Wake Me In December

Chapter 6

Ten minutes before me and My mom left for the doctor the voices finally stopped. It was also when Marcus knocked on our door. I nearly dropped to the floor in relief. But I did run up to hug him "I've never been so happy to see you then right now." I whispered into the collar of his shirt. "I'm happy to see you to." Marcus said a little surprised. We all went outside and got in my mom's mini van. When we got to the hospital, Sarah, Ayden, Zane, Zack, and Luke were in the parking lot, waiting for me. Sarah ran up to me and pulled me into a bear hug. The guys joined her. I couldn't breathe. We were all laughing by the time they let go of me. " Lets get this over with." I said linking my arms with Sarah's and My mom's. We all got in the huge elevator and went to the fifth floor. My mom and Marcus went to check me in. I was staying over night. After they got me signed in the nurse leaded us to room 123. My room. The nurse made me change into one of those ugly gowns. And no it wasn't the kind that you tie and leaves a big hole in the back. It was one that you slip on, and the only way to get it off was to pull it over your head. Then I was walked down to get a cat-scan.
While Marcus and my mom were asleep in the room next to mine, Me and My friends stayed up talking. I made sure it was ok that my friends stayed with me. I didn't want to stay in that room alone. I've watched too many Freddy kruger, Jason, and Chuckie movies. "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you since last week." I said to them. Sarah put her arm around me. "It's ok, you've been going through alot right now and we understand." Sarah said, the boys nodding in agreement. Ayden grabbed my hand. The warmth of his hand was comforting I placed his hand on my cheek and kept it there. All of us continued talking. About the ball, the upcoming trip at school, and about everything else we could think of until we were tired enough to go to bed. We Pulled two more beds next to mine so that it was like one giant bed. Everyone settled into a deep sleep. Everyone except me. The voices had come back to haunt me. They were easy to ignore when all of us were talking but now everything was almost silent. "Please you have to help me!" A woman's voice said to me. "My son needs my help." The voice said. I placed my hands over my ears. It didn't help. "GO AWAY!!" I yelled at her in my head. I listened to the woman weeping. I jumped off of the bed and headed out of the room. I spotted a sign that said 'Roof access' and had an arrow pointing at some stairs. I ran up the stairs. soon I came upon an unmarked door. I turned the knob. Fresh air hit my face. I took in a deep breath. The woman was quiet. I walked over to the edge and looked over. I could see everything around me. I walked around the roof for a while. I tripped a couple times. I also found a fire escape. I climbed down it. When I was close to the ground I slipped and landed on soft grass. I was close to the highway. A high pitched voice drew my attention. A little boy was walking towards the road chasing a green and yellow ball. The ball finally came to a stop- in the middle of the road. And coming straight for the little boy was a semi-truck. "Wait!" I yelled at the little boy. It seemed like he couldn't hear me. I felt an extreme rush of adrenaline run through me as I ran towards the boy. I ran faster than I ever imagined I could in my haste to reach him before the semi. I fell forward while thinking 'This isn't the time to be clumsy.' But the next thing I knew was that I was on the other side of the road with the boy safe in my 'Wings?' I started to panic. 'Wake up wake up wake up' I thought to myself. 'This can't be real. I can't be a dragon.' But as I was talking to myself I changed forms. 'A Wolf? Now I know this is a dream.' I thought to myself. But the last thing I saw was the boy sleeping soundly by my side before I passed out.
A few hours later when I woke up, I was laying in grass. "How the heck did I get here?" I asked out loud. something stirred at my side. I looked down. It was a little boy. Last nights events came rushing back to me. I gathered the boy in my arms. He couldn't be more than two years old. "Thank you" A ghostly whisper filled my mind. Maybe It was just me but something was pulling me in the direction of where a little dirt road was. I walked down it for about five minutes, then I came upon a couple of old houses. A women came running out of one of the houses and ran up to me. She came to a halt about two feet in front of me. "Thank you, thank you so much for bringing him home. I turned my back for one second and he disappeared. I couldn't find him anywhere." The women said reaching out for the little boy. I handed him over to her. She invited me inside so she could get me something to eat and drink to thank me but I told her that anyone would have done the same and told her that I had to get back to my parents before they could miss me. The woman nodded and thanked me again. I turned and walked back up the dirt road until I was on the opposite side of the hospital. I walked towards it. When I neared the building I caught sight of my reflection. There was a slight glimmer around me and I was wearing a silky gown that looked like something a princess would wear. I just shook my head. On the ground near the fire escape there was a black cloak. I grabbed it and wrapped it around my body. The hospital was still pretty quiet. I mean it was only five in the morning. I pulled the hood closer to my face. I finally reached my room on the fifth floor. I quietly opened the door. Everyone was still sleeping. I climbed on the bed I felt someone put their arms around me. At first I tensed up then suddenly knew it was Ayden by the pleasent warmth that flowed through my body. I then surrendered to the sweet darkness calling my name.
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Hey guys, please comment and tell me what you think about this chapter. sorry it took me so long to post this one. who do you think Alex should end up with? Oh and look forward for a new character soon. :) and remember to COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!