Status: Complete<3


I Will Take This Burden On And Become The Holy One

Spencer's POV

I've never felt so angered in my life! Though I'm pretty sure Terrance is even more pissed off than I am since they had the nerve to injure Alec in any way. Just a few hours ago Alec came bursting through the door to the apartment, spouting out incoherent things as he tried to gain his breath back and talk at the same time. But when he finally told everyone what happened to him I swear I felt the room run cold and a chill went down the spine on my back. I felt like I had lost my fucking mind when I heard Alec speak that name. Lance Williams. Of all people his name had to be the name that went passed Alec's lips. In this beautiful, peaceful town Lance and his damn gang are here! I cannot wait to get my hands on him when I find his stupid ass.

As the conversation about Lance and his gang being here continued on, I paced back and forth in a blind rage in the living room. My breathing was labored unevenly, my palms were sweaty, my heart raced, my head pounded in pain. The feeling I was experiencing felt surreal and I needed to let it out somehow. I shouted out profanity as I punched a hole in the wall of the apartment, ceasing the conversation in the room.

“Spencer!” I heard Light call out, “Can you please calm down? There is no need for you to be flipping a shit and destroying my home!”

I nearly laughed as I turned around to face everyone, “Why should I Light?” I seethed, “Those bastards that took away everyone's family here are within my grasp...if I can just go out and find them I can end this stupid charade once and for all!”

“You should because blind rage does absolutely nothing to solve any problems!” Light reasoned with me, “I know you and the rest of your friends have suffered because of the gang Alec just told us about, but you can't go in blindly searching for them. That's like taking a knife to a gunfight, you'll just lose.” Light sighed as he watched me relax a little bit, “Plus how are you so sure Lance was the cause of all the deaths that happened to you? According to Alec he was the reason why he got away from that awful place in the first place. He can't seriously be that bad.”

“What are you talking about?” I snapped, “It's not like you were there when shit went down between Terrance, Alex, Craig, Ronnie, David and I. What else are we supposed to think?”

Light glared at me and frowned, “Okay fine, be a hard headed jackass..I'll just go for a walk to prove a point then.”

“Light you know that's not smart...seeing as what happened to Alec,” Terrance sighed and Light just glared at him.

“I don't care,” Light snapped, “Maybe it'll teach my hard-headed boyfriend a fucking lesson!” he shouted before storming out of the apartment.

“Light!” I called after him as I followed him out the door, “Wait a minute!” I realized the error of my ways a little too late as always, “Can we just talk about it?”

When Light reached the bottom of the steps he turned around sharply, “Talk about what Spencer?” he laughed, no emotion, “Obviously nothing since I wasn't there to witness any of the deaths that happened to you all!”

I rolled my eyes and continued to follow him as he just continued to walk away from me, “I didn't mean to say that Light.”
“Yeah, well whether you meant it or not, you said it loud and clear!” he called back to me without facing me.

I sighed out in annoyance and just followed silently behind him, I can't win when obviously he's right. I've always had a hard time trying to get my words right, but they just come out to bluntly. That's why my sister and I always fought. I laughed sadly to myself remembering all the times I fought with my sister over stupid little things. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Light stop in his tracks, and I just accidentally ran into him.

“Something wrong Light?” I asked him and just hushed me quickly, pulling me aside into the bushes.

“Did you not see those people in front of us?” he asked me in a whisper, “They are defiantly not from around here.”

I blinked twice and peeked out of the bush just so I could see the people he was talking about, and there they were. Spot O'Daniels, Ricky Miller, Jack Garcia and the infamous Lance Williams, all walking down the street. They all haven't really changed all that much, Spot still had is messy blonde hair that still has it's mixture of colors in it; still as tall as me but I'm still more build than he is. Ricky was still the same ginger that was always a bully to people, sometimes I wonder how he got friends. He's more blunt and hard-headed than I am and I'm pretty bad at admitting being wrong. Jack still has his dark hair greased back and his skin got tanner from the last time I saw him. But Lance on the other had even though he looks the same, but also looks more beat up and bruised than the other guys. Now I'm starting to wonder why..

“Yep they aren't because that's them,” I whispered back and balled my hands into fist, “And I'm about to take them all out!” I rushed and jumped out of the bush standing in their path.

“Well, well, well guys,” I heard Spot say, “It's Spencer White the infamous badass of our old school.” I rolled my eyes and glared at them as he continued on, “Where are your friends at Spence? It's not like you to be out on your own even if this town is all peaceful and shit.”

“It's kind of sicken if you ask me Spot,” Jack laughed, “We should fuck this place up!”

“That's not about to happen!” I shouted at them, “You guys make me sick, how could you destroy our home like that? Why did you all decided it was time for blood, sweat and tears? We were all happy and alive.”

Spot shrugged, “Life got boring for us so we decided to change it up, too bad people were lost in the process it was fun while it lasted. And now we have moved to this town and we're going to keep destroying places till our hearts content.”

“You're really fucked in the head, you know that Spot?” I sneered, “You're just a murderer just like your lackeys behind you!”

“Lackeys?” Ricky questioned, “Is that how you see us Spencer? Murderer lackeys?” he laughed, “So what! We have fun while doing what we do.”

“Killing?” I snapped, “You have fun fucking killing innocent people?!”

“Don't make me repeat myself Spencer,” Ricky rolled his eyes, “Your stupid ass heard me.”

I bit my lip hard as anger boiled in my blood. These people– no, monsters in front of me are sick, twisted beings! Just talking causally like this makes me fucking sick to my stomach. I just couldn't hold back anymore. I looked up at them and raised my fist in the air and let it collide with the closets face. I heard a bone crack and someone hit the ground hard.

“Ow!” I heard Spot cry out, “Spencer you'll fucking pay for that cheap shot!”

Spot got up quickly and punched me right in the jaw, which knocked me off balance and he took that chance to jab me right in the ribcage. I coughed hard and hunched over, but quickly regained my composure and threw two punches to his ribcage. Spot groaned and somehow got to his feet so he could kick me twice in my face. Blood poured out of my nose and it felt twisted and broken since the force of his kicks was great, but I didn't care about how much pain I was in. I just wanted to inflict pain on him. I stumbled to my feet and got him in a headlock, but before I could jab him in the back of the neck with my elbow, I felt a punch come in contact with the back of my head. I fell over in pain and held my head tightly.

“Don't fuck with us Spencer!” I heard Ricky shout as kicks were being thrown at my body.

I was being inflicted with punches and kicks to every inch of my body to the point where I couldn't move anymore. I almost forgot that Light was hiding in the bushes probably watching in terror as I got my ass beat by these guys. I couldn't tell if Lance was hitting me too, but at this point I could careless, I just wanted the sea of pain to end.

“Hey!” I heard a very welcoming voice shout, “Get the fuck away from my friend!”

I heard footsteps coming to my rescue and the beatings finally ceased. My friends have saved my stupid ass once again, I smiled at the irony in this situation as I felt a pair of hands pick my up from the ground. I was expecting Terrance or Ronnie being the one to help me up since they rarely fight unless it was needed, but it wasn't them. To my surprise it was Lance who was helping me back to my feet.

“You still haven't changed have you, Spencer,” he whispered to me. At this moment I couldn't tell if I was dreaming this or if it was actually happening. Too many blows were hit against my head so I couldn't really think straight let alone talk back, “Pull yourself together and get your stupid ass out of here!” he rushed his sentence and pushed me slightly away from him.

I limped to gain my balance and as I turned around all I saw was the back of his head and his retreating figure with my friends hooting and hollering in the background. That was defiantly weird and unexpected.


A couple of hours later when I finally regained feeling in my body, I laid on my bed just thinking about how Lance the one person I want to beat up the most, helped me to my feet before my friends could. I don't know what to think at this point, it now just got me all confused and even more frustrated than before.

"Ugh!" I groaned out and Light jumped to his feet since he was sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Are you still in pain Spencer?" he asked me and I shook my head.

"I'm fine," I sighed, "How are you though? I'm still really sorry you had to witness my ass being beat."

He shook his head and smiled at me weakly, "It's okay I'm fine. I'm just glad you're alive and learned your lesson about blindly searching for a fight. Like I said you brought a knife to that gunfight."

I rolled my eyes and laughed to only flinch and hold my chest tightly, "Fuck it hurts to laugh," Light giggled which made me want to laugh again.

"Sucks to be you then Spencey," He crawled over to me and lightly placed a kiss on my forehead before pulling away.

A moment later our bedroom door opened slowly and Terrance walked in. He quickly walked over to me and smacked the back of my head hard. I flinched and grabbed my head in pain.

"Owww," I whined, "What the heck was that for?"

"For being a stupid ass like always Spencer," he scolded me like he'd always do, "That's just like you to go head first in a fight against three other people. If David and I didn't come out on a search for you, you might've been-"

"Don't say it!" Light cut him off quickly, "We all know very well of what the outcome would've been if you guys didn't show up." Terrance sighed and glared at me as Light continued, "But it was weird...during that whole thing, Lance just stood there looking like someone kicked him in the stomach."

"Something is up with him, I mean he was the one that helped me to my feet after I got beat up so badly. That was the best chance to finish someone off and he didn't take it. It was weird as fuck."

"Maybe we're wrong about Lance then Spencer, maybe he was just pulled into the life we live now just like the rest of us." Terrance slowly said, "Maybe we should talk to Alex about Lance, he knew him longer than we did."

I grunted and glared at the ceiling, "I honestly don't want to."

Terrance groaned in annoyance, "Spencer grow up already! He obviously can't be that bad!"

I got off the bed and into my best friends face, "He's the only one who knew where we lived. For all we know Lance could've told his gang where our families were and that's why they're dead!" I shouted

"You do realize how dumb you're sounding right now?" he questioned me, "First you fight with Light about Lance and now me. Hell you might as well fight with everyone in the damn house about Lance, but at the end of the day we all except you think Lance had nothing to do with the deaths of out families. It's not like we saw the perpetrator run out our door, so shut up and listen for once Spencer." Terrance scolded me and i rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine what the shit ever, if you guys think Lance is such a good-fucking-guy the fine!" I shouted and jumped back on my bed, with my back facing Terrance.

I heard him sigh before he finally left my room. God, I don't get it! One day they were all set on kicking Lance's ass and now they want nothing to do with him. Ugh my friends are unpredictable.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally an update on this story
Sorry for the lateness :c been busy with my last year in highschool and everything, but updates on this story and the other two are going to be frequent now.

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