Status: Active. :]

Someone, Somewhere

Chapter 1: The Trials and Trebulations of Rock N' Roll

Honestly, I don’t know where to begin. Should I start with the first time I heard his band? Should I start with the first time we met face to face? Or maybe I’ll explain both. I was making my way through Hot Topic when I noticed a new CD on display. I picked it up, liked it, bought it, and loved it. I fell in love with it. I suppose it’s always better to fall in love with the band’s music, before you fall in love with the band. That’s exactly how it happened with me. Let me explain in more depth and detail exactly how I came to love the band known as Asking Alexandria.
It all started when I was 9 years old. I was sick and tired of listening to country and pop melodies, and had finally discovered my true musical identity. I had found Rock and Roll. Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll. Actually, no, I just had the Rock and Roll. I was 9! Sex and Drugs are a bit much for a 9 year old, but my time was coming. It was 5 years later, when I was 14, when I found drugs. The just added to the musical stamina. They made Rock and Roll 10 million times more enjoyable. However, they made my life a living hell. I continued using for 3 more years, and when I was 17, I found sex. Giving my body away for drugs, so I could listen to the pure bliss of Rock and Roll. It took a toll on me for another year. And, on my 18th birthday, I stooped the lowest and hooked up with the worst thing that ever happened to me, He became my ticket to drugs, which I paid for with sex. But, he took away the one thing that made the sex and drugs worthwhile. He took away my Rock and Roll. He took away my happiness. I snapped. I ran far away and never looked back.
Without him, I had no sex and drugs. But, I was perfectly content with my Rock and Roll. I made my way, city by city, until finally settling in the Big Apple. Standing in a local store, I noticed a news bulletin.
“Police are on the look-out for 18 year old, Amber McPherson. She stands five feet, five inches tall, has green eyes, and dark brown hair, and weighs approximately 120 lbs. If you see Amber, please contact the Louisiana State Police.” The reporter announced. The old man behind the counter was watching the TV. He saw me and his mouth hung open in shock.
“Is that you?” He asked me.
“No, I’m her twin sister, Autumn.” I replied.
“I quickly left the store and went straight to find a place to work and live. I had a few hundred dollars on me, so I decided a nice change of clothes would be a nice start. I searched for hours trying to find a Hot Topic, and I finally found on. The clerk in the store was male and had tattoos covering his arms. I had small tattoos on my knuckles, starting at my right hand, baby finger, and reading right to left read, “Rock”, and on my left hand, starting at my pointer finger read, “Roll”. The clerk led me to the jeans, and I found a nice maroon pair. I made my way to the shirts, and found a random band shirt. As I was checking out, a song with screaming vocals filled the store.
“What is that?” I asked the clerk.
“Asking Alexandria?” He explained. “They’re a band.”
“No, not the band. The music? I’ve never heard screaming in a song before.” The clerk behind the desk was shocked.
I waked to a stack of Cd's and came back with a new CD of Asking Alexandria.
“You should listen to them. They are the ultimate screaming, Metal core band.” He insisted.
I had never heard of those genres before. So, I bought the CD. I decided I should find a place to stay. I walked around the city and, met some awesome people. These people are my best friends, today. They taught me what screamo, and Metal core was all about. They introduced to me to some of the best bands I have ever heard. But, to this day, 2 years later, Asking Alexandria was still my favorite band. They always will be. So, that is the story of how I first heard Asking Alexandria's music.