Alec were on their walk, at the coffee shop Light was bumped into by this guy. He described the guy with messy dark hair, built like us, my height, dark brown eyes clouded with angry, sadness, regret, loneliness, hopelessness and us but darker. And tonight when I went on my walk I think I saw that same guy and I think it's Lance Williams..” I told them in a hushed whisper and I felt the room grow cold. I looked around the room and everyone's face were filled with shock and excitement.

Craig coughed awkwardly to make the silence go away and spoke, “Well...well...well,” he smirked, “Looks like Lancey boy has showed up in this town.”

“Hey, if you don't like your ex friend anymore how about you don't use his nickname. Okay asshole?” I heard Alex snap before he turned his attention to me, “So what now? You think Lance is you think he has 'friends' with him?” he asked using air quotes as he said friends.

I shrugged, “Who knows...but for the love of God don't do anything stupid guys.” I warned them, “I don't want any fights breaking out if something happens. Alec and Light could get pulled into this and that is the last thing I want.”

“Terrance easy there,” Spencer said as he placed a hand on my shoulder, “Like I promised Light nothing will happen.”

“And how are you so damn sure Spence, huh?” Ronnie jumped in, “If Terrance said Lance might be here and if I remember correctly you said you would personally kick his ass if you saw him then how are you so fucking sure nothing will happen?”

“Hey!” Spencer shouted, “Last thing I remember from yesterday all of you guys wanted a piece of Lance Williams.”

“But like I said,” Alex nearly growled, “No one knows if Lance has done any-fucking-thing to any-fucking-one!”

“Jesus shit Alex!” David yelled, “Why are you so damn protective of Lance?! What is he to you?”

The room fell silent again and Alex and David were having a glaring contest. To be honest I don't even know why Alex was always saying otherwise about Lance, it's like he knew him before all of this shit happened. And well he probably did and hasn't been completely open or honest with us, and that thought didn't sit too well with me. Before I had a chance to ask Alex about what he knows about Lance, he stomps out of the apartment, slamming the door shut.

“God guys could you all act anymore like assholes?” I nearly shouted at them, “Alex isn't our childhood friend so we really don't know shit about him, so I suggest you guys find a way to apologize to him whenever he decides to come back.” I ordered them before walking down the hallway to my room.

I walked into my room and and felt a small pair of arms wrap themselves around me. I smiled down at Alec who returned my smile and reached up for me to pick him up.

“TerryBear what was with all that yelling?” he asked me as I sat him down on the bed.

I sighed, “Well, bad things are starting to happen...” I trailed off and looked away for a second, “But nothing will happen to you or Light.” I smiled at him before kissing the top of his head.

He giggled and leaned up against me, “So so TerryBear when are you gonna teach Alec– I mean me new things?” he corrected himself and looked up at me.

“Tomorrow hopefully,” I patted his head, “And I'm glad you're correcting yourself now Alec, makes me happy.”

“What are you gonna be teaching me tomorrow TerryBear?” he asked me around a yawn.

“Well, Alec you haven't learned math yet so we'll start there and then move on to arts and crafts. How does that sound?”

Alec poked my nose and giggled, “Sounds like a plan,” he whispered as he curled up to my side and fell asleep without a care in the world.

I wish I could sleep like that, like Alec without worrying about everything but I know I can't. It needs to stay this way for as long as I possible can, I don't want Alec to get scared or hurt. I lay awake for couple of minutes just thinking about what might happen if this feeling I have stays. Destruction is what comes to mind and we all might as well get prepared for a fight for our lives.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright things seem to be getting heated up in this story now. How are you all liking it?
Hope it's good and to your liking.

OH! I have a new slash story up called Home Is Where The Heart Is. I hope you guys can at least check it out for me.
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