Status: Complete<3


There's A Black Flag Hanging Over This Town

Spencer's POV

I lay on my side in pain as the bullet that was shot in my shoulder burned it's way through me. Ricky handed the gun to Lance and told him to kill us all, but Lance has yet to make a move. He just stares at us with wide eyes.

“Are you going to kill them or not Lance?” Ricky snapped, “If you don't do it then I'll force your goddamn hand!”

“What is wrong with you?” I beamed at Lance, “How is it so hard to kill us when you've done our families in so easily? Just fucking get on with it already, I'd like to see my sister and my parents again.”

“Spencer what the hell are you saying?” Light questioned, “Lance didn't do shit! If you just hear him out you'll understand and believe Alex and I this time, argue I swear to God I'll personally kick your ass.”

I blinked rapidly at Light and sighed before turning my attention back to Lance, “Well, aren't you going to back up Light and Alex? What exactly do they mean?”

Ricky sighed in annoyance, “I'm getting really fucking annoyed with this talking! Some killing better happen.”

“And killing will happen but the least they deserve is a explanation,” Lance spoke slowly and I glared at him, “You want to know who killed your family right Spencer?” I nodded at his dumb question. Of course I did. “Well, this guy right next time and the rest of Spot's gang killed them. I had no part of the murderers of anyone's family.”

“Don't fucking lie Lance, if you had no part in the murders then how'd these assholes know where we all lived?” I huffed. “You had told them, it was your damn fault!”

“No it wasn't!” Lance raised his voice and to be honest it surprised me, “I was trying to get back to Alex to warn you guys of what was going to happen to our home town! But I failed..failed five times and these guys watched you all as you went to your homes and found ways to get rid of your families. I had to sit there and watch them all die! Have you ever watched a nine year old boy scream for you for help? But you couldn't do a damn thing even if you tried? You all think you're emotionally, mentally and physically fucked up? Psh, try being in my shoes...having the events of five families dying in your head. Being haunted by the memories and voices.” Lance ranted on as tears slowly fell from his eyes.

My mouth was dry...I was sincerely speechless, I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know what to think, except for getting the fuck out of here.

“And that's not the end of my torture either. Fucking Spot took a knife and scarred my skin,” Lance took off his shirt and turned around, pointing at his right shoulder where I saw tally marks. “See right there? These marks remind me of the five families I failed to save. I did what any one man could do, but all I got was my ass kicked many times over.” he turned back around to face us all and I bite my lip as I tried to subdue the pain in my shoulder and hold back tears at the same time. I couldn't tear my eyes off of Lance's body that was exposed to us, it was so scratched up and here I thought I had bad wounds. It looks like he went through a fucking shredder and that thought boiled my blood.

“If you look at my left forearm you can see they carved my initials into my arm, that was a sign that I am part of their God awful gang,” he lifted his arm up and showed us the scar, I flinched. “Another scar is over my right eye here,” he lifted his fridge out of his face and showed us yet another scar on his body. Crescent moon shape with a slash over it. “But I have had enough of their bullshit.”

“Lance...I don't even know...what to say...” I choked out.

“Then don't say anything at all and close Light's eyes, he probably doesn't want to see this,” he told me and I swear I could've seen a twinkle in his eyes. I put a hand over Light's eyes and Lance did what I wasn't really expecting at all. He took a knife out of his pocket and aimed it at his left forearm where his initials were and turned to Ricky. “Hey Rick, tell Spot...I fucking quit.” he smirked and put a slash through his initials.

“What the hell are you doing Lance?” Ricky protested.

“What I should've done a long ass time ago!” Lance yelled at stabbed Ricky in the shoulder with the knife he had in his hand.

I took this as a cue to get to my feet quickly, ignoring the stabbing pain in my shoulder and pick Light up. Terrance and Alex take the lead and dashed out of the room we were in and Lance followed behind us.

“David! Craig!” Terrance yelled as we reached the room they were in. I smirked when I saw Spot, Jack and another person who is part of this gang knocked out on the floor, “Man good job guys.”

“Why the hell is he here?” David sneered as he stared at Lance.

Terrance patted his shoulder and sighed, “It's a long story but we have no time to explain, we need to get the fuck out of here.”

“Guys take these,” Lance said as he handed everyone a hand gun, “We've got ourselves a war on our hands.”

Light whimpered in my arms and I nodded knowing full well what's going to happen to this town now. Without another word we all ran out of the house and down the streets. We have to make it back to the apartment thought I'm having this big feeling it isn't safe anymore. I grunt in pain as I felt blood trickle down my right arm, it was getting worse and I needed medical treatment as soon as possible.

“Spencer the hell happened to you anyway?” David asked as he caught to me.

“Ricky fucking shot me, that bastard,” I glowered, “We need to go to the hospital.”

“What about Alec and Ronnie?” Terrance frantically asked.

“They'll probably running around the streets,” Lance jumped in, “I know everything our enemies are doing and they said they were going to find out where you've all been hiding. I heard someone say an apartment complex and knowing Ronnie he probably took a silent way out.”

I heard Terrance sigh in somewhat relief as we heard gunshots coming from behind us. Shit now we're being chased down. The familiar lullaby of gun shots in the night sky, yells and screams of teenagers running the streets plus the awful memories are all coming back to me. I think I'm going to be sick if this hell repeats itself here.

“Run guys!” Terrance yelled. I look ahead of me and shockingly I see Ronnie and Alec jump out of the forest to the right of me.

“Guys! Fucking run! Ronnie! Alec, go!” I shout out to them.

“What's going on?!” I heard Ronnie shout back to us, but we couldn't answer them right away. We had to keep going, we had to keep running, we had to save this town before it's too late.


The town had already gone to hell. Spot's gang was out there searching for us and he was destroying and killing everything that was in his path to get to us. We knew he was mad, but we never understood why he was filled with such hatred toward us and my friends. From the hospital window I could hear the screams of the innocent, see the smoke of the fires and feel the scar on my heart open itself up again. I punch the wall in frustration and yell out loud. Falling to my knees I felt tears drip down my cheeks.

“Fucking hell!” I shout, “We're living our past all over again!”

“Spencer...” I heard Light whisper to me, I only stared at him, “It's not–,”

“Don't!” I snap, “Do not say it's not our fault Light, if we didn't come here Spot and his gang wouldn't have searched for us and therefore this wouldn't be happening to your home! What about your parents Light? And yours too Alec?” I yell as I start pounding a hole in the wall, “They're going to end up dead! Just like everyone else's families here, you do not want to go through that pain whether they fucked with you or not. They are still family to you.”

The room fell silent as I finished my truth rant about the reality around us. I don't want to be mean and hateful, but at times like this denial is the worst possible thing you can put yourself through, because when reality finally sets in you'll feel sick. You'll cry, the pain in your chest won't stop, you'll feel dizzy and sometimes you would want to end your own life just to bring yourself closure.

Moments of silence passed before Lance decided to break it, “Craig, Ronnie, David you all are probably looking for an explanation as to why I'm suddenly with you guys right?”

“Yeah, what gives?” Craig shrugged his shoulders.

“Spot and his friends were holding something against me, so that I couldn't go back to any of you. When I first stated hanging out with them I was just their toy they never really liked me, but whenever I said I didn't want to hangout with them anymore Spot got angry. I never really understood why he would act up like that but he did and sent death threats to me and to you guys as well. Now at the time I thought he was just joking, but that was before he pulled out a gun and shot an innocent person.” Lance began, I didn't hear this part of his story so I sat down on the floor and held Light tightly in my arms. “After he proved his point to me he started plotting on the destruction of our home town. I got scared and tried to get back to Alex so I could warn you all, but each time I got caught and that's why your families are dead. He told me that since I tried five times to get bust them, five families paid the price.”

The room was a dead silence as my friends took in the information Lance had said. They're faces were a mixture of pain, anger and sorrow. Not a word was uttered and Lance took that as a cue to continue his story.

“Anyways, to make their point clear,” he took off his shirt yet again and turned around to show Ronnie, Craig and David his five scars on his shoulder, “The etched these marks into me and for that I can't forget the people I couldn't save. I tried to save them though, but all I could do was be forced to watch them die. To this day I'm haunted be the visions of their deaths and the voices in my head, it's madness..” he turned back around and stuck out his left arm, “This right here was my proof that I was part of their gang, but tonight I slashed through it with a knife to show them I'm not and never will be one of them.” he put his shirt back and sighed sadly, “Now you know the whole truth...I never meant for anyone to die or get hurt, I wanted to save everyone but I failed and I'm sorry that I failed you guys..”

I took one look around the room and all I saw was tears falling from everyone's eyes. Hell, David had to leave the room to have some time to himself, to cope with reality once more like we all had to do at this moment. Words can't even begin to describe how much pain, suffering, sorrow and anger I feel at this moment. Mixed feelings always made me feel sick to the point where I had to throw up. I quickly sit Light to the side of me and jump to my feet, dashing to the trash can beside the bed and throwing up whatever didn't digest in my stomach. We're all back to square one when we all felt like we were passed this. I being basing the wall again with all my might until my knuckles started to bleed.

“I'm so done with this shit,” I heard Terrance say in a hushed tone, “We're ending this war and saving this town, even if we have to fucking rebuild it again. We will find people willing to fight for what is their own and we will all stop running away from our past.” I heard a leader in his voice, just like his old man as I wiped the tears off my face.

“I'm done crying over things that will not change,” I told him.

Ronnie stood up from the ground and stared out the window with a look I've never seen on his face before,“I'm done hiding from things that have hunted me down.”

“I'm done with watching people die before my eyes as I sit in a bush and hide,” Craig chimes in as he pats Terrance on the shoulder and smile.

David walks in from the hallway and smiles, “I'm done being shot at by people I've never met in my life before.”

“I'm done being haunted by my past,” Alex glared out the window and sneered.

Everyone looks over at Lance who is just standing there looking ashamed. He shouldn't be like that not after the shit he's been through. I walk over to him and pat his back before putting my arm around his shoulders.

“Lance you have your friends back, smile for once,” I smile at him and he was about to break down again, but he held it in.

“I'm done with being tortured, I'm going to help you guys put an end of the suffering. No one should ever suffer like we have ever again.” He says triumphantly and we all cheer in agreement. Tomorrow we will start war and this time we will not runaway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is guys the climax of the story. I hoped you all enjoyed reading this one because I sure as hell enjoyed writing it! This chapter was best written in Spencer's point of view and I'm glad it turned out that way. You all knew Spencer hated Lance and for them to have that conversation while in Spencer's point of view made it more emotional. Over all this chapter was emotional.

Again thanks to all who have commented and subscribed!
Please I would love more comments and subbers!