Wake Me In December

Chapter 5

It took me about 20 minutes to walk to Buck's. So I still had to wait 10 minutes until Ayden got off work. I went in and sat at the icecream bar. "Would the little girl like an icecream cone?" I looked up to see Ayden holding out a chocolate icecream cone. He was wearing a white shirt with thin red lines going down it, a silly cone hat, and a red nose. I couldn't help but to laugh. I took the icecream cone. "Why thank you Bo-Bo the clown." I said to him. He smiled, took off his hat, and bowed. "The pleasure is mine." He said. Ayden hopped onto the counter‎ and did the disco. I busted out laughing. "Ok what was that?" I asked getting back on my seat. He sat down on the counter and leaned a little closer. "That was part of my job." He said to me. We talked a little more then Ayden said he had to go let the manager know that he was leaving.
When Ayden came back he hopped over the counter, grabbed my hand, and pulled me outside. He led me to a picnic table underneath a big old oak tree. Ayden sat on top of the table and faced me. "So you want to know about this scar?" He asked touching the corner of his left eye. I just nodded. "Well you were right about it being by a vampire. And what I want to know is what were you doing outside with a vampire?" Ayden said. He sounded a little mad. "Well since you know so much about vampires, you should know. I'm a vampire hunter." I said. Ayden blinked a couple times. Now it was my turn to ask him what he was doing, and how he knew how to kill a vampire. "How did you know how to kill that vampire?" I asked him. "I was trained. I hunt supernaturals." He said with a little scorn. "Well thank you for saving me that day. A year ago I think." I told Ayden sitting beside him on the table. Ayden put his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I guess it was about 15 minutes later when Ayden pulled me up and towards the tree. We used the table to get on the first branch, then started making our way towards the top. We stopped about halfway up the tree and looked at the full moon. "Beautiful isn't it?" Ayden asked. "Yea it is." I said looking at the moon. My mind started getting fuzzy. The next thing I saw was the ground rushing towards me.
The room that I woke up in was white and bright. My mom was asleep in a chair at the foot of the bed I was on. The man I dreamt of was pacing back and forth beside my bed. He turned to me and started getting closer. I screamed. My mom jumped up and rushed to my side. "Shhh honey It's ok, he's not going to hurt you." My mom said brushing my bangs aside. " Aly sweetie, this is Marcus. He's your dad." Mom said. I scooted back more. "No he's not. I've seen a picture of him. And you told me dad died in a car accident when me and Alex were 1." I said to her ignoring the man in the room.. "No i'm sorry, we thought it would be best if you thought he was gone." She said looking at Marcus. "Why? Why?" I screamed at her. "Honey, please." My mom begged. my mom and Marcus had moved to sit on the window seat. I jumped off the bed and shot through the door. I hear my mom yelling my name and telling me to come back. I hopped into the nearest elavator and pressed the 'close door' button. Then I pressed the number 1. When the doors opened. Ayden, Zane, Sarah, And her brothers were blocking the exit. "Alex, what's wrong?" Ayden asked grabbing my arms. "M-my d-dad is h-here." I said shaking. Sarah took Ayden's spot. "I thought he died." Sarah said pulling me out of the elevator and pulling me to closest seat. "N-no, s-she lied." I stuttered into Sarah's shoulder. I faintly heard the elevator doors open. "Alexandria, we have to talk about this but It can wait until we take you home." My mom said coming closer. I stood up. "No we need to talk about it now." I said taking a seat next to Sarah's. My mom just looked at me. "Right now? I think we should discuss this in private." I just shook my head. She sighed and finally took a seat opposite of me. "I decided that it was best if your dad left. He didn't want to at first but I persuaded him that I was right. I'm really sorry. I thought it would help you and your brother." She told me. "How could you think that getting rid of our dad would help us? What was so bad that you had to take him away from us?" I asked her, twin tears rolling down my cheeks. She stood up. "That's not important right now, first lets get you back up to the bed." She said heading to the elevator. "But...?" I sighed and followed her while also being followed by my friends. We rode up to the 5th floor in silence. We got to my room and when we entered we were immediatly greeted by doctors. "Hello, Mrs. Parker. Would it be alright if we talked to you and your husband, outside?" One of the doctors asked. My mom looked at me then nodded at the doctor. All the grown-ups left. I put my ear close to the door so I could hear what they were saying. Very faintly, I could make out what was being said. "Mr. and Mrs. Parker, there seems that we found a spot on the front right side of your daughter's brain. It could be nothing or it could be brain cancer. We also have found a faint trace of a rare type of brain cancer. But this rare type of brain cancer can be treated with medicine. Would it be possible if you could bring her back in a week?" The doctor asked. By that time I was standing beside the window replaying everything back to Sarah. She pulled me into her arms. "Shhh it'll be ok." She whispered to me. The door opened and the doctors, my mom, and Marcus walked in. We stood looking at each other. "I heard." I stated to my mom. She pulled me into a hug. Marcus just stood to the side looking akward. "I'm sure it's nothing." my mom said. I looked at my 'dad' I swear I heard him saying something but his lips weren't moving. He looked pleased about something. He nodded at me with a slight smile playing on his lips.
A week had passed. I kept myself locked in my room, not letting anyone enter. Not even my mom when she came to bring me food. If I got hungry I just ate from my vampire hunting travel kit. Finally it was time to go back to the doctors. Marcus came with us. He had been staying at a motel close to our house. Zane and his mom was still living with us. Sarah and Ayden came to try and see me often but my mom wouldn't let them go upstairs. What happened at the hospital isn't the reason for me staying in my room. It was because every second of the day I was now hearing the voices in my head. They plagued my every thought, my every dream. They became my most fearful nightmares. I could tell which voices came from the living and I also heard the constant murmuring of the dead. Maybe I was just going crazy or maybe it had something to to with what the doctors said. I wanted to find out, no matter what.
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Hey. I have a question. Who do you guys like better? Zane Or Ayden? Please leave a comment or message me with ur answer. Ohh and a heads up for the ending. There is a surprising twist later at the end of this story. But first I have to figure out when that is going to be.