Wake Me In December

Chapter 2

Zane and I walked down the stairs, his hand gently brushing mine. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. He was looking at me. I faced forward until we got to the bottom of the stairs. Then I faced my mom. Her eyes were red. She walked over and gave me a hug. She took my hand and led me to the kitchen so that she could talk to me alone. “I’m so sorry. I should have asked you about all of this. Can you forgive me?” She asked me. “Only if you forgive me for what I said.” I told her. “Deal.” She said wiping her eyes and pulling me into a hug. “If you still disagree with Zane sleeping in your brother’s room I can move him into one of the other guest bedrooms.”
“No. It’s ok. I thought about it and I guess it’s ok.” I say looking at the door that leads into the living room. Mom nods and says I can go. I leave the kitchen and run up the stairs and crashed into Zane. He grabs my arms to steady me. “How come when I run into you, you don’t move an inch? But me on the other hand, I get knocked off my feet.” I say, blushing. Zane just smiled. He bent his head down to look at me and then his smile faded. Was it just me or was Zane’s head getting closer? Then as soft as a butterfly’s wing, Zane’s lips touch mine for just a second before he brought his head back up, not meeting my eyes. “I’m sorry. I uh... I’ll see you later.” He said to me. Then he disappeared into ‘his’ bedroom.
Sarah opened my door and pulled me into the room. “Eekkkk! I totally saw that. Tell me tell me tell me!!” Sarah begged. “You saw nothing ok? What happened a minute ago never happened.” I said into my pillow. I stood up with my pillow and walked out onto my balcony. I shut the door and screamed into the pillow. Sarah opened the door and started laughing so I threw my pillow at her. “Okay. So, what were you going to ask me before kissy lips interrupted us?” Sarah asked still laughing. “Well I was going to ask if you wanted to go to Buck’s and get some ice cream. But, I guess not.” I said heading for the door. “Nu uh. You ARE NOT allowed to go to Buck’s without meeee!” Sarah squealed. “Hang on a minute, ‘OK?” Sarah said to me running back up the stairs. Sarah re-emerged a minute later dragging Zane by the collar of his shirt. I was going to seriously kill her. Even though we’ve known each other since 6th grade, I was seriously rethinking our friendship right now. “Zane is gonna drive us. He has to meet up with his band anyway. It’s called Whispered Revenge.” Sarah told me with a scary look in her eyes. “Cool. Am I gonna get to hear ya’ll play anytime soon?” I asked him. “I don’t know. Are you?” “Maybe I will.” I retorted back. “Are we going to be leaving anytime soon or should I order take-out?” Sarah said from behind me. “Umm… we can go now.” I tell Sarah. Zane opened the front door for us and Sarah ran towards the garage yelling ‘shotgun’. I pushed the button that opens the garage door just in time for Sarah to avoid running into it.
She came to an abrupt stop when she spotted the new Dodge Challenger. “WOW!” Sarah and I said together. We both looked back at Zane, “What? It was a birthday present from my dad.” He said. I looked at him. “For my birthday I got a skateboard. How did you get your dad to buy you a car?” I asked him. “I didn’t ask for it he just... gave it to me.” Zane said opening the back door on his side. I walked over and sat in the seat. “Thank you,” I said. “No problem.” He said walking to open Sarah’s door also. He got into the driver’s seat and started the car and then we headed towards Buck’s. To pass the time away, I stared at the passing trees and vehicles. It seemed like time was being fast forwarded, because in no time we were at Buck’s. Zane helped us out of the car, and then we headed towards the entrance. We went and sat at the little diner in the middle of the ice cream parlor. 5 minutes later, five guys walked up to Zane and started slapping Zane’s head. “Hey man, what’s up? Didn’t know you were bringing me presents.” A guy with dark brown hair and a nose ring said putting his arms around me and Sarah. “Well you can have this present, that one is already taken.” Sarah said to him. The guy looked at me. “Whose present is she then?” He asked. “Zanes!” Sarah half squealed. I glared at her. “I’m not anybody’s present, ya got that Sarah?” I said to not just Sarah, but to the other guys also. I looked at Zane. He was looking at the menu. “Ooo touchy.” Said the brown-haired guy. I just rolled my eyes and shot him a bird. The rest of the guys started laughing. “Hey, are you boys going to sit down and eat? If not, then leave.” Said the old lady from behind the counter. The boys sat down and started telling the lady what they wanted at the same time. I could tell that she was getting irritated. “Zane, could you help and tell them to shut up?” I asked him. He nodded at me. “Hey guys, shut it.” Zane said to them. They stopped talking when Zane said that. “They all want 3 hamburgers, 2 hot dogs all the way, 3 slices of pizza, 1 root-beer float, and 1 large Dr. pepper each.” Zane told the woman, than looked at us to tell us to tell her what we wanted. “Both of us will have a hamburger meal and 2 chocolate shakes each.” Sarah said for us. Getting the usual. The lady went to give our order to the cooks. Me and Sarah looked at the boys. “How can ya’ll eat so much?” I asked them. “We need the energy.” Zane said, the rest of the boys nodding in agreement. “Ok so what’s all of your names?” Sarah asked still looking at the brown-haired boy. “I’m Cole,” said the brown-haired boy. “Mason.” Said a boy that had black hair and hazel eyes. Mason pointed at a boy that looked just like him. “This is my brother, Matthew, the one with the black hair and blue eyes is Kaleb, and the one with red, black, and blue hair is Randy.” Mason told us. “Nice to meet ya’ll, I’m Alexandria and this is Sarah.” I told them pointing to Sarah. “Oh ya I forgot someone but he is always late so oh well. Oh hey there he is” Cole said pointing behind me. I turned and saw Simon. “Simon? You’re in a band? I had no idea.” I said to him. “Do you two know each other?” Cole asked. I looked at Simon. “Yeah we hang out every once in a while.” I told the guys. Only Mandy and Sarah knew that wasn’t true. But Mandy still looked about ready to kill me. Especially when Simon put his arm around my neck and smiled at everyone. Zane looked at me. Finally he said something. “That’s cool.” He said. “Hey man, are you alright?” Kaleb asked Zane. “Yea just tired is all.” He told’ em, looking at me. “Oh right, your house got burnt. So where are you staying until the repairs are finished?” Simon asked. Zane just looked at me. Finally I couldn’t take it any longer. “Zane is living with me.” I said really fast. Sarah started laughing, the boys just stared. Then they started laughing and slapping Zane on the head. I didn’t understand what was so funny. “Ok so what’s the joke?” I asked. Even Sarah didn’t get it. The guys looked at Zane. “Don’t you dare, if you say anything I’ll kill you.” Zane told them almost too low for me to hear. The guys laughed even harder. “Zane has a c…” Cole wasn’t able to finish his sentence. Zane tackled him. “Fine, fine I won’t say anything.” Cole said in between laughs. “Whatever,” I said turning to talk to Sarah. The food arrived just in time.
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