Status: Hello all my amazing readers! I am currently re-editing all my chapters and plan to post new ones soon :)

Mistakes of the Heart

The First Day - Part 2

Why do I always put myself in these situations? Honestly, it’s inevitable. Bad luck just seems to find me. At least that’s how I feel as I gaze up at the annoyed looking Mr. Johnson. Of all the people to find me in this position it would be The Asshole. It’s not that he isn’t easy on the eyes; it’s just that he knows it - which feeds to his giant ego.

I realize that there has been an awkward silence as I was sorting out my thoughts, so I decide to say something.

“Er… I can explain.” I stare up at him with a pleading smile.

He just smirks and shakes his head, with his arms crossed over his chest.

“There is no need. It’s nothing that surprises me.” Damn him.

“Why don’t you go glare at someone else for once? People might start to get ideas.” I hiss.

“Oh trust me. They know I wouldn’t stoop to your level.” I swear if looks could kill, Mr. Johnson wouldn’t be alive right now.

“ What is your problem?!” I snap, as I stand up to place my hands on my hips.

Then he starts getting in my face. “ You’re just a waste of my time.” I was leaning against the wall, while staring straight into his angry eyes.

“ Then leave me the fuck alone. I am sure one of your many admirers would be happy to get your attention. I have heard the rumors,” I say with a smirk.

Our faces were just inches from each other. I could hear my heart beating rapidly from our close proximity. I swear I thought for a split second he glanced down at my lips. And, there was something about the look in his eyes, but I knew it was just pure cockiness. He was just about to say something but that’s when the bell rang – meaning that break was over and class was going to start.

We immediately backed away from each other and students started entering the classroom. I picked up my iPod and my bag, and sat in a desk all the way in the back of the room. I am done dealing with Mr. Johnson. I just don’t get it! Plus, who knows if those rumors are true. More importantly, what if they are?

On cue, the two girls I was eavesdropping on earlier entered the room. Following behind them were probably more of Mr. Johnson's stalkers or whatever they are. I saw them glance over at me and all I could do was roll my eyes and lay my head down on the desk. I was so ready for this day to be over.

“Whoa, California what happened to you?” I look up from my desk and see Tanner take the seat next to mine.

“ Mr. Johnson happened to me.” I say angrily. Then I see Tanner turn and glare at him.

“ Don’t worry babe, I will make sure he doesn’t bother you. Besides he is only an aid.”

“ Babe?” I say lifting up an eyebrow. He just turns and gives me his famous smile.
He was just about to say something else but then someone cleared their throat.

“Hello class. As some of you already know, I am Mr. Johnson.” He remarks while smiling. I swear every single girl in the classroom was gawking at him. I heard Tanner make a gagging noise and I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Is there a problem Ms. Tyler?”

“Yeah you!” I silently, thought to myself. But instead unconvincingly say,“ Nothing at all.”

“Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” he turns and glares at me, “as you all know, this course is supposed to be taught by Mr. Peters. But due to unfortunate circumstances I will be your teacher this semester.”

I think everyone in the classroom besides Tanner and me were celebrating.

Next, I see Mr. Johnson look directly at me and all I could do was scowl. He had a smirk plastered across his face and I just wanted to slap it off. God, now if I really want to pass this course, I am going to have to try and tolerate that asshole. Just perfect.

“ Class will begin regularly tomorrow, but today I have to get a few things sorted out. You may talk quietly until the end of class.” Tanner was giving me the pity face when I turned to look at him, but our moment was interrupted when the two same girls from earlier approached my desk.

“ May I help you with something?” I asked.

“ I just wanted to ask how much you heard. I don’t need some stupid rumor- ”

“Don’t worry my lips are sealed. There is nothing that benefits me from telling anyone about your little crush.” I smirk.

“ Oh please! I saw what happened and I just wanted to tell you to stay away from him, because he is mine.”

“I am not interested in that arrogant asshole, so no worries.”

“That’s not what it looked like to me.” What. The. Hell.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“ I am not stupid.” I swear this bitch…

“I beg to differ.” I mumble, just low enough so she doesn’t hear.

Then, I roll my eyes and Tanner says, “ Melissa why don’t you go back to your little clones? We all know that you can’t keep your legs closed and I am pretty sure Mr. Johnson isn’t interested in sluts. Beside Cali- I mean Melanie isn’t dumb enough to get involved with a teacher, unlike you.”

I swear that girl turned red within seconds. She turned and faced me, ignoring Tanner completely, and said, “ Just watch your back.” She then quickly turned around and angrily walked back to her “clones”.

“Thanks Tanner. I am in no mood to deal with her today.”

“ Just don’t prove me wrong, okay?” He gives me a more serious look.

“ What do you mean? There is nothing going on!” I exclaim.

“Relax Mel, I just want you to be careful. He has a reputation around here.”

“ I will. And he made it clear that he was not interested in me anyway. Why would he be? ” This time Tanner was looking at me intently. Then he mumbled something I couldn’t make out.

“ Just… be careful.”

I took this time to look up at Mr. Johnson. He lifted up his head at that exact moment and we were just glaring at each other again. Finally the bell rang and I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. I gathered my things together and started leaving, with Tanner behind me.

“ Ms. Tyler, could I have a word with you?” I turned around and Tanner gave me a knowing look.

I turned back towards Mr. Johnson and said, “I would, but I really don’t want to.” And, at that moment, I just booked it out of there. Of course, I ended up crashing right into Hayley.

“Damn Melanie! What the hell happened?”

“I… I...” I was still trying to catch my breath.

“Don’t worry about it. Hopefully this will help.” She held up a plaid skirt with a matching sweater. My Uniform!

“Oh my god! You are seriously a LIFESAVER!”

She just laughed and said, “Don’t thank me yet. Let’s hope that it fits.”
I still have no idea how I am going to repay this girl.

“Come on. We have next period together. Let’s make you blend in.”

Luckily the uniform fit almost perfectly. The skirt was just a little long, but that’s only because I am not the tallest person around. But I don’t really care, because the day was suddenly looking more bearable.


The rest of the day went by more smoothly. I heard people say that Mr. Johnson didn’t show up to the rest of his classes because “something urgent came up”. Also, the stares became less frequent because it turns out that I repeat a lot of classes with the same students. I felt a wave of relief when the final bell rang to signal the end of the day. I wanted to just jump up and down, but I think I already embarrassed myself enough.

As I was walking down the hall, heading to my room, Matt, Aiden, Tyler, and Tanner all ran up to me at once.

“Hey guys what’s up?” Of course, they all started talking at once.

“Whoa guys, one at a time!”

“We were just wondering if you wanted to go out with us tonight?”

“I am sorry guys, but I am beat. Maybe tomorrow? I just want to get some rest.”

Tanner spoke up and said, “Alright California, but don’t forget about our deal.”

The other three guys look back and forth between us and yell, “What deal?!”

“You will just have to wait and see,” he says while winking at me.

I just roll my eyes and start walking off. “See you later, guys.” I say with a small wave.
I can hear them all bugging Tanner as I walk away. I wonder what he has planned for me. I just shake my head and continue walking.

I get to my room and literally run and jump on top of my bed. Finally I can get some rest! I start to doze off but then my phone awakens me with my familiar ringtone. I pick it up and look at the caller ID. My eyes widen and I take a deep breath before I answer.

“What the hell do you want?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is part 2!!!! :D Ahhhhh cliffhanger :P
I just wanted to thank my best friend for editing this for me! ILYYY<3
Also I wanted to thank all of you who have given this story a chance :]
Especially those who commented...
The more comments the faster I update :D
So let me know what you think <3