Wake Me In December

Chapter One

I looked up at the stars on my ceiling, wishing that I could disappear. Disappear just like Alexander did. “ALEXANDRIA PARKER, GET DRESSED AND GET DOWN HERE BEFORE YOUR GUESTS ARRIVE."I jumped up from my bed and ran down the stairs to confront mom. “Mom, they are NOT my guest, you’re the one who invited these people, not me.Having this party won’t make me or you forget about Alexander.IT WON'T!" I screamed at her. I turned on my heels and took the stairs two at a time up to my room. I slammed the door then locked it. I ran to my balcony. “Alexander please, Come back!!" I whispered through my tears. I slid down the wall so that I was sitting down. About 30 minutes later cars started pulling into our drive way. I decided that I might as well go down there, just to glance and make sure mom was alright.
I grabbed some black skinny jeans, a neon green tank top, and my old black converse and headed to my bathroom. I decided that I wasn't going to go down in my PJs. When I got out I had a feeling that I wasn't alone. I looked around my room, what i found on my bed kind of startled me. It was a little teddy bear. Alexander always gave me a little teddy bear on our birthday. I ran to my balcony. All I saw was the shadow of someone running I walked back into my room shaking the night chill off of me. I started to slowly descend the stairs. There was like 50 people here so of course nobody noticed me. Well, that is what I thought at first.
My mom was talking to a woman about her age or a year or two older than her. Mom looked kind of happy. I got mad at her. I was about to go back up to my room to cry some more in peace but I backed into what felt like a brick wall. I tilted my head back to see what or who I ran into. My violet eyes clashed with electric blue eyes. For a minute I just stayed against this person looking at their eyes. At least until the owner of the blue eyes whispered in my ear "where do you think you're going?" That was when I backed away and gave the person a look that was a cross between "who the heck are you and none of your business." He just looked at me with a blank expression. "So you’re Alexandria, right?" He asked me. “Yea, what is it to ya?" I replied darkly. He just smiled down at me. Then he lifted his head to stare in front of him. “Hi, Mom. Nice to meet you Mrs. Parker.” He said while shaking my mom’s hand. “So I see that you’ve met my daughter already. Alexandria this is Zane and his mother Teresa Martin. They will be staying with us for a while; just until their house is repaired. It was burned badly, and I just figured it would be a good idea if they stayed with us.” She said while looking at me, then her eyes went blank as she said the next big news to me. “Zane will be staying in the room across from yours.” I just looked at her. I was so mad when she said this to me I could have screamed loud enough to shatter the windows. “What are you talking about?! He can’t stay in that room!” I told her. “He can, he will, and he is.” She told me. “Fine, but don’t expect to see me tomorrow, because I won’t be here.” I hissed at them, mostly my mom.
I yanked my arm away from Zane’s grip and ran up the stairs to my room. I went to my closet and got my V-H bag from the secret compartment Alexander made for me. I made sure my door was locked. When I was on my balcony I turned back to look at the door one last time, then I jumped down and took off running towards Mayer Park. When I got to Mayer Park I met up with Sarah, another vampire hunter. It was our turn to patrol the south part of town. Don and Jon, the only other twin vampire hunters, were to patrol the north side, Mandy and Simon, the newest hunters, the east, and of course the leader, Walter and his mate Wanda, the west. We stayed in our areas until the sun came up, then we all headed to Walters place to check in and report any news we had. Usually, we crashed at Walter’s place but Mandy and Simon weren’t going to stay with us tonight.
Jon and Don went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat. “You guys want anything?” Jon said through a mouthful of cold pizza. “No, thanks.” Sarah and I said together. We went into the joined bedroom that we share after patrolling. “Ok. So tell me again everything that happened last night.” She told me. “Ok, well my mom invited like 50 people to my house for umm… you know, Alex and I’s birthday. Well, I went down to see if my mom was alright and I see her happy as could be talking to some woman. Then I turn around to go back up to my room and bump into a guy, a guy with electric blue eyes. And well, he bends down and whispered in my ear asking where I was going. And of course that’s when my mom walks up and says, “So you’ve met my daughter.” Then she has the nerve to tell me that he and his mom and are going to live with us. But the worst part is when she tells me that the guy, Zane, is going to be staying in Alex’s room.” I tell Sarah without pausing. “Wow!! So when can I meet this Zane guy?” she asked me, excitement in her hazel eyes. “Tomorrow.” I told her. Her eyes went wide. “Um… I wasn’t really serious about that.” She told me lying back on my bed.
“Well, I am NOT going home by myself. Can you stay over for a while? PLEASE!!!!!!” I begged her while on my knees. “Fine, alright. Besides, my mom already said yes.” She told me smiling. “How did she … never mind I totally forgot about the psychic thing. Is that all she told you? That you were allowed to stay over? ” I asked. “Yeah. She wouldn’t tell me anything else, saying that it was an invasion of privacy and blah blah blah.” Sarah told me. “I had no idea!” I told Sarah, pretending to be shocked. “Ha-ha.” She told me while throwing a pillow at me. “Go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow!” We said our goodnights. Sarah ended up falling asleep on my bed because instead of sleeping, we stayed up and watched some movies. I went to sleep two hours after Sarah, around 3 p.m.
The next morning, Sarah and I got up around 5 in the morning. We said goodbye to Walter and the rest of the gang. None of us had to patrol until next week; the other teams would be patrolling until then. Sarah and I raced to my house, I won of course. “How are you so fast and how come running doesn’t make it hard for you to breathe?” Sarah asked in between pants. “I just run a lot, I run 10 miles every day.” I told her. Then we both turned to face the front door. “How about we sneak in through your window?” Sarah asked, not wanting to face my mom any more than me. “I was just going to suggest that.” I told her already heading to the balcony below my window. We climbed the vines that lead up to my balcony and we jumped through my window. We landed on the floor with twin thuds. We started laughing so hard we had to cover our faces with pillows so that nobody would hear us. When our laughing fest was over I told Sarah she could put her clothes in my closet. I pointed her to the door on the right. “Wow! Your closet is bigger than my living room and bedroom put together.” Sarah called out from somewhere in my closet. I went into my closet to find Sarah. “Sarah, what am I going to do? You know what the law is. We are forbidden from falling in love. At least until our 4 years of training is over.” I told Sarah while searching for today’s clothes. “But, what about Mandy and Simon? They’re still in training and…” I cut her off. “They’re not in love with each other.” I told her. “Oh. So they’re not serious?’ she asked me. “No. They most certainly are not.” I said while throwing her a pair of my purple skinny jeans, a black tank top with an owl on it, and purple high tops. “Thanks!” she told me smiling. “No problem. You can use my bathroom to clean up and everything else. I’ll use the one in the second guest room, up there.” I said pointing to the ceiling. “You sure?” Sarah asked me. I nodded and then grabbed my green skinny jeans, a black and green tank top, and my favorite neon green high tops and headed to the guest bathroom upstairs.
I quietly tiptoed passed my mother’s room and the rooms currently occupied by Zane and his mother. I stepped into the shower, thinking about my mom and wishing that I hadn’t said that to her. But, at least I did tell her that she wouldn’t find me yesterday. What am I saying? I probably scared her to death. ‘Dang it Alexander. Where are you?’ I whispered to myself. The water woke me up from my little episode. It was starting to get cold. I turned off the shower, stepped out and got ready for the day. I put my make up on, dark, just like every other day. By the time I got back to my room, Sarah was just coming out of the bathroom. “Nice!” we both said at the same time. We started laughing again and jumped on to my bed. “Hey, you want to go get some ice…?” I never got to finish the question as my door suddenly opened.
I was prepared for my mom to walk in, but what I got was worse than that. Zane walked in. He looked like crap; like he hadn’t slept. “Um… Zane?” I said looking at his shirt instead of his face. “So, you’re back?” He asked me. I turned to look at Sarah. Sarah just looked back and forth between me and Zane. “Sarah, this is Zane. Zane, this is Sarah.” I said instead of answering him. Zane nodded his head in her direction without taking his eyes away from my face. “Your mom knows that you’re back, we heard you from the living room.” Zane told me. “Will you be alright by yourself for a minute?” I asked Sarah. “Yea, I’ll wait until you come back, then we can finish our talk.” Great.
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