Status: Complete<3


Something's Missing In Me

Alec's POV

I clutched Terrance's shirt as he carried me down the street to the park. I honestly did not want to be outside, the world absolutely terrified me. Father and mother always told me that the world is cruel and wicked, and that everyone wants to hurt you and make you feel lower than ever. Even though that had to be somewhat wrong since I have met Terrance, I mean he was the one who picked me up that day I got kicked out and left. I am so confused now and I do not know what to do.

I whined when Terrance sat me down on the ground under a huge oak tree, I involuntary curled into myself. I know it is a tree but nonetheless it scared me to be near it. Terrance sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders as we sat in silence for awhile. I thought to myself why he brought me outside today since we usually just stay inside where it is safe. I screamed loudly and covered my head as a loud horn sounded when a truck passed the park. I felt my chest tighten and my breathing became shallow and desperate as I felt I could not catch my breath. Terrance wrapped his arms around me tightly as his deep, soothing voice cooed in my ear softly. I melted into his touch and smiled to myself as his familiar strong heart beat calmed me even more. My tears and shaking eventually stopped and I looked up at him with a small smile on my face.

Terrance petted my hair and smiled, “Alec I think it's time for you to start changing for the better,” he said to me as I looked at him confused.

“What do you mean by that Terry?” I asked curiously, seriously not understanding what he meant by 'changing for the better.' I felt kind of insulted.

He looked at me and immediately saw the hurt in my eyes, “I'm sorry Alec that came out I mean to make you realize that the world isn't such an evil place. It can be but if you look passed that you can honestly see that the world is such a wonderful place also.”

“Alec does not believe that Terry,” I said sternly, “Father and mother have always said it was bad. That is why Alec was home-schooled, that is why Alec always stayed inside.” He shook his head at me and laughed. How dare he laugh at me! That was insulting.

“I can tell you think I'm insulting you...but trust me please?” he begged me with a sigh, “Look, Spencer and I came from a terrible place...a place we had to call home for a long time. Our families were killed there and we soon ran away from that town, and we always thought the world was such a God awful place. We never trusted anyone but our friends and family and ourselves, but look at us now. Spencer trust you and Light and so do I...I mean Spencer is a hard headed idiot and even he can see that the world is wonderful. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?”

I glared at him skeptically and thought about what he told me. I do not understand how he and Spencer think the world is such a wonderful place after it took the life of their families. I do not understand how they can change their mind about the world just by simply moving to a different location, it just does not make sense.

“Alec does not understand Terry...” I sighed.

“Well, if you think the world is such a bad place why didn't you go back home? Why did you let me take you with me and my friends? Why do you even talk to Spencer, Light and I?” he asked me and I could sense the anger in his voice. Oh how I wished that was not there.

I chewed on my lip, “W-Well Alec always thought mother and father were a bit too harsh with what they said about the world. Alec just thought...and when Alec met you it felt okay. Alec was not scared of you or Spencer or Light.” I almost did not believe the words that came out of my mouth. It is as if I wanted to subconsciously change for the better and Terrance was there to make it happen.

“See!” Terrance cheered and I laughed, “I knew it! Now I'm going to show you around town since obviously you haven't been out much,” he rolled his eyes and laughed.

I sighed and got to my feet when Terrance did and he took my hand in his and we both walked out of the park, down the street. Terrance did stick to what he said and did show me around town. He showed me all these clothing stores that I have never been to and I excitedly asked him if we can go into some and look around. He smiled at me and pulled my hand into one of the clothing stores and he began picking out some clothes for him and myself.

“Alec here try this hat on,” Terrance called from afar and tossed a hat that had the words DC on them in a weird cursive. I looked at it skeptically and shrugged as I placed it on my head gently. “You look so adorable in that hat,” Terrance's voice suddenly rang from behind me as I looked in a mirror. I jumped slightly and turned around to look at him.

“Really?” I questioned and looked back at my own reflection and tiled my head to the side.

Terrance walked closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders and smiled, “I wouldn't lie to you Alec, so yes really. I honestly believe the hat looks adorable on you which is why we're buying it.”

I giggled and nodded in agreement with him before we walked up to the cashier. Terrance pulled out some money from his pocket and handed it to the lady behind the desk to pay for my hat. I rolled on my heals as I waited for Terrance to take the change and receipt from the lady. He grabbed my hand again and we both walked out of the store with smiles on our faces. We continued walking down the street just smiling at each other and enjoying the others company. I was having a really fun time being with Terrance in the world I thought was cruel, wicked and messed up. Well it is, but now I have a positive point of view on it and Terrance helped me open my eyes to that fact.

After walking around town, looking into stores occasionally buying somethings for each other Terrace and I finally went into one last place and that was the ice cream store. He is trying to convince me to try new food without freaking out and saying it is bad. I do not really like trying out new things, but for Terrance I would try anything. I sighed as he sat me down at a booth before he left to go get the ice cream he wants me to try so badly. He promises me I would love it and I honestly believe him now. I twiddled my thumbs together and kicked my feet under the table just getting lost in my own thoughts. When Terrance and I were walking around town he would tell me his plan to help be a better person than I am right now. He said that the way I talk was not something everyone does and it might confuse some people if I do end up making more friends or just talking to others in general. I remembered pouting at him and saying that I did not want to speak any differently then I do now, but in the end he convinced me I had to. He only kissed my forehead and I gave in so easily. Everything Terrance does to me makes me feel all like warm and fuzzy on the inside. When he talks to me when I am having one of my many freak outs, his voice always soothes me and calms me down, just like his strong arms wrapped around my tiny body and his strong beating heart.

Every time we cuddle– since I insist we do everyday he is just like my giant teddy bear. I was thinking of changing his nickname to Terrybear. I giggled at that thought he will probably complain about it though, but I know deep down he does not care that I call him by a nickname. I prefer nicknames than people's actual names, it is just a way for me to get their names right. I got pulled out of my thoughts when Terrance came back with looks like an ice cream sundae in his hand. He placed it down in the middle of the table with a huge smile on his face as he handed me a spoon.

“Sorry it took awhile,” he apologized, “the lady doesn't know how to make a correct sundae with the right ice cream. She kept screwing it up.” he laughed a little at the end of his sentence as he took a spoon full of ice cream and shoved it in his mouth.

I hesitantly scooped up some ice cream into my spoon and brought up to my eye level. I just stared at it; looked at the texture, the color, they way it slowly melts on my spoon. Just examining it since I was not so sure about eating it. I heard Terrance chuckle and my attention was now on him.

“Alec it's not going to kill you,” he laughed again, “it's good ice cream just take the bite already and stop looking at it like some science project.”

I sighed and placed the cool spoon on my tongue and let the creamy substance slide down my throat. The chocolaty flavor covered my mouth whole and I could not help but smile contently at the new acquired taste that was in my mouth at the moment. I savored the ice cream till it was completely gone and giggled as I saw Terrance smile at me. He knew I was enjoying the new food and I quickly helped him devour the chocolaty substance. When the ice cream was completely gone, Terrance and I dropped our spoons into the empty glass and smiled at one another.

“See, I told you, you'd love it,” Terrance smirked at me. I blushed and looked down, “Now on to one more thing for today then we can call it quits and start again tomorrow.”

I look up at him with a confused expression, “Alec does not understand.”

“The way you talk is what I'm talking about,” Terrance said and leaned over the table slightly, “Did your parents ever teach you about homophones, conjunctions...well the list can go one but does any of that seem familiar to you?”

I shook my head and looked at him like he was crazy, “Alec does not understand what those are...”

He sighed, “Well that explains a lot...well what on earth did your parents teach you when you were home-schooled?”

I shrugged, “That the world is a cruel place basically..”

Terrance looked at me dumbfound, “Are you serious? That's all they taught you?” he ran his hand through his hair, “We have a long way to go then.”

I twiddled my thumbs together nervously, “Alec is sorry he does not know much.”

“Oh, no babe you don't have to apologize,” he laughed, “In fact I think this will be a fun challenge for me anyway. To teach you things, don't worry about it Alec.”

I smiled at him, “Thank you TerryBear,” I giggled at his reaction; his face dropped as his palm came in contact with his forehead.

“A new nickname huh?” he smiled and I nodded, “I adore your weirdness Alec. Now lets get back on track, I will teach you about abbreviations which are letters or shortened word used instead of a full word or phrase. Like...oh hold on let me get something to write with and paper,” he quickly tacked on and got up from the table. When he returned he had a notepad in his hand and wrote down a word I did not recognize.

“This word is here is Et cetera, it means to indicate that a list is too long to give in full. People use it when they are talking or writing a big list of things to others. If people are writing it they use the abbreviation 'etc.' since it's much easier to write. Abbreviation help people write faster using less letters,” Terrance explained to me as he wrote down the word and it's abbreviation. I nodded slowly telling him I understood what he said before he moved onto the next word.

We honestly sat in the ice cream store until it closed around 5:00 in the evening just him teaching me English. I never knew about this subject and it was fun to learn and I kind of regret not going to school to learn it with a teacher. Terrance chuckled at me when I said I was sad that I did not experience school, he said that place was defiantly cruel and wicked. Some kids enjoyed school while most of them hated it and I giggled. People are so confusing. Terrance and I walked the long way back to our apartment and I was happy that I got spend a day outside. I learned so many new things today and for once I felt my heart swell something I never experience before in my life.

I sighed out loud as I climbed on the bed and waited for Terrance to join me. He took off his shirt and stretched his arms above his head until he heard the satisfying popping of his joints. I could not help myself as I stared at his marveled chest. I blushed when he caught me staring and hid myself under the covers as quickly as I could. I felt the bed dip when Terrance's presence was known on the bed and felt those familiar arms wrap themselves around my sheet covered body. He gently pulled the cover down to reveal my red hot face to him and he leaned on me and kissed my blush. That made me blush more and I eventually squeaked. Terrance softly chuckled at me as he crawled under the covers with me.

“Alec you're still in your clothes..” he said to me, “Aren't you going to take them off and get comfortable with me?” he had a smirk on his face and I nearly overheated since he was making me blush so much! “Or I can take them off for you...I wouldn't mind that.” he said in a rather deep voice, deeper than his usual voice and it sent shivers throughout my body.

I gulped silently as he began to unbutton my jeans slowly. I felt the warmth of his hands on my belly since he his were lifting my shirt as he pulled my pants off me. The cool air made me shiver and I immediately crawled my way into Terrance's warm body and cuddled with him. He kissed the top of my head and I could feel my eyelids slowly closing as his strong heart beat became my lullaby.