Status: Complete<3


It's So Hard To Find Someone Who Cares About You

Terrance's POV

My eyes flutter open as I outstretched my arms above my head with a soft yawn. I look over at the night stand that had the digital clock on it and it read 9:36 in the morning. Alec was still sleeping in my arms like a little angel. I still can't get over how adorable this boy is. His soft, baby-like voice and they way he speaks is all adorable, the way he looks up at me with those breathtaking brown eyes of his makes me melt. His made up nickname for me and how he always wants me to hold him makes me all giddy inside. I just overall love how Alec makes me feel in general and I don't think he even realizes that each passing day with him I fall that much in love with him. The butterflies that attack my gut and make my heart swell and possibly burst.

I smile down at the fragile boy in my arms as I brought his tiny hand up to my lips and placed soft, tiny kisses on it. He wiggled his nose and opened his eyes slowly, letting out a squeaky yawn. He looked up at me and rubbed his eyes with his small fist and I chuckled at his cuteness.

“Morning love,” I whispered to him as I rubbed my nose against his.

He giggled as he grabbed my face with his hands, “Morning Terry,” he placed to kisses to both my cheeks and smiled.

I grabbed his hands and sighed a little, “You know you have to go to the hospital this morning hun.”

He pouted and shook his head, “Alec does not want to though.”

“Nothing's going to happen, we're just getting a check up on you and everything. Just to make sure everything's alright,” I reassured him as I traced his pout.

He groaned and bit my finger gently, “Father said the doctors are not good. Father told Alec to stay away from them. Father said they do not do anything good for people,” he whined and then hid his face in my chest.

I scowled and sighed in defeat. His father certainly has stuffed a lot of bullshit into Alec's head and it's going to be hard to convince Alec otherwise. Like I learned so much about Alec after Spencer and Light went to bed yesterday, so much stuff that sicken me to the bottom of my stomach. The only reason Alec didn't go into detail about his life to Light was because he felt awkward. Light was kind of interrogating him and that intimated Alec so he only gave out short answers. I just simply asked Alec to tell me about his life before he was rudely kicked out the day I found him and he just started spilling. Alec told me that he never went to school and so he was home-schooled all his life. His mother took care of him like a baby and not much like a teenage boy, so that just answered my unasked question as to why he acts so childish. His parents deprived him of a lot of things. They deprived him of the knowledge of the outside world so everything is foreign to Alec, and that's why he's so innocent. He doesn't understand a thing because his parents kept him locked up inside the house. No wonder the kid is afraid of loud noises, big objects and such. He has never experienced anything and it scares him to tears. He's paranoid of new things and doesn't trust to try them out. That has to change though if he ever wants to live in this kind of world.

Just remembering that conversation just put pieces of a puzzle together. Like they way he talks. I mean I know he said that his father made him talk like that, but you can't really make someone talk like that. I just kind of guessed since he has never been outside of his own home until now that he just developed his own way of speaking. It might change the longer he stays with us, but then again it might not. But if continues talking like that it's going to get harder to understand what he's talking about. The more Alec told me about his past life at his house the more I started to understand why he is the way he is. His mother only home-schooled him and went off to where ever after she was done, and thus this makes me understand why he's so protective of his father. His father was the only one who took care of him while his mother skipped out on Alec's life. His father would fed him, dress him, bathe him the works and even sleep in the same bed as him. Which came to another conclusion as to why he's so clingy. He isn't used to not having any contact with someone, he has to be held and such. His parents just made his life way more complicated than ever and normally a teenage life is already complicated. Alec was kind of lucky enough to not experience school and have teachers down your back about homework and shit, but living a life like this being afraid of everything and not knowing how the outside world is, has to be somewhat worse.

Thinking more on what Alec told me even though his father did take care of him, he still did take advantage of his innocence. Alec would tell me on some occasions his father would do things to him that would make him feel weird, but I kind of tuned that part out when he started describing what his father did to him. It angered me to the point that I told Alec to stop talking about it. One thing though I tuned into was when Alec was telling me about something his father did that was different. He only remembers his father coming into his room at a random, taking off his clothes and then waking up the next day with pain shooting down his backside and that it only happened every weekend when he knew he mother would be out of the house. Putting two and two together I came to the conclusion that Alec was raped on more than one occasion and the worst part is; he doesn't even remember it. Just before and after which really worried me, but it gave me all the more reasons to get him to the hospital now.

I slowly crawled out of bed and got dressed in basketball shorts and over them a pair of sweatpants finishing it off with my black and white checkered hoodie. I couldn't find my shirt so this will have to be my shirt for the day, I'm not really going to be doing much. I walk back over to the bed and dress Alec gently in comfortable clothes, before picking him up in my arms and walking out of the bedroom. Spencer and Light were already dressed and ready to go and we all started walking down the street to the hospital.


As Spencer, Light and I sat in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come back, I started getting nervous. I told the doctor to run a test on Alec to see if he had any problems besides the ones that were obvious to all of us. And since then it's been over two hours or so and I was beginning to regret even mentioning it. Another five minutes passed by and a doctor came into the room asking to talk to me. I jumped up quickly and followed her out of the room. I leaned up against the wall and waited impatiently for the doctor to start talking. She cleared her throat and flipped a page on her clipboard before focusing her attention on me.

“Do you mind answering some questions? Just to confirm something that might be serious,” she started and I nodded my head slowly and bit my lip. “Does Alec have any eating problem? He's a bit on the sickly skinny side and we're a bit worried about his health.”

I nodded, “Well, when I found him he's bones were sticking out and when I do try to give him food he only eats a little bit. But in the end he'll eat the whole thing, it just takes him awhile. He isn't used to eating things he hasn't seen before.”

“He's borderline anorexic and we'd like to have him try a diet that will get him back on track,” the doctor said and I shook my head.

“Like I said he isn't used to eating things he hasn't seen before. I can get him back to health my own way doctor,” I repeated myself as I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. I still have to work on my people skills talking to authority.
She sighed in annoyance at me and continued on, “Does he have anxiety, panic attacks or any phobias?”

I ran a hand through my hair, “He's like afraid of everything. You can like name the simplest thing and he'd be curious around it before he'd get anywhere near it. Like when I tried giving him a lollipop he freaked out because he has never seen one before and I had to show him that it wasn't going to hurt him. He does have panic attacks, like when he hears a loud noise he gets scared and starts screaming and crying for long periods of times. And yes he does have anxiety.”

The doctor wrote down probably some notes on her clipboard then looked back up at me, “Two more questions. Any night terrors or compulsions?”

“He's obsessed with being held and having physical contact with someone, me only actually and night terrors he hasn't experienced but I bet if I don't hold him when he sleeps he'll have them.” I explained and sighed out in relief when she nodded and walked away from me.

I stood in the in the hallway for a few minutes just keeping my mind on how Alec is. I wonder if he was okay? If he needed me. I wonder if he'll be mad at me for taking him to the hospital, he was asleep the whole time and if he wakes up and I'm not there he's going to– I heard a loud scream coming from down the hall, I spoke too soon that was definitely Alec. I rushed down the hallway and followed the scream until I came up to a door. I opened it quickly and rushed over to Alec's side and he jumped in my arms. Shaking violently and crying vigorously as he wrapped his whole body into mine. I sat down in a chair, rubbing Alec's back soothingly and cooing in his ear to help him calm down. He slowly raised his head and cupped my face in his tiny hands.

“D-Don't even leave Alec again, T-Terry,” he whimpered and the look in his eyes almost broke my heart in two. He was scared shitless and it was my fault. I made myself promise that I would never leave his side anymore.

Alec and I sat in the room for thirty minutes as he finally calmed down to mere sniffles. I smiled at him sadly trying to beg for forgiveness with my eyes as he poked my chest hard in a childish way. Even when he's mad it's adorable because he expresses his anger by poking your chest or forehead hard.

“Alec,” I said softly, but he ignored me and kept poking me, “Alec,” I repeated myself as I grabbed his hand to stop him from poking me anymore. “I'm sorry.”

“Alec told you the hospital is bad!” he raised his voice at me and poked me again with his free hand, “But Terry did not listen to Alec.”

“Nothing bad happened to you though Alec, you're completely fine.” I reassured him with a smile, “You're still you.”

Alec huffed and cuddled up against me again and stayed quiet as the doctor walked back into the room. I sighed when the doctor told me that Alec might have dissociative identity disorder, or in other words a split personality disorder. We have to come back again if we experience a behavioral change in Alec and I nodded in agreement before carrying Alec back to the waiting room.


I sighed in relief when my head hit my pillow back at the apartment. I wanted to sleep and it's been a long day at the hospital. The good thing is Alec wasn't mad at me anymore, but the bad thing is he might have a real serious problem that he is unaware of and his parents are to blame for it. I feel so bad for Alec and all I want to do now is protect him and make him into a better person than he is right now. One that isn't afraid of the world and everything it has in stored for him. I have to make him see that the world isn't a dangerous place, you just need to be around the right crowd and you'll be fine. I have to do that for him and once we cross over that bridge we can move onto talking about things he doesn't understand. His innocence is going to be hard to get through and I'll be willing to go through every step of the way with him on it. I found myself a challenge and I'm not afraid of it.

I took off my clothes down to my boxers and crawled back into bed with Alec. He cuddled immediately into my side and placed his head on it's rightful place on my chest and I knew he was out cold. I could definitely get used to this kind of love and affection.