Sequel: Loose Ends
Status: active - updated every thursday :)

All for You

Aria Gaskarth.

I stared at the figure in the mirror, chewing on the inside of my cheek. I woke up to find everyone I was bunking with, even Flyzik, had left. I didn't really care – I was exhausted, and hardly remembered being carried into the hotel, but I assume that it was Jack. I ran my fingers through my hair, and stuck my lip out dejectedly before pulling my beanie on over it, knowing it wasn't going to be getting much better.

My lips were raw by the time I left the hotel room, my lanyard with all my keys sticking out of my pants pocket and my phone vibrating loudly in my hand. It was a friend from home, checking it with me but I didn't wanna talk. I could hear my stomach grumbling and the frown on my face deepening as the gold elevator doors opened, revealing a tall and lanky boy with messy black hair that made him look like he just woke up. I breathed out quickly, coming out like a gasp. “Jack,” I said, and he smiled, holding the elevator doors open for me as I clicked my way in.

“Hi, Aria,” He said, though not moving from the wall of the elevator, where he was simply smiling at me. “Are you going down to eat?” He asked kindly, and I smiled, though as my stomach grumbled loudly in the small space, I didn't have to answer. He chuckles.

It's awkward, and I don't know why. He's being overly polite and normal, where normally he'd make some comment about how he can't see my boobs or how wearing heels makes my butt look amazing. But maybe Alex got to him, but I don't want this – whatever this is – to end. It makes me oddly happy, despite the blood, the sweat, and the tears … it calms me down when I need it.

And as the doors are about to open and I was going to shovel food into my mouth to avoid speaking, Jack grabs my wrist and pulls me within an inch of his face, smiling at me. “Hang out with me before doors today?” He said, and when I breathed out slowly, chewed my lip to avoid smiling, and nodded, he pulled me in for a kiss, one that was so different than any other one before it.

Neither of us were drunk or horny. It was passionate, filled with love – or what I assumed was love, since I mean, it was Jack.

I stepped out of elevator in a daze, and stumbled towards the buffet, where Alex and Andy laughed at me with food all over their faces. “Jesus, Aria, it's only ten in the morning. Are you already drunk?” Alex teased, and Andy lost it, and I rolled my eyes, flipping them off and angering the family sitting next to them.

But hey, YOLO.
I stretch out over the curb and adjust the guitar against my stomach as Jack gently moves my fingers and helps my hand slide down the end of it. “Why am I learning Vegas on the guitar?” I whine for a moment, and he shushes him gently, his breath rustling my hair, but I keep complaining. “I'm a singer, baby.”

“Aria, for me?” Jack pleaded, and I shut my mouth, feeling how his body seemed to mold into mine as he helped me play the song I hardly knew, and as it got to my favorite part, I quietly began to sing, in a female version of Alex's.

“I woulda married you in Vegas had you given me the chance to say 'I do', couldn't make it any more obvious, could you be any more obvious?” I sang, and Jack suddenly stopped moving his fingers and left me to end the song, and I had figured it out. He leaned back on his palms hidden by his sunglasses, and his lips were pursed.

“Do you remember a few years ago, when we all were finally eighteen and didn't have to bring our parents on the road, and you decided you were going to come and you and Alex got in a huge fight because the first few shows were in Vegas and he didn't trust you?” Jack rambled, and I smiled, remembering it perfectly. Andy was 14 at the time and was hating life and high school and our hometown as much as I did, and was pissed that I got to go to Vegas.

I remember the fight with Alex, and I remember that he refused to talk to me until we left Vegas, with me hungover but still single and no more one night stands than him. “Yeah, I remember,” I said, though slightly suspicious. I hardly remembered being in Vegas, though if I recall correctly, Jack was neck high in hoes wanting his dick and his money – nothing else. I remember getting irritated by their voices and going to get another drink, and ended up winning $2,500 in the casino playing blackjack.

“Well, uh, do you remember the last night?” He said nervously, and Jack was never nervous. I shook my head, because even if I did, I wanted to hear it from his lips. “You were really drunk and probably a little stoned too, since we had no idea where you had been, and we had to go to the rest of Nevada and California, so Alex sent me to go get you.”

I was stoned, and I was definitely drunk. Me and a kid from high school used to smoke pot when life got hard, and once shit began to go down between me and Alex and my friends, well, lets say I shouldn't have too many brain cells left. But I think Vegas was the last time I did it. I was never addicted, just liked the feeling of letting go.

“And you didn't want to, so I just kind of picked you up, bridal style.” He coughed slightly, his cheeks flushing as I kept a firm grip on the neck of the guitar. I didn't remember any of this. “And you kissed my cheek, snuggled into my chest, and made me promise that we'd get married tonight. I mean, I was drunk too and I told you I would, but one thing led to another and we ended up on separate sides of the world until this tour,” He said, now purposefully not meeting my eyes.

I woulda married you in Vegas had you given me the chance to say “I do”. I almost gasped. It was slowly coming together for me now. Alex had told me that Jack had played a big role in the writing of “Vegas”, but I never knew it was about me.

I crawled over beside him, adjusting myself into his side and gently kissed his cheek. “Well, let's hope this time around we get a chance.” I stood, realizing doors would be opening soon, and gently helped Jack up. “Come on, doors are in half an hour and we have to make sure you're not seen,” I say, and he grabs his guitar and looks me dead in the eye, or so I think.

“I wanted a chance, Aria.” He said, and I smiled, not wanting anything else but a chance with him at the moment. I kiss him, my fingers lacing with his as I smile even wider at the butterflies erupting in my stomach and dancing down my fingers.

“I know, baby,” I say, and we walk towards the venue, his fingers gently rubbing mine as he holds me close, and I can tell from the way I watch my dad and my mom that he doesn't want to let go. And when we get to the black stage door that signals we can't be touchy feely anymore, he frowns.

“Why doesn't Alex want us together? We're fucking adorable,” He says, and I laugh, though quietly and kiss him again, this time latching my hands in his hair and tugging, and he groans against my lips until I make my hasty exit, laughing at his loud groans and moans about how he's gonna have to survive without a kiss like that again.

Maybe I was in over my head. But hey, what am I supposed to do if I'm falling in love with him?
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awwwwwh jack and aria :)