Train Station

Breaking Point

Stop that. Stop that right now… Your voice kills me inside. I hope you know that. Quit talking like it’s going to be okay! I said shut up already, did I not? Here I am… I came all this way, running full speed, because I was worried I was going to miss you! I was thinking that when I got here, you’d be gone and I’d never see you again. And now here I am and you act like it’s going to be fine. Well it isn’t…

Sweat clung to my forhead, dampening my bangs. My hair was pulled into a messy bun so that it wouldn’t get sweaty and stick too. I didn’t have time to look in the mirror as I did it. I was running out the door, so afraid I wouldn’t make it in time.

There you went, talking again… What was with you? You didn’t even look sad. I sighed softly and wiped the back of my neck as I heard the black monster behind you whistle, the sound carrying off into the blue sky. I swore that that day seemed perfect, like it would last forever. You stepped back, inside it and I cried out, shaking my head. You can’t do this to me… not now. I ran after you, covering those few steps until I was standing right in front of you again, looking up into your perfect eyes I’d gotten lost in so many times before. Your eyes were cold and as I get up on my toes to kiss you you push me away, back off the train and onto the platform.

My eyes were wide. How could you do that to me like we never even knew each other? I feel the tears swelling up and falling from my face as the doors shut, forever breaking off the distance between us. Steam from the engine rose from the front car. I shook my head and looked at you again, hoping that some miracle would delay the train and you’d come running back out to take me away where we could be together. But that didn’t happen. The wheels started moving and I did too, keeping up with your window so I could watch your face. I needed to see something on your face, a look of regret maybe? But as the train sped up and I got closer to the end of the platform, I slowed down and watched you leave me. I turned around and didn’t look back, because I had seen the thing that I was so desperate for.

You were crying.
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I wasn't so inspired by this one.... but I loved the character's thought process. I tried putting as little detail about the characters into this as possible.... I think the idea that you have no clue who they are makes it more.... mysterious and relate-able?

Anyways! If you have a train station situation that you'd maybe like me to write about, don't hesitate to message me! I love random messages and talking with people!

Please comment! It makes writing the next section a lot more fun knowing there are people that want to read!