Status: Completed



Jamie’s suddenly afraid he’s dialed the wrong number when, after pressing the numbers in slowly, a song he recognizes by -- The Cranes? The Strawberries? No, The Cranberries – plays until he realizes, it’s something Alexandria would have as an answer tone.

He counts to five and she answers.

“Jamie?” she beams.

“How’d you know it was me?” he laughs, for the fun of it.

“I didn’t. I placed a bet with myself to see if you would call and you did! Too bad I’m broke. Oh, I am not funny.”

“Not really,” he answers, and she makes gagging noises.

He doesn’t know what to talk about. He doesn’t want to talk about school because that’s typical, and he doesn’t like talking about himself. He doesn’t want to mention Jean and his offer, but it’ll come up eventually, so he might as well tell her now.

“Jean works at this record shop. It’s in Eastport. He says we should drop by some time, and . . . we get stuff or something,” he fumbles, glancing at his door and wondering if he’s talking too loud, if Zack can hear if he turns the TV down just enough.

Girlie never hears anything. Zack shouldn’t as well.

“Did he?” chimes Alexandria, and Jamie can picture her laying on her back on her bed with a fish-like look. “Jean’s cute.”


“But I don’t dig him. I’ll play along for a little while though.”

The blur between whether or not he should like her increases. “Why?”

“Because it’ll be fun. And he thinks he’s all that when he’s really not.”

“You don’t know that.” Defensive and offended, as if he’s Jean himself. “He’s not bad.”

“You don’t seem to know him any better than I do. So he could be.”

That ends the conversation of Jean before Alexandria invites Jamie to her house for the weekend and moves to another topic.
♠ ♠ ♠
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