Status: Complete<3


But Your Tears Feel Warm As They Fall On My Forearm

Spencer's POV

I watch the heart tearing scene in front of me. I watch as Alec cried his eyes out from what he has seen before, what he had seen Terrance do to another person. It was tearing Alec apart at the seams. I couldn't bare to look at how torn up Light was too. He was a pitiful mess of tears in the other corner of the abandoned house. That was tearing me up the most. I began pounding the walls in with my fist until I made a dent. I couldn't take Light's tears anymore and I knew I had to make a choice and it had to be now.

“Guys,” I called out. I continued even though they weren't looking at me, I knew they were paying attention though, “We have to act now, while we still have a chance. We need to take out Spot and his gang now before anymore torment happens to Light and Alec. I can't stand to see Light cry anymore!” I nearly shouted as my emotions got the best of me once again.

“What do you have in mind then Spencer?” I heard Lance ask.

“I want Terrance and Ronnie to be the one's to protect Light and Alec as the rest of us go out and get ride of the other gang. I realize now there is no way we can save this town. It is too far gone now.”

“Are you kidding me?” Terrance snapped, “So are you basically repeating what we did back then?!”

I shook my head, “It's not exactly like that, but what choice do we have?” I shrugged my shoulders and sighed, “I mean either that or we all go out there in one big group with guns blazing. I don't think Light and Alec can take anymore of this.”

“We can suck it up if it means getting the hell out of here, Spencer.” Light voiced from behind me as he wiped tears off his face, “I don't want to be anywhere without you being near me. I can't take it much longer right now.”

I nodded my head slowly and bit my lip, “Well, then it's decided. When it gets dark enough we are moving out and if you see anyone who isn't part of our gang...shoot them. They can't get anywhere close to us alright?”

Everyone nodded and I felt my blood run cold. I don't like the feeling that is setting in the pit of my stomach it was making me extremely uneasy. I gulped down the lump that was forming in my throat to prevent myself from throwing up the nothingness of my stomach.


It was finally dark enough to make our move, but it was also pouring rain. It felt like déjà vu all over again but this time I was laying next to Lance this time instead of Terrance like last time. I gave the signal and everyone made a break for it down the street. I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was coming after us and I sighed in relief when I saw not a soul. I don't know exactly where we are going, but Light told us there are back roads of this town that will lead out of this place so we can find somewhere new to live and call home. He did mention the name of the town but I couldn't remember it so I shrugged it off.

Since I was leading the group, as I rounded the corner it was complete horror. There was Spot, Jack and Ricky along with some of their gang members standing on the other side of the road. I knew this was going to happen and I'm glad it happened right now. They're right there in front of us.

“Well, you pansy finally decided to come out of hiding,” Spot laughed darkly, “God, it was sure a pain in the ass searching for you all. Now it's time to get ride of all of you.”

“What exactly did we do to you Spot?” Lance protested and the look in Spot's eyes was pure hatred.

“You have done so much shit to me that you don't even know, and I'm here to get my revenge on you. But it was fun taking out some of my anger on your friends family and your brothers Lance.” Spot sneered. Wait what? Lance has brothers? I looked over at Lance and he had this look of confusion on his face.

“What are you talking about? I don't have any other family.” Lance voiced though he sounded so unsure of himself.

This time Ricky laughed, “Are you serious? Your parents hide that much of a secret from you? Damn.”

I saw some gang members reach for the guns as Spot opened his damned mouth to say something, “Yeah you have two I'm going to guess younger brother's since you have no idea you had any. When I met them, God I knew they were the spawn of you goddamn father. The eyes are all the same and it infuriates me! That is why I tortured your damn brothers!”

What the fuck is going on? I don't understand a damn thing that is coming out of Spot's mouth, but before I could turn my head to even ask the very confused Lance to my right I heard a gun shot go off and the sound of a body falling. Terror shot through my veins as I looked over at Terrance who was shouting in pain as the bullet burned through the side of his stomach.

“Guys fucking run!” I shout as I pulled out my gun and fired two shots at Spot's gang and hit two of his eyes. And that's how the fight started with gun blazing and people getting shot. Lance's kept his word and shot at Spot, Ricky and Jake but they ended up getting away leaving their gang to do their dirty work. The rain that was falling around the two gangs was pelting against my hands as I rushed to cover up the wound on Terrance's. Light, Alec, Ronnie and David took off in the other direction to avoid the gunfire while Craig, Alex and Lance stayed behind to protect me as I picked Terrance up and carried him on my back.

“Guys we have to fall back now! We have no time to be fighting with this jackasses!” I shouted at them, Craig and Alex heard me but Lance wasn't listening. “Lance I'm serious!”

“I told you I'm keeping my word!” he yelled and continued to fire at the three guys who were now charging at us. Alex and Craig stopped them from reaching me as I got fed up and took off in the direction where Light, Ronnie and David ran.

As the sounds of my friends screaming and gun shots began to fade, my mind drifted off to Terrance. He is losing a lot of blood from the wound that is inflicted on him. I swear...if he died I don't know what I'd do. He's a brother to me one that I never had and I don't want to lose him. Without him I would've been the school's bully, the jackass down the street, the one everyone is afraid of, the person no one wants to deal with because of anger issues. I mean he is my voice of reason and even though I might seem annoyed when he talks to me like that, it really helps me become a better person.

The rain water on the ground made me slip and fall flat on my face with Terrance groaning on my back. At least he was still breathing and I sighed in relief. I move him to his side thinking I'm a great distance away from danger and start ripping up my shirt to tie around his torso in order to slow down the blood flow.
“Come on buddy, you can't die on me here,” I whimpered as he smiled weakly at me.

“H-Hey do y-you honestly think a-a stupid b-bullet wound is g-going to do m-me i-in?” he laughed hoarsely and rolled on his side. “N-Nah man..”

I wiped rain water and tears from my face as I sat by his side for awhile. I hope Alex, Craig and Lance catch up and I hope Alec, Light, Ronnie and David are out or hiding...Alec can't see Terrance like this. He will lose his mind for sure.

Moments later I hear feet hitting the wet pavement and I pull out my gun quickly, hoping it wasn't the other gang after me. When I saw three friendly faces I sighed in relief and put my gun away.

“What happened?” I asked.

“They're all dead.” Alex said, deadpanned, “They're numbers are going to be decreasing from this day forward.”

“Spot, Ricky and Jake will be dead soon enough,” Lance sneered, “But what Spot said confuses me. I have two other brothers I never knew about somewhere.”

“I doubt they're here Lance,” I told him, “They're probably back in your home town.”

He nodded slowly as I picked up Terrance. All of us began walking in the direction they rest of our friends did. I hope they're safe and soon we will catch up to them.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah this story is ending so soon c: but guess what Spot said something that might lead to a squeal so look out for that.
