Status: Complete<3


And All The Hopes Of A Youth Deemed ***ing Insane

Light's POV

Ronnie, David, Alec and I ran. We ran down the street that was our escape route from this town. We left Spencer, Terrance, Craig, Alex and Lance behind to fight off the gang that we encountered. Deep down I knew that was a grave mistake. We all should've ran away together so there was no way of losing anyone as we made our escape. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as screams and gunshots filled my ears. Something wasn't right. The air was thick and it was beginning to feel impossible to breath. Then I smelt it, the smell of burning ember in the air. I take one look around me and see the orange and red flames crowd my friends and I. The other gang had set fire and since the rain was letting up now there seemed to be no hope of it stopping. What's going to happen to us now? The other gang has trapped us.

“Guys we're so done for now,” I cried out as we stopped suddenly at the flames around us. There didn't appear to be an escape from the hell we are in.

“No!” I heard David shout, “No, we are not dying like this. Fuck that! We will find a way out.”

“Light calm down,” Ronnie patted my shoulder and squeezed it slight, “Panicking won't do us any good.”

I couldn't help but panic though. The flames were getting closer and closer to us, I could feel the heat on my face and began to sweat from it. It did feel like the end for us. I bit my lip and closed my eyes tightly, I didn't want to see my end.

“Guys!” I heard a familiar voice shout, “Where are you?!” It was Spencer. My eyes shot open as hoped poured into me.

“The fire Spencer!” I shouted, but it felt as if the sound of the flames burning around us engulfed my voice.

“Hold on! Alex and I will get you out!” he replied.

I look up through the flames as I watched the Spencer and the rest of our friends pick up dirt and start throwing it at the fire. It only took a few minutes before we had enough room to make it out of the fire alive. I ran into Spencer's arms and hugged him tightly. I felt tears prick my eyes as he petted my hair in a soothing motion.

“I told you I never wanted to be away from you,” I whimpered out, “Why don't you listen?”

“It's not my strongest suit, I'm sorry.” he said apologetically.

“Oh, my God!” I heard Alec screech. My head spun around faster than usually to see Alec staring at Terrance in complete horror. Well, he had every right to be staring at him like that, Terrance was bleeding all over the place.

“Shit..” Spencer mumbled under his breath and got up from the ground, “Alec I know this looks bad, but he will be alright. We have to keep moving okay?”

I didn't think Alec was paying attention to what Spencer was saying, but soon enough he nodded moments later and bit his lip hard. He shakenly grabbed Terrance's hand and squeezed it tightly, before we all had to make our move again.


We've been running continuously for what seemed like hours and hours. My legs were beginning to feel like jelly as I pushed myself to keep going. I wanted to live and get out alive. I didn't want these gang wars to take over my life as I felt it had never truly began even when I moved out of my parents house. I kind of feel horrible for leaving them behind like I am now, but what choice did I have honestly? I couldn't just risk everyone's neck for the sake of my parents...but even though I still felt like a shit son. I always wonder how Alec felt about leaving his parents behind also, because in the long run everyone I'm with has no family whatsoever anymore. I shake my head to ride myself of the thoughts that keep haunting me day in and day out as we reached the end of the sidewalk.

“Light, what now? It looks like the end of the line right here,” Alex pointed out as we stared down the now dirt road.

“We just keep moving, this will lead us to the main road out of here. Hope no one minds walking a distance,” I joked slightly.

“I finally caught to you assholes!” I heard a dark voice shout from behind. I turn around to stare in the eyes of Spot, the leader of the gang that is out to get us all. “So you think you can just skip town without a sound eh? Think again!” he pulls out a gun and points it at us.

“Whatever happen to your lackeys Spot?” Spencer sneered, “Did they get cold feet?”

“I don't give a damn where they are!” he protested and trembled as he held the gun at us, “I just want you all dead!” he fired a shot in the air and I flinched, closing my eyes tightly. The bullet that was shot didn't hit anyone since no one was in pain and I sighed in relief.

“Guys I want you all to get the fuck out of here,” I heard Lance whisper, “I'll deal with Spot now. Just go.”

“But why Lance?” I questioned him, but he didn't turn around to answer me all I felt was Spencer pulling me back away from him. I didn't understand why no one else even asked about Lance's rash decision, but it seemed to be final. We were about to leave him here to face Spot all alone and we don't even know if he'll make it out. Deep down I pray he does.
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Uh oh cliffhanger c: what do you think will happen in this sticky situation?
Three more chapters left now.
