Sequel: Loose Ends
Status: active - updated every thursday :)

All for You

Andy Gaskarth.

I slammed my head repeatedly against the chilly, white walls of the jail cell I was occupying. Tears streamed down my face as my body slouched down against the wall and to the cement ground. I deeply sighed as I took in my surroundings.

Teenagers who were yelling and slurring words of anger surrounded me in the neighboring cells. "Fuck You!"s and "I'm going to kill you!"s echoed through the walls of the juvenile detention center as the police officers scoffed and continued on their way; enjoying the freedom they were about to endure.

This all had happened because of a stupid boy. My entire life had been brought up and brightened just to be crashed back to rock bottom by the same green-eyed man and my ridiculous brother. Right now I could be cuddled up in my boyfriend's arms or smiling and laughing with all of my closest friends and siblings. Instead, I was sitting in jail with makeup smearing my eyes, a frown plastered on my face, and tattered clothes that showed my shame.

I wish I would've done something different. I wish Aria could shut her fucking mouth. I wish I could go back and hug him just one more time. But wishing was pointless and I had always known that.

"Andrea Gaskarth?" a small man asked me from outside the cell; interrupting my wishful thoughts. "You can make a phone call now."

I nodded and tried to get up despite my drunken state, but the young man eventually had to help me to my feet and firmly take me to the telephone down the hall. Although my first instinct was to call my sister, I knew that she wouldn't be able to do something from her spot miles away, so I ended up calling the only other people I could count on - my parents.

The phone's three rings felt like an eternity before I heard my mother's harsh voice. "Hello? Who is this?"

"Mom, it's Andy," I told her before quickly continuing. "I got into some trouble and ended up in jail. I really need to get bailed out. I promise I'll go to my court date and do anything they say if you just get me out of here. I'll do anything, please mom."

"Andrea Rose Gaskarth!" my mother screamed from the other side of the phone. "I can't believe all of your idiotic behaviors have finally gotten you into jail. I'm tired of always getting you out of trouble and this is the last straw. I'm not spending another dime on your stupidity. You're going to do your time just like everybody else."

"Mom!" I yelled just before the police officer tightened his grip on my hand. "You can't do this! I can't be in here. I don't belong in here!"

"Obviously you do, Andrea." she replied sternly. "I'm done discussing this. I'll see you soon. Goodbye."

Before I could say another word, the line went dead and I slammed the phone back onto it's holding spot in anger. The man grasping my arms gave me a sympathetic look as we made our way back to the horrific cell I would call my home for the next couple of days.

Once he closed the door, I cuddled into the cheap blanket and began thinking of my wishes again. And even though an endless list piled up in my head, the only one that really stuck was this:

Why had I done this all for you?
♠ ♠ ♠
Shit is getting real, right?!

This story has about two chapters left then WE'LL START LOOSE ENDS!! Check it out guys :D!