Status: Complete<3


My Heart's Now Dead And Gone

Spencer's POV

It's been two entire weeks since Terrance and I left our town, with a real meal and some actual sleep. It feels like it's around 2:30 in the afternoon and it's raining extremely hard. Terrance and I have been wandering around the town aimlessly since the police that found us a while ago have been searching for us. We had to lay low and since then we haven't really stolen any snacks to eat. We're both starving and exhausted. I heard Terrance cough hard before hearing a thud on the wet pavement. I look over to see Terrance face down on the ground and barley moving. I begin to panic as I kneel down beside him, nudging his shoulder to wake him up. But he wasn't budging.

“C-Come on bro,” I begged him as I continued to shake his shoulder. “Get up Terrance, w-we need a place t-to stay.” I coughed into my hand, but continued to shake Terrance's shoulder; harder each time.

He rolled over to look up at me and smiled a sad smile. “Spencer I-I'm sorry d-dude...I d-don't think I could m-muster up anymore s-strength to m-move.”

I just nodded my head, not wanting to give up and gently picked him up. I carried him on my back and pushed myself to continue looking for a place to stay. Terrance was obviously sick from not eating and being outside getting bitten be bugs and the rain getting our clothes wet and cold. I could even feel myself losing energy as well and it really isn't looking good for the both of us. The rain wasn't going to let up anytime soon and it was beginning to pelt me violently and each time I felt my legs shake. I took two more steps in the direction I was going in until I felt my knees give out from under me and fell to the ground hard. I felt Terrance roll off my back, but no sound was coming from him. He probably passed out.

“D-Damn it...” I wheezed out. “I a-am not dying l-like this!” I tried getting on all fours to push myself back up, but the rain and my wet clothes only weighed me down and I can crashing back down on my stomach in defeat. I could feel my eye lids getting heavy as they so desperately wanted to close, but I forced them back open and kept my focus on the sidewalk in front of me. I needed to focus on something to keep my conscience awake.

I kept fighting against myself for what felt like hours when suddenly the rain that was attacking my back stopped. I weakly rolled over on my side to only stare up into soft, blue eyes. His bleach blonde hair was lightly wet from the rain that didn't hit his umbrella he was under. He look at me with curious eyes as he opened his tiny lips to speak.

“Do you guys need a place to stay?” he softly asked. I felt myself wanting to smile at him, but I controlled the temptation and nodded my head slowly in response.

“I-I think my fr-friend is sick...s-so if you don't m-mind too much...umm what's y-your name?” I stuttered as I forced myself to sit up.

“Light Wilson,” he smiled at me.

“Spencer White and my friend is Terrance Burns,” I returned his smile and slowly got to my feet, picking up Terrance in the process. I had just enough strength to carry him on my back once more as Light told me he only lives about twenty more minutes down the road from here. I sighed in relief when I heard him say that and quietly followed him to his place.

As the walk came to an end, I looked up through my wet bangs at this apartment place. I can guess that Light lives on his own which is good for Terrance and I since I really don't want to get to know anymore people. If I wasn't so desperate to find a place to hide and recover I would've just ignored Light's request to help Terrance and I out. But I know in the back of my mind Terrance would only scold me for being an idiot for not taking help that was given to us. Geez he's just like another mom to me.

Light pulled out a pair of keys and put them into a door knob to unlock his door. He kindly told me to take off my shoes before disappearing into the back of his apartment. It was a small one, but it was homely and nice. The kitchen was connected to the living room and there was a small hallway leading to the bedroom and bathroom. I don't know how many rooms he has really, but from where I'm standing it looks like it's big enough for a family of four at most. I gently laid Terrance down on the couch and sat next to him waiting for Light to reenter the room with what looks like a bottom of medicine in one hand and a thermometer in the other. I tense up slightly as he placed a small hand on the top of Terrance's forehead and frowned.

“What are you doing?” I nearly growled at Light, as I glared at his hand on my friend's head. He jumped at the sound of my voice and slowly turned to me, taking a deep breath to I guess calm his nerves.

“Your friend here has a temperature,” he said slowly and as calmly as he could as he put a plastic cover over the thermometer and stuck it in my friends mouth. When it was done taken Terrance's temperature he took it out and sighed. “Your friend has a high temperature and I don't mind him staying here until he recovers.” he looked at me as he put another plastic cover over the thermometer and held it up to me. “You're probably sick as well so if you don't mind may I please take your temperature?”

I shook my head and scowled at him, “I'm fine I don't need my temperature taken.” my voice was hard and low. I didn't trust Light even though he did let me in his apartment, but that's just how I am. If I didn't grow up with you how do you expect me to trust you so easily? That's just not my nature.

I felt Terrance lightly tap my knee with his foot as he sat up slowly, “Spencer remember what I told you while we were on the road?”

I sighed, “I thought you were knocked out bro?” Damn. I guess he wasn't.

He laughed weakly, “You think no food and the fucked up weather was going to knock me out cold? Nah man, but be nice to the person who is helping us out.” he looked over at Light and smiled at him weakly. “What's your name?”

Light smiled and that made me frown, “Light Wilson...uhh you're sick so you have to take this medicine while I try to take Spencer's temperature.” his eyes turned into slits as he said my name.

Terrance chuckled. “Don't let Spencer give you such a hard time, we're both trying to get over something that happened to us awhile ago and he needs time to get used to you. He hasn't really had any other human contact besides me for about two weeks or so.” he explained and I nearly whined.

“Terrance–,” I began talking but got cut off when Light shoved the thermometer into my mouth. Terrance only laughed as I started to fume. When the beeping of the thermometer went off I spat the damn thing out and crossed my arms over my chest. “I don't need to be babied!” I shouted.

“Yeah the hell you do!” Light raised his voice and I rolled my eyes. “Your temperature is higher than Terrance's so you need to take this medicine and get out of those wet clothes. Luckily I have my friend's clothes that could fit you.” he smiled and walked away into his apartment.

I blew out air from my mouth and glared at Terrance, “I hope you're happy bro.”

He nodded and smiled, “Yeah actually I am. Trust Light he doesn't seem like the kind of person to hurt a damn fly and I mean if he does he'd probably cry about it. The world isn't against us Spencer if the world gave us someone like Light to help us out,” he chuckled. “Maybe he could be our friend once we get over our sickness, eh buddy?”

I laughed a little and smiled. “Sure whatever you say Terrance.”

Light came back into the room with two outfits in his hand. He tossed one at me and then Terrance before he went into the kitchen that was attached to the living room. I smirked to myself when Light's back was turned and took off my wet shirt and throwing it at him. He squealed when the wet clothing hit his back and turned around with a red face. I laughed as Terrance copied me and tossed his wet shirt at Light as well, but this time he was able to dodge it.

“G-Guys you k-know I ha-have a bathroom,” he stuttered and his face getting that much redder, if that was even possible.

I smirked and walked slowly up to Light, but he backed away suddenly and fell on the ground as he lost his balance. I chuckled at his shy attempt to get away from me and bent over to pat his head.

“You're actually really cute,” I admitted before standing back up and walking away.

Terrance and I took our time getting dressed right in front of Light. He kept covering his face and protesting about it, but we didn't care we just liked messing with him. But our fun soon ended when Terrance yawned loudly and laid down on the couch again. I sat down next to him and rested my head on the back and stared up at the ceiling.

“Now Spencer I'm going to get some rest, if you're still up as well as Light try to have a conversation with him,” he begged and I groaned. “I know you're not ready to speak about personal stuff but get to know him at least. I mean it wouldn't hurt for you to talk to someone other than me all the time bro.”

I sighed as Terrance closed his eyes for some well needed rest. I ran a hand through my dark brown hair and continued staring at the ceiling and thought about what Terrance said. Maybe I should try and talk to Light about anything, but my personal life. I'm not emotionally ready for such a deep conversation and if and when I am Terrance has to be there when I do talk about it. But I just know talking about what I like to do such as hobbies will only bring back memories of my family and that just gets me all depressed. I sigh again and take my eyes off the ceiling I was staring at and suddenly meet Light's eyes who were staring at me curiously. I jump a little on the couch and growl.

“What are you looking at Light?” I sneer and he rolled his eyes.

“Funny just a few moments ago you were so happy, when did your personality change?” he countered with a question. I just glowered at him, but he continued on. “I was just looking at that so bad?” his voice dropped to a whisper and I just shrugged my shoulders.

“Well, don't make it a's kind of freaky,” that was actually a lie. I didn't really mind him looking at me with curious eyes. Maybe I do deep down want someone else to talk to other than Terrance, but I guess I'm too stubborn to admit that for real.
“When ever you're ready to talk about what's bothering you, I'll listen Spencer,” he smiled at me and I looked at him shocked.

“How did you...” I trailed off and he giggled, but shrugged and tossed me a blanket he was holding.

“When you two wake up from your nap two of my guest rooms will be ready,” he told me before he went off into his apartment again. I slowly smiled to myself and realized I'm beginning to trust Light Wilson.
♠ ♠ ♠
Light Wilson Nineteen years old

Here's what Light looks like