Status: Complete<3


All Night I Hear It Creeping All Night I Feel It Move

Terrance's POV

I sigh in relief as its been a peaceful couple of hours. David, Spencer, Light, Alec and I have been walking around picking out new clothes for everyone to wear. It was like that until David started looking over his shoulder constantly and squeezing his gun, ready to pull it out if necessary. I bit my lip as I felt nervousness creep up inside me. The hairs on my neck started to stand up on alert and his uneasiness was now driving me insane.

I quietly pull him aside and whisper, “Can you please calm the fuck down?”

He shook his head, “Something's not right...we need to hurry up and get back with the rest of the gang.” I cinched when he used the word 'gang'. It made me sick to my stomach. Without another word I just nodded at him in response and we told the rest of out little group it is time to head back.

When we finally got back to our friends, I gave the clothes I was holding to Alec and told him I would be right back and called over David. He shot me a look before walking over to where I was. As of right now all my friends and I were hiding up in a store at the back of the mall so at the moment we were safe, but deep down I didn't feel safe. I lean myself against the back wall of the store and sigh.

“We have to hurry up and get dressed,” David quickly voiced in a hushed tone, “I can feel it, by night fall the other gang will be after us for sure.”

I looked at him skeptically and shook my head slowly, “What makes you so sure David?”

“We just can't take chances at a time like this. If we want things to work out differently than before, I know you're worried about Alec's well being.” he argued and I sighed knowing he's right.

I scratch the back of my head as David walked away to leave me to my thoughts. Ugh things are different now and we do have to act accordingly. Back then I always thought being in one house was a good idea so we could keep an eye on everyone there and since we had numbers on our side nothing could truly harm us. But I was wrong of course lost my family in the process. I know what David is saying, typically we have to keep moving no matter what but to where? Moving around with a big group such as ours and risky and what about our plan? Lance can't just shoot people with Light and Alec near the group. I know Light can cope with seeing blood and a body fall but Alec can't. He's still losing his innocence by the minute, I don't want to complete crush him with something so gruesome as that. I groan in pain and grab my head, this is utter madness.

“Hey, Terrance?” I heard my name being called. I look up and find Spencer standing there with an outfit in his hands, “David told me you were back here, what's wrong?”

I sighed, “Everything is so fucked in the world are we to execute our plan without scarring Light and Alec? We have to keep moving and kill at the same time.”

“It won't be easy but we can manage Terrance, I mean in the long run we can just tell them to close their eyes,” Spencer shrugged and handed me my new clothes.

“Pfft!” I sneered, “The sounds will also haunt them too Spence.”
“Yeah, well you can't hide them from everything Terrance. Plus they already heard enough gun shots as it is, I mean listen right now you can hear the guns and people screaming just outside this mall.” he shot back and I bit my tongue. Listening to the sound of war outside was maddening. I kicked the wall in frustration and sighed once more.

“Fine, I see your point,” I glowered as I took off my shirt, “I guess we'll start the plan soon right?”

Spencer nodded, “Yeah, get some rest though.” and with that he walked away. I look down at the ground and laughed, like hell I'm getting any rest tonight.


I lay on my back with Alec cuddled up to my side and my gun clutched in my hand. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep well tonight and from the looks of things now neither was David. We both can hear faint voices coming from the lower levels of the mall and we are now on high alert. David was creep walking around the top floor, trying to find a safe way to escape, I on the other hand got up from the floor and started waking people up.

“Ronnie..” I whispered as I nudged his shoulder. He groaned in his sleep before opening his eyes slowly and waking up, “We have to get moving now...people are downstairs. Take Alec for me okay?” he groggily nodded at me and took Alec out of my hands.

I moved on to wake up the others. Once they were fully awake we all followed David when he finally found an emergency exit in the mall.

“I want the line up to be like this okay,” Lance started as we stood by the emergency exit, “David and Craig I want you two to go first. Spencer and Ronnie since you two are carrying Light and Alec I want you to follow after them and that leaves Alex, Terrance and I at the rear.” Lance pointed at each of us as he said our names and we quickly got in that order.

Cautiously David open the door and to our surprise the alarm didn't go off. Maybe the power in the town was cut off, normally that happens when gang wars break out. Without power there really isn't much people can do besides move out as soon as possible. David took the lead as we followed the spiral staircase down to the bottom floor and out the back door. I squeezed my gun tightly as my nerves started to kick into high gear. I took deep breathes in attempt to calm myself down as the nightly air hit my face. It was cold, distant and unwelcoming. The smoke burned my eyes and throat as I breathe.

“This is like hell...” I whispered to myself.

“No, Terrance..” I heard Alex say as he looked over his shoulder, “This is hell.”
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Sorry for the delay had major writers block on this chapter. I must say it is not my best, but it's something. Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it is short /:
