Status: Complete<3


Pain Without Love, Pain Can't Get Enough

Terrance's POV

Being carried away on Spencer's back after being shot was almost difficult. It was like I was reliving the time I had to do this very thing when Spencer got got in a gun fight between to other gangs in our old town. I hate to say it, but this town has gone to hell and it is all our fault. If we didn't show up here and just kept moving through, this town wouldn't have gone through this hell. I feel horrible about all the families that had to evacuate their own homes to go somewhere else, how their lives have been drastically changed over the course of two months. Two damn months and this place is so far gone, not even the animals are here anymore. How sad is that? That human beings destroyed a place so bad that not only other people left, but even the wildlife. That's wrong on so many levels I can't even begin to explain how bad I feel.

"Spencer, when it comes down to the time where we finish this, let me do it. I'm not going to kill Spot," I heard Lance say as Spencer came to a sudden stop.

"What the hell do you mean you aren't going to kill that bastard?" he protested. Ugh my head hurts I can't bear to hear anymore screaming.

"Can you not yell," I barely voice to Spencer as he sat me down on the sidewalk. I flinched and placed a hand over my open wound on my side. It stopped bleeding thank God, but the bullet is still there and it hurts like hell.

"You heard what he said to me, about my brothers," he stressed the word "brothers" as if it didn't come naturally to him. Well, I can't blame him, he has ever right to be acting this way.

"So what?"

"Spencer be a little sensitive about this situation," Alex snapped, "If you knew how Lance's life was before all this bullshit you would understand. Let Lance do what he wants."

"But that's still letting Spot live," Spencer argued.

"Just let it be, damn it!" I nearly shouted, "I don't give a damn if Spot lives or not. I have a Goddamn bullet in my side and you guys are arguing over Lance's decision. Let him do whatever he wants. Spot is only one person he isn't that big of a deal." I had enough of this. All I want is to be free from this gang filled life. I pushed myself to my feet and began limping down the sidewalk. Without anymore words spoken, Spencer came up behind me and asked if I rather be carried. At this point I didn't care, I let him carry me. I closed my eyes as they became to hard to keep open and drifted off into a short slumber.


"Oh my God!" I heard the angelic voice of Alec screech. Shit..I didn't want him to see me like this, he had enough of the terror that was forming around us. Sadly, I had no energy to move myself next to Alec in order comfort him, I had to lay on my back and stare up at the murky sky. The stars didn't shine as brightly as they did before, the moon was covered up in smoke that would fool anyone into thinking they were clouds from the atmosphere.

"Alec, I know this looks bad, but he'll be alright," I heard Spencer say, "We have to keep moving okay?"

I'm pretty sure Alec didn't hear a word Spencer just said since I felt his eyes on me the whole time. He eventually moved and I felt him squeeze my hand tightly, I squeezed back to let him know I was still here with him no matter what. Spencer had to pick me up again and I began to feel like a burden to everyone probably slowing them down because I'm such dead weight. I want to so badly tell them to just leave me behind and run for it, but I know for a fact Alec wouldn't take that so well and Spencer...God he might be a mess if he ever left me behind. And I also couldn't do that to them either.

I could hear Spencer panting loudly as he ran down the street with me on his back. I heard shouting coming from behind us and not to our surprise it was Spot yelling at the top of his lungs. Spencer turned around and I could see him just standing there, shaking holding up a gun at us. He looks so terrified, but at the same time his eyes were filled with such hatred.

“I finally caught up to you assholes!” he shouts, “You think you can just skip town without a sound eh? Think again!” his voice shook and was filled with uncertainty. I doubt any of the other guys notice, but there's something more to Spot then meets the eye. For some reason I can't just bring myself to think this guy caused us all such torment and pain for no reason. I mean I went to high school with this guy, which is odd. He should've been in college by now. I'm twenty-one and Spot should be my age, maybe twenty-two...something must've happened to him now that I think about it. And the fact that he said something about Lance having brother's he tormented stuck out too. Why would he go after Lance's family? Then punish everyone Lance knows? Lance all together had been a mystery to me, but since I didn't meet him until he was already living with Alex I honestly don't know much about him.

“Whatever happened to your lackeys Spot? Spencer spat, “Did they get cold feet?”

“I don't give a damn where they are!” Spot retorted as the hand that held the gun trembled. If he's been the one killing all our loved ones, why would his hand be trembling as it held the gun? That death defying shock should be over by now, if he's been doing the dirty deeds the whole time. “I just want you all dead!” he fired a gun shot in the air.

“Guys I want you all to get the fuck out of here,” I heard Lance say, “I'll deal with Spot now. Just go.”

And without another word to Lance himself, we all got out of there as fast as we can. As we made our final escape I couldn't help but let questions run through my mind. What happened to Spot to make him not go to college like he always wanted to? What changed his heart so drastically? What made him turn against everyone he knows and hunt people down? Why was he gunning for Lance so damn much? What did Lance do to him? Maybe it wasn't what Lance did though...maybe it was something else.
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I'm loving how everything is unfolding at the end of their journey.
Two chapters remain of this story and I'm sad that it's ending, but I'm happy that there will be a SEQUEL look out for that.
