Status: Complete<3


If You Want To Get Out Alive Run For Your Life

Alec's POV

A couple of days have slowly gone by as Terrance taught me the different types of math in our room in the apartment. Even though he and Light have been all smiles the past couple of days and keep telling me things are alright, I can just tell by looking in their eyes that something is defiantly wrong. Light acts jumpy around the guys that are here and Terrance seems to be distracted by his own thoughts most of the time, and I can't really learn much if my own teacher is distracted by something. All I want is to know what's going on and why Light and I can't even go on our walks anymore. Even if I don't understand everything yet, I still don't like being left in the dark about everything since I once was. As I kept thinking about the things that are slowly happening around me I sighed out and dropped my pencil on the table in front of me. Terrance wasn't even paying attention to me so of course he didn't notice me get up from my seat and jump on his back. He stepped forward as he regained his balance.

“ done already with the questions I gave you?” he asked and I shook my head.

“I can't focus on them honestly,” I told him and slid off his back and waited for him to turn around to face me, “I know something is going on around here and I can't focus on simple math questions. Why can't you guys tell me what's going on?”

Terrance sighed and looked down at the ground, “I can't tell you Alec, please try to understand that.”

I shook my head in disbelief, “Why can't I know? It doesn't make any sense.”

“Please don't make this difficult,” he pleaded with me, “Things aren't the way they were before and will I'm tying to fix it. So give me some time okay?”

“No!” I nearly shouted, “Terrance just tell me please...I just want to know why things aren't the way they were before, why are things changing? Why does everyone seem so distant..”

“I'm never said my actual name before Alec..” he trailed off trying to change the subject and I just rolled my eyes.

“I may not know what two plus two is, or what color shirt you are wearing..but I do know when someone is hiding something that they should tell or else things will just get worse. I can read people easily just like Light and I can now tell you do not trust me enough to tell me what is bothering you.” I lowered my voice at him and his face dropped. I guess he was shocked that I said what I said and to be honest, I was shocked too.

I huffed out in annoyance and walked out of our room, ignoring him calling my name. Why is it so bad that I just want to know what is going on around me? You don't keep people in the dark if the person acts like their life could be in danger. Tears were pricking my eyes as I ran out of the apartment in a desperate need to get away. I heard Light call after me, but I also ignored him since he wasn't telling me anything either. No one was telling me anything and it was really pissing me off! I needed to run to ease myself or else I will exploded with frustration.

I ran until my lungs gave out and stopped in an unknown part of town. I looked around and it still had the peaceful atmosphere the rest of the town had, but this part is empty. I didn't see a soul walk on the sidewalk I was on and I started to get frightened. I started to back up slowly and that's when I ran into a body that I didn't know was standing behind me. I squeaked and turned around quickly to stare into a pair of dark brown eyes, and even though his eyes were clouded with something dark he didn't scare me. I looked up at him and smiled nervously at him and he took a step back.

“What are you doing around here?” he asked in a dark mysterious voice, I nearly shivered at his tone, “I've never seen you around these parts before..”

I shrugged, “I got in an argument with someone I care about and ran out of our apartment in a blind frustration...I just accidentally got here.” I kicked the sidewalk absentmindedly and sighed, thinking back to Terrance and what I said to him. I felt bad for blowing up at him but still I can't help but feel hurt that he is hiding something from me.

“Sounds like relationship problems,” the teenage boy laughed slightly as his dark black hair bounced as his head, “Guess the best thing to do is give the person space right? Then go back to that person.”

“Oh, okays sounds like a plan to me,” I giggled softly and sat down on the sidewalk, “But how long do I have to wait for him to cool down?”

The boy scratched the back of his head and shrugged, “Sorry, I'm no relationship expert so I don't really know how long. But eventually if you don't go back on your own he'll come looking for you.”

“Okay mister,” I smiled up at him, “Hey, what is your name? Mines Alec.”

He was about to answer me, but was interrupted when we both heard a mix of voices coming from one direction of the sidewalk. I got up and hide behind the boy, afraid of what was about to happen next. Out from under a tree that was hanging over a fence over the sidewalk came five other teenage boys, but they were different compared to the one I was hiding behind. They in fact scared me to the point to where I was shivering.

“Well, what do you have here Williams?” one boy asked with a dark smile placed upon his lips, “Seems to me like you have a hostage already.”

“Not exactly Richard, this boy was just about to go back home,” the boy who was called Williams said, “Just leave him alone.”

I looked between the three guys and the boy I was hiding behind, they all had this rough appearance to them. Some of them have scares on their faces and arms, but what scared me the most was the look in their eyes that they gave me. It was bloodthirsty and unfriendly...almost evil. I started to step back slowly to give myself some distance from them, before I finally turned around and started running back the direction I came in.

“Hey!” I heard one shout, “Stop that boy!”

“Keep running Alec!” I heard the one boy I was not afraid of shout to me, and I kept up my pace as I attempted to run back to Terrance.

I was only running for what felt like thirty minutes when I felt something hard hit the back of my head. I fell down on the sidewalk and skimmed my face on it before blacking out completely.


My vision was blurred and the back of my head pounded in pain, as I tried to sit up from what I was laying on. I groaned and grabbed the back of my head as I took in my new surroundings. The walls were a bare and tan and it seemed like I was in someone's bedroom. The bed was actually a mattress on the floor with springs popping out randomly and next to me was a nightstand with an old lamp on it. I rubbed my head again and tried to get off the mattress, but my knees quickly gave in and I fell to the ground.

“Where in the world am I?” I asked to partially no one.

The door to the room creaked open and in came the boy those other guys called William. That name seemed so familiar, but I do not remember where I heard it from. I shrugged off the feeling and extended my arms towards him. He nervously looked at me before picking me up and setting me down on his lap as he sat down.

“I'm sorry Alec..I didn't mean for you to get caught up like this,” he apologized.

“It is okay, I am fine...but uhh can I please know your name now.” I poked his chest and smiled as I waited.

He sighed, “My name is Lance..”

“Lance..” I repeated in the same hushed tone he used, “You mean Lance Williams the boy that all the other guys are talking about back at the apartment?”

Lance blinked at me a couple of times before saying, “What other guys are you talking about Alec?”

“You know...Alex, Craig, Ronnie, David, Terrance the boy I got in a fight with and Spencer!” I exclaimed.

“Oh..shit..” Lance whispered, “This isn't good!”

“Why?” I asked, “Why is this not good?”

“Those guys out there are bad people, and the guys you listed are what they're after!” he shouted and got up quickly, knocking me out of his lap, “Oh shit!” he shouted again while running a hand through his hair.

“I...I am so confused,” I choked out as I rubbed the side I fell on, “Can you explain to me what is going on here?”

He sighed and frowned, “To make this a short conversation because I have to get you out of here before those guys come back, well those guys want to hurt all your friends in the most unforgivable way. Me on the other hand I want this all to stop. I don't want anymore senseless killing and violence, but those guys I'm stuck thrive off that shit.”

I felt my heart drop and my blood run cold, “Th-They can't hurt Terrybear or any of my friends!”

“Then you must go and warn them, now!” he shouted at me and pushed me out of the bedroom I was in, “I can guide you out of this part of the neighborhood, but I can't go any further than that. Your friends and I aren't on good terms.”

I gulped and followed Lance out of the house and quickly down the street. I didn't dare speak a words as Lance guided me out of the neighborhood and onto a familiar street so I could run home.

“Alec, I want you to run as fast as you can back home and tell your friends everything that has happened to you, okay?” he instructed, “Now go!” he ordered and I turned around and ran as fast as I could back to the apartment. Papa and mamma were right reality is cruel and unforgivable.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, now the story is going somewhere. Alec ran into the infamous Lance Williams, but Lance doesn't seem like the bad guy everyone says he is. Wonder what will happen when his group meets the other guys.

Thanks to all the readers.