Status: Complete<3


The Scars Remind Us That The Past Is Real

Light's POV

I've been taking care of Terrance and Spencer for about a week now and I still feel like I barely know who they really are. I don't know what they're families are like, how the got here, why they were wandering the streets during a bad rain when I found them. Just nothing. And I can tell that they don't really feel comfortable telling me, especially Spencer. He just seems so closed up about his past. I sigh as I finish preparing them some food since they obviously haven't gotten back to eating three daily meals yet. I walk out of my kitchen area and set down the two plates of their food on the coffee table. Terrance sits up from the couch and grabs his sandwich as I sit down lazily on the ground, sighing again.

“What's bothering you Light?” Terrance asked as he took a huge bite out of his sandwich.

I shrugged, “Well, you guys have been living here freely for like a week now and I barely know you guys,” I looked down at my hands and bit my lip nervously.

I looked up when I heard Terrance sigh out loud, “Well it's not something we both like talking about and sometimes we'd rather keep it between just the two of us...but,” he trailed off and looked at Spencer who just had a pained expression on his face. “But since you're the only other person we know now I guess it won't hurt to tell you everything.”

Spencer groaned and glared up at the ceiling as Terrance continued, “Well you see Spencer and I came from a town called Thorn Court. It used to be such a nice, peace loving town like the one we're in right now...but it all changed when gangs started moving in. Everything turned into war basically and Spencer and I had to fight for our lives and for our families lives as well. We had to steal to survive for years, and one day we both said enough was enough.” he looked over at Spencer and his head was now in his hands as soft sniffles escaped his lips. “W-Well while Spencer and I-I were out looking for an escape route which we did actually find...we come back h-home and our families...were g-gone...” he trailed off, getting choked up at the end.

I gulped down a lump in my throat as Terrance started to tear up. I wasn't expecting that kind of answer to come out of his mouth and it really did shock me.

“He had a little brother that was only nine years old that got murdered along with his parents...I had a twin sister that was murdered along with my parents..” I heard Spencer whimper out. “I blame myself for it....I was so intent on escaping and finding that damn escape route...that I didn't even think about the protection of everyone in that house..”

Terrance placed a hand on Spencer's shoulder and sighed, “It wasn't your fault...everyone wanted to get away.”

Spencer was about to protest but I cut in saying, “Stop...” he and Terrance looked at me as I felt tears prick at my eyes. “I may not know exactly what happened the day you two went out to find an escape route, but Spencer you can't blame yourself for what didn't know it was going to happen.”

Spencer's eyes were turning red from the tears that were falling and he glared at me, “Anything can happen when you're surrounded by gangs that only live to kill! Any-fucking-thing!” he shouted at me before standing up and going towards a guest room.

I sighed in defeat and heard Terrance lightly chuckle, “Don't take it personally Light...he isn't used to this at all. The kid has never fell in love before, nor had any other friend besides me and the ones we left behind or anything really. He just had his family that he swore on his life he'd protect,” Terrance explained. “Just give him a minute to calm down and then go talk to him again, he just needs another reason to be here.”

I nodded slowly and was left in the living room by myself. I started to think about what Terrance and Spencer said to me, they both went through an ordeal that I doubt anyone would want to live after experiencing it. They have no family and to my knowing no other friends to take them in. I started to pity them but I think that's the last thing they both want, is someone they just met to pity them. I sighed as it's been a few minutes and got up from the floor and made my way to Spencer's room to check up on him. I knocked on it softly announcing myself before opening the door and letting myself in. The room was dark but had a soft light on so I could see Spencer laying on his stomach on his bed. He shifts a little bit as I sat down on the bed and patted his back gently.

“Hey Spencer..” I said softly. “Are you alright?”

He looks over his shoulder and stares at me with red, puffy eyes and shakes his head before burring it back into the pillow. I pouted a little bit before shaking his shoulder to gather his attention again, I wanted to talk to him still. He groaned and flipped himself over and sat up on the bed.

“Is there something you want Light?” he chocked out as he wiped his eyes.

I got on my knees on the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck in attempts to hug him. I was pretty sure words can't really explain much so I thought hugging him was the best I could do to tell him how sorry I am for what happened to him and Terrance. I felt Spencer's arms wrap around me tightly as he pulled me into his lap, resting his head in the crock of my neck. I shivered when I felt his warm breath hit my neck and ran my fingers through his hair soothingly.

“D-Do you mind staying with m-me for the n-night?” he sobbed out and I gently nodded my head. He rolled over, pulling me with him down on the bed. He turned me around and re-wrapped his arms around and lazily thew his leg over my hips. A blush was creeping it's way on my cheeks as I felt my back against his chest as well as feeling his arms tighten around me. It was only moments later when I heard Spencer's soft snores from behind me and I couldn't help but let my eye lids drop close.


My eyes fluttered opened when I felt someone gently shake my shoulder. The sleepiness was blurring my vision so I blinked a few times before I saw the face of Spencer right in front of mine. I yelped and jumped when I noticed his face was merely inches from mine. He laughed at my reaction and crawled back on the bed we were laying on. I cursed under my breath as I crossed my arms and pouted at him.

He poked my pout and smiled, “You know you're really adorable when you sleep,” he chuckled. “And when you pout.” he poked my pout again and this time I nipped at his finger. He pulled it away quickly and smirked. “Someone's a biter...kind of kinky, no?” he said with a slight French accent.

I rolled my eyes, “I don't like it when people poke my pout,” I pouted again and he laughed.

“Then stop pouting smart one!”

I whined and tackled him down on the bed and poked his nose repeatedly and giggled as I did so. He poked my sides and I jumped and squealed. I was very ticklish and the last thing I wanted was to be tickled to death by Spencer. But of course Spencer found my sensitive sides amusing and continuously poked them as I giggled uncontrollably and rolled off of him. He smiled a victorious smile and poked my sides one last time before getting off the bed. I whined again rolled over on my side and looked at the digital clock that was on the nightstand. It read 5:30 so the day wasn't completely over yet, but I doubt we can do much really. I sighed not caring if we did anything I liked staying inside, the outside world doesn't appeal to me in anyway.

“Hey have you seen Terrance?” Spencer asked me as he looked through the draws for a change of clothes. I shook my head and he laughed, “He's probably still asleep, but I'm glad he's sleeping soundly lately.” he almost whispered as he took off his shirt.

My hand involuntary went up to my mouth as I gasped, my eyes scanned his scarred back slowly, “ that what y-your past did to you?” I asked in a soft whisper.

He turned around slowly and looked down sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, “Yeah..” he coughed. “I got into fights that ended up badly with me barely making it out alive. Terrance always had to come save my stupid ass, I kind of fought blindly.”

I got off the bed and walked over to him slowly, “Does Terrance have any scars like you do?”

Spencer shook his head and sighed, “Not really...I mean he's smart..he knows his limits unlike me.”

I walk behind him and look at his scars again, running my hand down his bumpy and irritated skin. Strangely though it's still soft like an infant. I smiled a sad smile as I hugged his waist, resting my head on his lower back since he was so much taller than me.

Spencer laughed dryly and held my hands tightly, “Most of the scars are from getting cut up by knives, a few of them are from gun shot wounds that didn't go through my body and just skimmed me. But one wound is one that I'll never forget..” he said darkly and I stepped away from him slowly, “The wound on my stomach here,” he points to a crescent shaped scar on his lower abdomen and frowned, “One of my sister's friend who I thought was my friend tried to stab her, but I got in the way and he ended up slicing me instead. He's name Lance Williams.”

I ran my hand over the deep scar and winced. I didn't think a scar could get that deep without hitting any vital organs. I heard Spencer sigh and felt his thumb under my chin as he lifted it up. I had the sudden urge to stand on my toes and kiss him, but all I could do was smile at him.

The door of the bedroom opened slowly and a very sleepy Terrance walked in with a yawn. Spencer let go of my chin and I giggled at Terrance as he stumbled into the room.

“How are you two love birds doing?” he smiled as he rubbed his eyes. I blushed and Spencer laughed.

“Terrance I don't think Light would fall for someone like me, I nearly made him piss his pants during the week living here,” Spencer continued laughing and that kind of made me sad. He doubts I could like him, but he doesn't know how wrong he is. I'm already falling for him slowly but surely. “But to answer your question we're both alright, right Light?”

I jumped and looked at him with a smile on my face, “Yeah we're alright but I'm really craving a drink. You guys drink?” I asked as I exited the bedroom and walked to my kitchen with them following me.

“I don't think Spencer can hold his alcohol,” Terrance laughed as he plopped down on the couch.

“I can hold it better than you Terrance,” Spencer countered and punched him lightly on the shoulder.

I laughed as I grabbed three beers out of the refrigerator and handed one to both Spencer and Terrance. I sat down in between Terrance and Spencer and turned on the television. Spencer lightly put his arms around my shoulders and cuddled close to me. I clutched the bottle I was holding tightly in my hands and giggled, I was happy with my two new friends that I made. I didn't want this to end as quickly as it started.