
When life is given, it can also be taken. Once interaction is made between any person and or thing, fates become intertwined and anything that is done, can and will alter the ending. Let’s take a few steps back and look down at the world for a moment. Now there’s something interesting.
There is a little island sitting all alone in the masses of water named Miku. Miku is a little island centered far off in the Ocean of Revuzela. It’s a peaceful place where my story takes place. If you are hoping that this will be a knock off of a vampire book, or a werewolf book, you are partially correct. But that is besides the point. I will now move on and begin this little tale of fate.
My name is Felix Peirce and I can tell you that life here in Miku can have it’s moments of excitement. I just recently encountered an intriguing man from the other island. His name is Nick Mate and he is the world’s grim reaper. He came up to me as I was getting off of the ferry to Miru. He gave me residence at his place leaving me vulnerable to a wide variety of weirdness. His butler Mac will tell me what he did not leaving me afraid and curious.
Later on I will discover secrets of the world and why I was really taken by this man. While my stay is not permanent, I become drawn into the city and begin to forget my home. I meet interesting people with mystical powers that will eventually help me in my test designed by Nick.
As the grim reaper falls for me, I fall for someone else and with a growing relationship, a rivalry breaks open and things “unimaginable” will happen. I will have a secret to keep and a test to pass. Choices will have to be made and I will be the only one who is able to make them.
When life is given, it can also be taken. Once interaction is made between any person and or thing, fates become intertwined and anything that is done, can and will alter the ending.
I am Felix Peirce and I am the mother of the future grim reapers of the world. Where life will be controlled in new ways, and I will discover my true purpose in life.
  1. Vacation
    Felix is ready to leave her cramped apartment and explore new places, but is she prepared for what lies ahead of her.
  2. Arrival
    Finally arriving, Felix has no idea what to expect. Greeted by a suspicious character, he leads to a new residence.
  3. The First Night
    After a nap, Felix awakes in her new room. Filled with curiosity, she wanders the halls and will discover things before facing what could be the end of her.
  4. Meeting A Soothsayer
    Recalling her near death experience in a new light, the boys decide that it's time to visit a soothsayer- fortune teller- now that their lives have been connected.
  5. Clear my Schedule
  6. Playing Childish Games
  7. A Month Later
  8. Creating Lies