Status: Test run, don't know if I'm keeping it

Under Lock and Key

The East Coast

Autumn POV

I stood on the dock and stared into the water one last time. This woud be the last time I would see the water hitting up against the dock or even the beach along side my house for that matter. I held the golden locket between my fingers. "Fresh start." I mumbled to myself. "This time. . . I'm not playing games."

It plummeted.

As the sun set lower and the color of the sky began to change, I took a few steps backwards, continuing to take in the sight before I turned around for my last night at this house. After my few uncoordinated steps backwards, I turned completely and walked back to my soon to be previous home, wiping tears from my eyes. My footprints became visible in the sand but would soon be wiped away by the oceans tide and tourists along with the owner of this home.

I walked up the long staircase, making my way to the top of my porch where my mother and father stood, drinking out of coconut cups. The pink flower looked as if it were about to fall from behind my mothers ear. "Disposing of Lincoln?" She questioned, looking out towards the water.

"Yeah. . . I pretty much figured there was no hope so why bother caring anymore. I'm going to have a fresh start." And with that, I stepped away. I was never one to talk much. . . In fact I barely talk outside the family. My ex was an exception considering the fact that I've known him since I was about three.

I was feeling empty.

I walked into my bedroom, closing up the last of my boxes. I had a purse to put my clothes in after I changed in the morning. We were already in the process of loading up the moving truck. You see, mom is a dark haired angel who is known for her looks. She models for magazines across the globe, which is why she's always away. My dad, on the other hand. . . He's a very short tempered man who takes his anger out by spitting insults at everyone else. Fifteen years of being the most well known defense lawyer in the country. . . Well, the sleepless nights and ill mannered people get to you. He's gone on business alot too.

They try their hardest to keep me away from the outside world because of the tabloids and gossip magazines. When they're away on one of their busy weeks or sometimes even longer, they leave me with a nanny. I've become fluent in three different languages aside from my own. French, Spanish, and Italian. "Autumn, sweetheart." My mother called into the house. "The movers are coming to grab the last of the boxes. Have them out and stacked." I shook my head.

"They already are." I replied, clearly annoyed. The only reason we were moving wsa to be closer to my parents most common call away jobs. They all ended up in the same area so by moving a few states away from their main scene, it wasn't too hard living a normal life without paparazzi. We've been living at the beach house for exactly that reason, but mother believes it's been far too long and wants a change. More toward the east coast is more of the place my parents would prefer, still close enough to work, far enough from paparazzi, and manageable living accommodations.

I changed into PJ's in the bathroom before going back to my room. Once the boxes were removed, I was able to flick off the light and hop onto my bed nd under the covers, the last things to be removed in the morning. I closed my eyes tightly and just thought.

No more Lincoln, no more fancy private school, no more anything. Just an hour of online classes at night before bed, and no more irritating plane rides every weekend to visit my parents after dumping me with some nanny from god knows where. I was going to try my hardest to be that regular 16 year old girl, just minus the drama and immaturity part. This was, in facts going to be my

Fresh Start.

* * * * * * * * *

This car ride was killing me. Straight through with no bed and no real home cooked food was like hell for me. In all honesty I'm not trying to sound like some stuck up fruity little princess but this just wasn't something I had ever enjoyed. After hours in the car as the sun turned from light to dark, pretty much ruining my day, we had arrived at our destination. The house wasn't very large. It was a simple beige two story home well sized for a small family. The yard was of nice size along with the in ground pool in the back yard shaped almost like a bean. The double driveway gave a nice touch to the house. "Living room is to the right." My mother mumbled. "Staircase on the left leads upstairs, you're the bedroom farthest down the hall. Those windows at the top left of the house, the row, those are yours. It's bigger than your last room." My last room was pretty damn big.

To do list:
Have enough space for all of my junk.

I pushed open the front door with all the force I had. It sticks. . . Dammit. I made my way up the staircase and found my room, everything already unpacked and put away. My large bed covered in my purple comforter was pushed against the wall in the center of the room. My clothes were neatly put away in my dresser drawers and my dresses and shoes filled the closet. I don't even wear half the clothes I have. . .

I threw my bag on the floor and dug through my dresser, searching for a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to sleep in. I was so tired from the car. "Knock knock." My mothers voice chimed from behind me. I jumped with slight shock. I was very easily scared. "Going to bed already?" She spotted the shorts I was picking up. "Not even going to watch a movie with your father and I to get the feel of the new house? Everything's been set up for a few days, baby. It's not like we have to take an hour to hook it up first."

I shook my head. "No." I yawned. "I'm really tired, I honestly just don't feel like it."

"Well. . ." She continued on. very predictable. "Maybe if you slept in the car like a normal person, you wouldn't be so tired, now would ya." She laughed. I had a deathly fear of falling asleep in cars, but that's a story for another time. "Goodnight, Autumn. I know I'm not cracking you this time." She kissed my forehead and I wished her a goodnight before turning on my television, changing my clothes, flicking off the lights, and climbing into bed.

I slept for a while but had continuous wake up periods. I left on bad terms, and I shouldn't have. I should have cleared everything up with Lincoln before I had gone away permanently.

What are you thinking Autumn! You weren't right for each other! Just face it already, there are no good terms!

But there were always good times. I shook the thoughts from my head, both the good and the bad. I needed sleep. I was already settled in, even though anger pulsed through me because somebody had put my things away. I hated people going through my things. It was more of a privacy issue than anything else.

I let myself relax and eventually drift off into nothingness. Soon the sun would rise on this town, and I'd be awake, ready to start my day on brand new terms with the entire neighborhood. My fresh start that I spoke of was simply a few hours away.

* * * * * * * * *

Opening my eyes to the sun shining through my windows was hard to adjust to. I forgot. . . No curtains yet. I wanted something that I could do on my own to make the room actually feel like my own so I snagged them before the movers could get to them. I stood up and walked over to my dresser, putting on a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight pink tank top. I slipped on my black wedges to give myself some height and brushed through my hair. Of course, like any other teenage girl, I did the expected. . .

I grabbed the straightener

I pulled it through my long black hair which fell to about the top of my rib cage. Once it was straight, I styled it and applied my eye liner and mascara. I looked presentable.

I walked out of my bedroom and downstairs, seeing my mother in the kitchen in her usual ritual. A new house had absolutely no effect on her. She was flipping pancakes seeming to have some trouble. . . I always had to take over because she didn't know what the hell she was doing. "You look cute." She smiled over at me, struggling to turn the food over. My father was yelling from the office. "Don't bother him this morning. He's in a horrible mood, he's handling a murder case. Some celebrity died and they're accusing the ex." She shrugged.

"Honestly, when isn't he in a bad mood." I mumbled. She simply smiled and shrugged. She acted more as a friend than she did a mom. I mean, disagree every once and while, would ya, you damn robot! I walked toward the front door and placed my hand on the knob.

"Where you off too?" She asked, glancing up at me. I pulled the door open and shrugged, turning back toward the outside. I stopped short when a woman stood there, hand ready to knock. I went into automatic freeze mode. I never did well around people. Like I mentioned, I don't talk outside the family much. She rescued me. "Company!" My mother smiled, calsping her hands together and completely turning her attention away from the food. She rushed toward the door and I rushed toward the food, trying to prevent the house from burning down. "Hello, I'm Dawn, so very nice to meet you! Are you the neighbor?" She was so cheery it was sickening.

As they made small talk, I cleaned up my mothers mess and made food the right way. Once the mess was clean and everything was made, I walked out of the kitchen and into the backyard. It's been about a half hour, they had to be gone by now. I plopped down in the chair and sighed. The sliding door opened behind me. "Are you coming in, sweetheart? The neighbors would really like to meet you." My mother sounded. I shook my head. There was more than just the woman?

She shook her head and walked back into the house, only I didn't hear the door close until new footsteps came into the picture. The chair across from me became occupied. "Sup?" He motioned his head as he asked, body leaning forward, hands elbows leaning on his knees while his hands crossed in the center. Oh yeah, cool kid. I simply crossed my arms and refused to speak as I leaned back in my chair."Your mother told me you don't talk much." He smiled.

He shook his head, light brown hair flying for a moment. His smile was beautiful, I'd give him that. He stared down at the ground for a long moment, then looked back up quickly. His golden brown eyes were staring. "Do you talk at all?" I sat quietly and looked away. "Well, I'm Jesse.I'm nineteen and I live right there" he pointed to his right, my left. Basically, the left side of my house on street view. "I have a younger sister inside, she's eleven, and an older sister, she's twenty-three and doesn't live with us. Then there's my brother, he's thirteen. Got any siblings?"

I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head. Why did the talkative ones always comes over to me? "Will you say two words to me, or are you just going to sit here in silence? Sister or brother?" I stayed silent. He sighed and stood up. "Well. . . I guess it was nice talking to you. I didn't really catch your name. . . Maybe next time."

He turned around and started walking back toward the house. I was thinking hard. . . "Uhm, I'm. . ." I started mumbling. When he looked at me, I dropped my voice to a whisper. "Autumn."

"Well Autumn, now we're off to a good start." And with that he disappeared back into the house where the little kids were having a ball. It sounded like something out of a rugrats movie. I stared off into space while the wind began picking up. Dammit! I might actually have to go inside and possibly socialize with these people. I wasn't very willing to socialize with anybody ever, it was a non personal matter.

"Get in the house." A masculine voice from behind me demanded. I didn't even hear the door slide open. I turned my head and faced my father. "Don't be anti social, try and come outta your little shell once and a while." He looked extremely aggravated.

I sighed. "And if I decide not too?" Nobody else was around, it was perfectly fine to speak.

"Grounded. Two weeks, no phone, no computer, no nothing." He threatened. I laughed, he was so oblivious to the life of his own kid. He also needed to step up his game and actually act like a parent. He was more of a dictator than anything else.

"I don't talk to anybody anyway, dad." I turned my head. His strict words shot out like knives.


I sighed and stood up. "Yes sir." I saluted and turned around, walking into the house. Everybody was sitting in the living room talking and watching the little kids play. I tried sneaking past them and up the stairs but my shoes were too loud and I was caught. I couldn't get away from anybody for the life of me.

"Autumn, come join us dear. The neighbors are very nice." I simply shook my head. "Stop being like that, come socialize." I grunted and dad tossed the evil eye. I walked over angrily and sat down on the couch farthest from everyone. I automatically sank in and sighed. "She doesn't like speaking outside of the family." My mother explained, I'm sure for what was the hundredth time.

"Yes you already told us that." The woman from next door said very politely. I hated when people talked about me like I wasn't even there. It was rude and irritating. "Don't be so insecure, Autumn. I was like that when I was young too. Shy as a deer."

I'm not shy you nitwit, I just hate people!

My mother sighed. "Autumn, if you really don't want to be here, then go. I'm not going to force you to stay." She turned her attention to the neighbors. "She'll warm up to you eventually, just give it time."

I stood up and walked away, mumbling under my breath. "Warm up, I'm not a freaking dog." I opened the front door and stormed out, slamming it behind me. I hated company, I hated company, I hated company! I hated showing interest when there was no reason for interest to be shown. I don't care about their hobbies and what they decide to spend their damn money on. I just wanted them to leave. I could guarantee my parents were talking abut me right now and making excuses for my behavior. They were never embarrassed by me, they just hated the fact that I hated the world. I leaned against the side of the house, arms crossed over my chest.

"Well you should all stop by sometime for dinner!" came the cheery voice from the opening front door. "The kids all seemed to take a fancy to you, maybe we could all go out to The Olive Garden or something this weekend." It was Jesse's mom.

"Absolutely!" Came the voice of my mother as everybody began to pour out of the house. Kind of reminded me of a clown car. . . She looked at me and winked while she closed the door. She knew I just wanted my privacy and to be left alone for a few minutes.

"Jesse, are you coming? I don't think she wants to be bothered, buddy." A small voice yelled from the street. His little sister. I looked to my right, not even realizing til that moment that he had been standing there. I sighed, my signature move.

"Lindsey, catch up to mom! I'm a big boy, I can manage back to the house on my own." I looked up at him, catching him staring right away while the little girls running footsteps faded. "If it means anything at all I think being quiet all the time is cool. It makes you unique. . . Different from all those other girls and honestly," He smiled and lowered his voice just a tad. It sounded almost seductive. "Who wants to be like everybody else?"

I smiled. He turned around to leave. "Jesse?" I found the nerve to speak. This would probably be a one time thing only. He turned back and looked at me. "Thank you." I watched a smile tug at his lips.

"I knew I'd get some words outta you. . . Well, aside from your name." He turned toward the road and started toward his own home, leaving me on the porch. He was just a tad cocky, in my opinion. . . At least he kind of seemed that way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter one: Completed and super, super short! Other chapters will be longer if I continue this story. Comment and tell me what you think :) Remember, this is just a test run, no readers or subscribers means I may as well delete it. Thank you! Also, what do you think about the layout?