Status: Complete<3


I Will Hold On Hope

Alec's POV

The sound of gravel being crushed under feet, the smell of smoke invade my nostrils and clutch my lungs, the sounds of gun shots assail my ear. My eyes flutter open as I realized we are no longer in the mall and again we are walking the unsafe streets of what I used to call home. I rub my eyes gently and look up to see Ronnie was carrying me again.

“Where are we going now Ronnie?” I asked him in a hushed tone.

I felt his shoulders lift in a shrug, “I don't even know Alec...we're just walking around aimlessly now.”

“I want things to go back to normal...”

“I doubt they will Alec..”

I sigh and closed my eyes once more, resting my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. It was soothing for a while until I heard it suddenly start to race as the air wisp passed my ears. I didn't have to open my eyes to figure out Ronnie was running along side our other friends. I felt his arms wrap around me protectively as gunshots were being fired from behind us.

“Ronnie and Spencer run over to that house over there and hide, now!” I heard Terrance shout as a shot was fired, “We'll get ride of these assholes.”

I felt Ronnie jump and land roughly on his back. I fell out of his arms and my eyes shot open to only stare at the horrific sight in front of me. Why... why was Terrance holding a gun up to someone's head? Why was he slowly pulling the trigger? I thought Lance was going to be the one to pull the trigger...this can't be happening. The awful sound of gun being fired made me cringe. The hideous sight of the blood coming out of the other hole the bullet had made in the young man's head made my stomach turn uncomfortably. The dire vision of Terrance splattered with blood made tears form in my eyes. Is the man I love a killer now? he can't be! He's too kind and gentle to be one! I felt my chest tighten as he turned to face me, horror spreading over his face as he realized I saw what he just did.

“Ronnie!” he yelled, “Get the fuck up now and take them out of here!” I saw tears fall from his eyes as he mouthed an “I'm sorry” before Ronnie picked me up and took me away from the gruesome scene.

I closed my eyes not wanting to see anymore bodies fall, but I was only haunted by what I just witnessed. Terrance...why?


I sat in the corner of the abandoned house Ronnie and Spencer ran into, crying. I was shaking so badly that my arms and legs began to hurt. I couldn't get that image of Terrance splattered with blood out of my was driving me insane! I couldn't bare to look at him right now as he tried to calm me down, it just wasn't working. I'm afraid of him and though I shouldn't be, but I can't help it. He killed someone and I couldn't bare to trust him anymore. I'd feel a lot safer if he didn't have that gun attached to his hip all the time.
“Alec...please look at me..” Terrance begged as he rubbed my shoulders. I just shook my head at all honest I can't. My brain will just put the blood back on his face, “It hurts that you can't even look at me..”

I sighed and stared straight at the floor in front of me, “I-I can't... Terrance...”

“Well, just listen to me then...I know you're scared..I know what you saw is probably scarring you at this moment, but I did it to protect you...he was about to,” I cut him off and turned around sharply.

“To protect me?” I protested, “You killed someone else!”

“In order to protect you and stop him from putting a damn bullet in your head Alec! I didn't want you to die!” he raised his voice at me which made me cower in fear. He has never raised his voice at me before...maybe I really angered him. Tears started to pour once again from my eyes as Terrance gasped and cursed to himself.

I crawled away from him and curled up in a ball again. Things are changing for the worst and I hate it! These gangs are bringing out the worst in my friends and it's scaring me, now that I know they are capable of killing others without so much of a second thought. It's inhuman! It's heinous! It'' I'm living a nightmare and I can't wake up from it. I start banging my head against the wall harshly as insanity is slowly creeping up on me. I can't be living in a world of's not a life I want. I want to live a life with Terrance by my side and my friends happy. Laughing together in the park and having a good time. Not fighting with strangers and shooting at people. I bash my head harder into the wall until I felt something trickle down my forehead. Blood. I knew I was bleeding...

“Alec, stop that!” I heard Terrance shout as I felt his arms pull me away from the wall. Damn it. “Stop it...stop it...” he whimpered. Through my teary eyes I look up at his sadden expression. He was crying. Why? He shouldn't be crying...

“Terry, stop crying..” I croaked out as I wiped his cheeks from the tears, “It hurts to see you sad..”

“It hurts to see you in pain and tormented Alec..” his voice muffled since his face was buried in my hair, “I'm so sorry this is happening...and you have to be living it..”

I shook my head and smiled softly, “It's long as I'm with all the people I care about I'll be fine.” I'm trying to sound a bit stronger than I normally am since Terrance is defiantly at his lowest right now. I placed gently kisses along as neck to calm him down a bit and remind him I still care about him. We haven't said we love each other yet, but I know we both care about each other deeply. I'm going to try and show that this ordeal will not effect me in anyway for Terrance's sake. I know he's trying to do his best for me...for everyone I bet and I can't freak out over every little thing that happens. Death is something I have to sadly get used to since I know I'm going to be seeing a lot of it for awhile, though I don't know how long. I do hope this ends soon and I do hope to live peacefully soon.
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Another short chapter c: but it's a filler. Actually a lot of my pre-written chapters are going to short so when it comes down to the finally show down it'll be a lot longer. This story is ending and I want to know what you guys think will happen at the end.
