Wake Me In December

Chapter 3

By the time we left it was a little after 2 when we left Buck’s to go to the band’s studio, Matthew and Mason’s garage, the guys went straight to their instruments. Zane and Mason on Vocals. Zane, Kaleb, and Matthew on guitar. Cole and Mason on Bass. Simon and Randy on drums. “You said you wanted to hear us play didn’t you?” Zane smiled after I nodded. Zane crooked his finger at me. I went close to where he was standing. He bent down and put his lips close to my ear. “No laughing” Zane whispered playfully. I pretended to look shocked. “Never,” I said while smacking the back of his head. He just laughed. I walked back to the couch against the wall, sat down and waited until they started playing. ‘I always knew that you'd
Come back to get me
And you always knew that
It wouldn't be easy
To go back to the start
To see where it all began
Or end up at the bottom
To watch how it all ends
You tried to lie and say
I was everything
I remember when I said
I'm nothing without you

Somehow I found
A way to get lost in you
Let me inside
Let me get close to you
Change your mind
I'll get lost
If you want me to
Somehow I found
A way to get lost in you

You always thought that
I left myself open
But you didn't know
I was already broken
I told myself that
It wouldn't be so bad
Pulling away you took
Everything that I had You tried to lie and
Say I was everything
I remember when I said
I'm nothing without you

Somehow I found
A way to get lost in you
Let me inside
Let me get close to you
Change your mind
I'll get lost
If you want me to
Somehow I found
A way to get lost in you

The pain of it all
The rise and the fall
I see it all in you
Now everyday
I find myself sayin'
I want to get lost in you
I'm nothing without you

Somehow I found
A way to get lost in you
Let me inside
Let me get close to you
Change your mind
I'll get lost
If you want me to but
Somehow I found (somehow I found)
A way to get lost in you (a way to get lost in you)’
Sarah and I started clapping. Then we heard clapping beside us. We turned to see a girl with black and red hair. “Hey, I’m Mary, Randy’s sister.” A face with black hair popped from behind her. “And I’m Ayden, her brother.” He nodded towards Sarah. I turned to Sarah, “You have a brother?” I asked her. “Three actually and one sister. There’s Ayden, Luke, Hayliee, and Zack.” She said. “Where is the rest of the dork squad?” Sarah asked Ayden. “Outside on the trampoline.” He said. “Well nice meeting you!” He said looking at me. "Well that was weird." I told Sarah. "So your brothers know the band?" I asked her. "I think that they might know Kaleb from grade school, I didn't know Kaleb was in the band." Sarah told me. "Hang on lets back up a minute, I've known you since 6th grade, How come I never knew that you had three brothers and a sister?" I asked her. Sarah looked off in thought. "I guess it just never came up, I mean, they spend most of their time in Australia. Really!!" She said when I looked at her. "You forgot that you had brothers and a sister?" I asked her quizzically. "Uhhh yea? No? I don't know why. And besides, they aren't really related to me, I'm adopted. I'm originally from Italy." She told me. "Oh, didn't you tell me that when we were in 6th grade? Cause I remember you telling me that. And that is so cool, you're from Italy. But I'm pretty sure you told me that also right?" Sarah just started laughing, she nodded her head. The boys started plucking different notes. None that I've ever heard so I guess it was one of their songs. While the guys were still playing, us girls decided to take a walk. we ended up walking to the trampoline. There were three boys on it. Ayden was doing a front hand spring then jumped into a backflip. The other two were on the either side of him doing frontflips. The boys saw us and the two I didn't know fell on their stomachs. Ayden didn't have that courtesy. He ended up falling off the trampoline. Sarah and I ran over to see if he was ok, while Mary jumped on the trampoline and sat on one of the boys. When we reached him, we started to panic, he wasn't moving. I knelt by his head to check his pulse. "Rawr!!!," He yelled. He brought his head up fast and ended up slamming his head into mine. I fell backwards." Ow, that hurt." I said sitting up rubbing my forehead. "Crap, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you, Alex. I'm so sorry." Ayden said brushing my bangs aside enough so that he could see the damage. The action caused his bangs to fall forward just enough so that I could see his eyes. He had a scar in the shape of an X on the corner of his left eye.. I lifted my hand and reached up to touch the scar. "It's you." I whispered. He looked startled. "what do you mean? What about me?" Ayden asked. "It's you. Your the one who saved me. Aren't you?" I asked him. He looked around, seeing that Sarah had walked over to the trampoline and had gotten on it. "I... hmmm.. I... uhhh, I have to go." He got up and started walking to the driveway. "Wait!!" I called after him. I ran to catch up with him." Where are you going? " I asked him. He didn't bother turning around. "I have to go to work." He said. We rounded the corner of the house. He stopped so suddenly that I ran into him. The reason for stopping was the Neon green kawasaki ninja. Ayden turned just a little. "I work at Buck's. Can you meet me there at 8? I'll explain every thing then ok?" He asked me. "'Yea,ok." \ said to him.
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Hey guys I don't own the song in this chapter. It belongs to three days grace and it
s called 'Lost In You' Anyway I hope you guys like the story so far. I'm open to suggestions for parts in my story. Feel free to message if you have any ideas. THANX!!!!:)