Status: Complete<3


How’d You End Up All Alone? Can You Hear Me Now?

Terrance’s POV

Its been about four hours since Alex and Light have been gone and I started to get real worried about them. Questions kept going through my mind and the one question that kept floating in my head was, Did the other gang get to them?. Just by standing across the room and I can feel Spencer’s rage radiating off of him. He was thinking exactly what I was thinking. The other gang has gotten to Alex and Light.

“I’m about to lose my fucking mind!” Spencer yelled.

“Spencer!” I shouted in a hushed tone, “One Alec is sleeping still and two we can’t just run wild out on the streets looking for them. We have no damn idea where they could possibly be anyway, we have no leads.”

Spencer grunted, “At this point I really don’t care, I just want Light back!”

“And we want our friend back too Spence,” Ronnie snapped, “But like Terrance said we can’t just go ape shit on the streets. That’s probably what they want anyway so they can just pick us off one by one. Just cause they’re a smaller group than us doesn’t mean shit if we make our group smaller.”

“Another thing to think about also is we don’t know how long they’ve been here in this town. They could’ve possibly been here longer than we think and who knows they could’ve made their group bigger. So we have to be careful from now on.” David added and sighed, “I hate feeling so vulnerable.”

Spencer punched the wall in frustration and sighed out loud, “Then what do you propose we do then guys?”

I tap my chin in deep thought, “Well, there are five of us here and someone has to stay here to watch Alec. I’m not risking him out there at this time of night.”

“I’m defiantly going out there and Terrance you’re coming with me.” Spencer demanded.

“Alright, then who’s staying with Alec?” I asked around, Ronnie raised his hand.

“I will, I don’t really want to be in a fight tonight,” he smiled and got up from the couch, “I’ll be in the room with him with my cell phone. Make sure to you guys turn off the lights when you leave.”

“And if people do come up here what will you do then Ronnie?” Craig asked and all Ronnie did was pull out a hand gun and waved it once.

I sighed at the fact he had a gun with him, I’m not happy with it. Ever since my friends have got here they all brought weapons. Light at the time shot me a horrifying look and Alec just looked terrified. I took a deep breath and followed the rest of the guys out of the apartment, turning off the lights as I closed the door tight.

“This is going to be a long night,” I grunted.


Spencer and I spent hours of blind searching for Alex and Light and still we got nowhere. I'd occasionally call Ronnie's phone to check up on him and Alec and Alec is still asleep. That puts my mind at ease briefly since it's been in panic mode for a long time. I sigh out in frustration as I round a corner with Spencer. 

"This is pissing me off, Terrence," Spencer growled, "Where the hell can they be?"

I rub the back of my head in deep thought, trying to think of another place where the gang might be, "Light said there's a place in this town that's completely abandoned and it's rundown. Maybe they could be there."

Spencer smirked at me and got out his cell phone. He quickly dialed in numbers and put the device up to his ear. I knew he was calling David and Craig for back up now that we have one more place to search and if I'm correct we're going to need their fighting help. Spencer pushed the off button on his phone and looked over at me with a smile on his face.

"Get ready for a fight Terrence," he patted my shoulder roughly and started down the street. I shook my head in disapproval, but followed him nonetheless.

It took us about forty minutes to arrive at the rundown section of this beautiful town, and we met up with David and Craig once we got closer.

"Now how are we going to be able to tell which house to go to?" Craig asked and as if on cue someone that we hadn't recognized walks out of a house four blocks down the street. Spencer, David, Craig and I all jump into the nearest bush and hide out for awhile.

"Just be still for a minute and wait to see if that guy walks this way," I told my friends.

"I'm going to fucking jump him if he does," Spencer beamed and I rolled my eyes.

We waited for what seemed like forever before that guy finally walked down the street towards us. Once he got close enough Spencer jumped out of the bush and grabbed him around the throat, and pulled him off the sidewalk. David, Craig and I all got up from the ground and glared at the guy Spencer was choking.

"Easy boy," David squeezed his shoulder, "We need him to tell us everything he knows." Spencer dropped the guy roughly on the ground and he began coughing violently, gasping for air.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" the teen boy asked. Spencer kicked him roughly in the stomach.

"None of your damn concern," he growled, "Now tell us everything you fucking know. Now!"

The teen boy laughed and got up off the ground, brushing himself off, "Now why would I do that, mmh?"

Spencer grabbed the guy by the shirt and lifted him off the ground, "You got five seconds to tell me where my boyfriend and friend are right the fuck now!"

"Ohh, so I'm guessing that blonde bitch is your boy? And that other guy, man he never stopped crying after he saw Lance." the boy laughed menacingly, "He was all 'Lance! I missed you and I can't believe what those guys did to you, I'm sorry none of our friends saw it sooner.' yeah we did a lot of shit to Lance."

Spencer shook the boy and grunted, "That doesn't make any sense! Why would you hurt your own?"

"Because he isn't their own, he is still one of us," I concluded. Spot and his friends most be more twisted than I thought, "I believe if we want answers we should just go to them ourselves, and the douche you're holding wouldn't mind, right?" I said darkly and he just shrugged.

"Your funeral."

Spencer dropped the boy on the ground again and ordered him to take us all to Spot, and he agreed. We all walked in silence as we approached the house. I immediately got chills running down my spine as my heart rate sped up.

"Hey, Spot guess who I found lingering in the bushes," the boy announced.

"Well, this is a surprise," Spot laughed, "What brings you all here?"

"Where the fuck is Alex and Light?!" Spencer yelled as he took a step towards Spot.

"Who?" Spot glared as he and a couple of people around him took a step towards Spencer.

"He didn't stutter now tell us," David glowered, "We know they're here."

“Well, there's no one here, but us,” Jack sneered, “So I think it's best that you guys just leave and this will be your warning.”

Craig laughed, “Our warning? Please we can take you guys out easily.”

I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves as I felt the room getting more and more tense. The air felt thick and it was beginning to get harder to breathe. I scanned the room and counted three people including Spot and Jack in the room, so it's apparent that we can take them out easily. But we don't know if there's more people hiding out in the other rooms or outside so we have to be extremely careful.

I leaned over and whispered to David, “If you guys do fight, be careful.”

He smirked at me, “Don't worry so much.”

Spencer lunged at Spot to knock him over before taking off in the back of the house for his search for Light and Alex. David and Craig stopped Jack and the other gang member from following him and I gabbed onto Spot's shirt.

“Now look what you've did,” I whispered darkly to Spot, “You've gone and pissed us all off.” I picked him up farther off the ground and tossed him aside. A loud thud indicated his body hitting the floor. I knew David and Craig can handle everyone else in the room so I quickly made my way to the back of the house, where I heard loud screaming and gunshots. As I burst into the room where I heard the noises from, I spot Alex and Light thankfully unharmed, but unfortunately Spencer is on the ground holding is right shoulder as blood poured from it.

"What the hell happened?!" I shouted as I rushed to my best friends side. Alex and Light said nothing, only stared off in one direction. I look over and spot Ricky pointing a gun in our direction.

"Well, seems like your little rescue plan will fail tonight guys," he laughed and flipped the gun in his hand. He turned his face and smiled darkly at a tall figure standing beside him. I stand up slowly and see a familiar face of the past, there in the flesh was none other than Lance Williams himself.

"Don't do anything to him Terrance," Alex whispered to me, pleading almost, "He isn't the bad guy here. You and the rest of the guys have to talk to him after we get out of here." I nodded to let him know I heard him loud and clear, and watched as Ricky handed the gun to Lance. I could see him visibly shiver at the feel of the metal object in his hand and see his hand tremble as he gripped it correctly.

"Kill them." Ricky commanded.

Lance looked at him shocked with wide eyes, "W-What?"

"I said kill them!" Ricky shouted his demand.

I look into the eyes of Lance and started begging for my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh, what do you think will happen guys?
Well, for you to find out I do need some love from the lovely readers I know I have c;
