Status: Complete<3


I Kept My Mouth Shut for Too Long

Spencer's POV

Watching Light and Alec finally smile brought so much relief to me. I was kind of losing hope that we weren't going to make it out of that town alive. I thought Terrance was going to die, but thankfully he pulled through like he kept telling me. Finally smiling for myself I lay on my back in the tall grass of the park and stared up at the sky. Its light blue calming color eased my mind and I no longer had nightmares of my past haunting me. Whenever I closed my eyes all I see is my friends and Light's smiling face. Even though everything is so relaxing and tranquil I still can't shake the feeling that Lance is hiding something from us. Maybe he's just distancing himself from us for a while as he thought about what Spot told him. He has brothers, but there's something more than just that. This is something I had to tell Terrance about, it's bothering me too much.

I tapped him lightly on the shoulder and told him to follow me away from the group. I needed to be alone with him to talk to him about Lance and what might be going through his mind.

“Something's bothering you,” he stated, “Is it because of how Lance is acting now?”

I nodded slowly, “Yeah, it's like he's lost in his own thoughts way too much.”

“I've been meaning to tell something that has been bothering me too about Lance,” Terrance began and I stared at him, awaiting what he was going to say, “For starters when we last saw Spot, I couldn't bring myself to think Spot did all the killings we accused him of doing.”

I blinked rapidly, “What the hell are you talking about? Of course he did Terrance!” I raised my voice, but quickly lowered it when he gave me that look.

“Hear me out alright; I only say that because when he was holding that gun to all of us he was trembling. Like he had never pulled a trigger before, you would think a murderer would be over that kind of shock right?” I nodded my head as I remembered Spot trembling form. “Spot… no I mean George should be twenty-two and I remember him going on and on about how he wanted to go to college to make his parents proud of him. About a year after I graduated his whole character changed. He started calling himself Spot and hanging out with the wrong crowd.”

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, “Are you telling me that the string of killings didn't just happen out of the blue? That there was a reason?”

“Yeah, it seems that way, and the fact that he was gunning for only Lance and attacked his family then went after us because we knew him. Maybe not the true Lance Williams but we associated with him long enough that he became our friend. We don't know as much about Lance as Alex does and maybe we all need to have a talk about this one day, just not today.” Terrance explained and I sighed. Damn it I hate how everything is never ending with us.

“So what answers are we looking for then Terrance?” I asked him.

“What's the deal with Lance and his family, why Spot… I mean George didn't go to college what on earth changed his heart so drastically. That made him turn against everyone he knows and why is he after Lance so much?” he told me.

“You know this means that we can't just ask Lance about this, we have to...fucking ask Spot too..” I trailed off in a sneer, “Damn it! That's the last thing I want to do!”

“But it'll bring closure to all of us,” Terrance snapped, “Yes, we all may look so happy on the outside, but on the inside we're still questioning why did this all happen to us. Why did God suddenly hate us. We want answers.”

Ugh I wanted to scream out in frustration! I hated this, and I hated how much Terrance was right about this too. It brings me back to the fact as what Lance did when he told all of us to run for it and he stayed behind with George. I wonder what they talked about, if they did talk. I wonder if George came to his sense and dropped the gun and walked away. I wanted so badly to talk to Lance about this, but at the same time I was afraid I'd lose it. I frantically ran my hands through my hair and punched the nearest tree so hard that it broke the skin. Right now all I want to do is sleep and never wake up.


A few days went by since Terrance and I's talk in the park and it was high time we find out the true Lance Williams. We were sitting in some abandoned house near the outskirts of the town and waited for Lance, Alex and Craig to come back from where ever they went. I can tell you this, Terrance and I aren't mad at Lance no we're still his friend we just want to know more about him so we don't feel so left in the dark about things.

Lance, Alex and Craig all walked into the quiet room and Lance looked around at all of us slowly. Terrance and I told everyone but Alex and Lance what's been bothering us and that's why they're staying silent.

“What’s the big deal guys?” Alex asked, skeptically.

“We want to know about you and Lance,” Terrance started, “It's obvious that we don't know much about him or his family.”

“I knew this was going to happen,” Lance sighed, “I knew this was going to come back and bit me in the ass.”

“It's not your fault Lance,” Alex quickly said, “I don't know where to being though.”

“At the beginning where else?” I stated the obvious and Alex sighed.

“Not that easy, thank you very much,” he spat and I rolled my eyes, “Well, when I was five years old I met Lance. He's a year older than me and at the time he was living with his aunt and uncle in our old town. We become quick friends and soon he felt like he was part of my family. After a while he told me about his family and why he was living with his aunt and uncle.” Alex looked over at Lance to give him a chance to speak.

He sighed and continued where Alex left off, “Well, my parents for some reason didn't want me anymore. I was immediately disowned and had to move to a new town which is where I met Alex and after a while my uncle and aunt wanted nothing to do with me because my parents decided it was cool to tell them all this bullshit I never did. I lived with Alex and his family ever since. I experienced how his father kept leaving and coming back and leaving once again and I saw how much his family was falling apart.”

“That was our home life, school life you all know. Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior year were all pretty normal right?” Alex started and we nodded in agreement.

“But Senior year I felt as if someone didn't want me here anymore, and that was George. He started going after me in school calling me the one who ruined his family.”

“Now why would he say that?” Terrance asked and Lance shrugged.

“I don't know, but that's how things started going downhill for everyone. He would beat me up and play off like a bully. He kept saying that I shouldn't be here and that my father ruined everything for him.”

“What the hell?” Alex questioned, “Your father? What on earth could he have done?”

“I have no idea, it's been bothering me since but I never got the chance to go back to my parent's town to ask. Well...until now.” Lance lowered his voice.

“What do you mean until now?” I inquired, “Don't tell me this is your home town Lance.”

He nodded, “That it is.”

“Is there anything else?” Terrance asked.

“No, I only came down to one thing. My father had something to do with Spot and his family and why he went after me. Now I know that both my parents were hiding two other siblings from me and I would love to get to know them. I'm going to go find my parents and get some answers.” Lance announced and stood up. He was about to leave when I stopped him with a question.

“So then you did you let Spot live?”

“ fact I talked to him for a while. He just told me to go ask the man that ruined everything for him and he just left. I don't know if he's in this town or not, but if he is do not attack him. Now that I actually talked to him civilly I can see the pain in his eyes, the regret, the torment. He went through hell even though he pretty much caused it for the rest of us. Since he is no longer surrounded by that gang he is slowly coming to his sense.” Lance explained and without hearing our response he walked out of the abandoned house and we were left in a silence.

There's too much goddamn mystery with us and it's really starting to piss me off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh the last chapter of the story.
I'm sorry it has taken me too long to get this chapter out, but here it is and I hoped you enjoyed this adventure as much as I did. There is a squeal and I did start writing it. It won't be posted yet, since I am having writers block on one of the chapters, but eventually it will be.

Thank all of you commenters and subscribers for reading this story with me. I will see you all in the future c: