Wake Me In December

Chapter 7

Because of my movement, arms tightened around my waist. "Alex?" Ayden murmured into my hair. I turned my head to look at him. He had his eyes slightly opened. I kissed his cheek. "Good morning." I whispered to him. Ayden smiled. "And back to you." he said closing his eyes again for a minute. When he opened his eyes again I was looking at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing." I said to him. I just don't want you to hate me for what I am. I thought to myself. "Hey, What are you wearing?" Ayden asked me. "A dress?" I didn't know what to say about my clothes. Ayden just shrugged. "What are you guys talking about?" Sarah mumbled still half asleep. "Just stuff."I replied to her. She rolled her eyes and turned to kick Luke and Zack. They fell off the bed. While they were bickering about who-knows-what, I went to change back into my clothes. I changed into a black tank top, green skinnies, and my old knee high moon converse. But while I was changing into my shirt I found out that I had some weird drawings on my right shoulder and back. I decided to ignore them. For right now anyway. The bathroom door opened. "Zane, what are you doing?" I asked as Zane shut the door behind him. "Well we haven't had anytime alone and I was wondering if you wanted to go out next week after we get back to your house?" Zane asked. I looked at him confused. I didn't know when I was getting out of here. Zane answered my thoughts. "The doctors came in last night when ya'll were asleep. They didn't want to wake you up but told me to tell that you can go home today. What they found was nothing." He said to me. "Oh, um ok, sure. I guess we could go out." Zane smiled at me. He bent down and kissed me. "Um maybe you should go." I said looking down. Zane left like nothing was wrong. But to him I guess nothing was wrong only to me. I don't know why but I felt like I was betraying Aidan. I pulled open the bathroom door and walked out. "Hey we're going downstairs to get some breakfast. Want us to get you something?" Sarah asked standing near the door. "Nah, Im going to go to where my mom is staying. I need to talk to her and Marcus." I told her. She looked like she wanted to stay but I gave her a look that said, I'll be fine. A couple of minutes after Sarah and the others left I headed next door. Mom was still sleeping. Marcus was sitting in a chair with two cups of coffee. I went to sit in the seat across from him. He handed me a cup. " I was wondering when you were going to come in here." Marcus said looking at me. "Ok tell me something. Did you know that It was going to happen to me?" I asked Marcus. "Ahhh I see that you've gained the knowledge of the passed shifters. Yes well that is only one of the reasons I came back. But the main reason is that I want to make sure no harm befalls you." He looked sincere when he said this to me. His sand colored hair fell in his hazel eyes. "Yea, sure. And why are the voices gone?" I asked, I haven't heard from them since last night, well actually early this morning after I changed. "Well when you can control your powers then if you want to they will come back." Marcus stood up from his chair. "One of the most important rules is that you are not allowed to associate with hunters." He said looking at me. "But I use to be one." I told him. I told him about me and Alexander but I left Aidan out of it. " You shouldn't worry about Alexander. He is doing fine." I jumped from my chair. "You know where he is? Is he ok?I mean is he ya know.." I put my fingers near my mouth like fangs and hissed. I hoped he wasn't. "I think you should ask him that when we get back to the pack." "I'm going with you? But what about my mom?" I looked towards her sleeping figure. "She'll be fine. We talked about the arrangements last night. I know school will be starting in a week but we thought it wouldn't be right when your still so new to this transformation. You'll have a private tutor. Just so you know your tutor will be a supernatural, like everyone else in our pack. And no we don't try to kill each other. It's not like the movies from Hollywood or most of the books nowadays. They blow everything out of proportion." Marcus walked out of the room. I followed him. "We'll talk more when your rested better." Marcus went to the elevators, I stayed where I was. "Bye." I said to him as the doors shut.
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Hey guys I finally finished the chapter. sorry it took so long:) Please comment and tell me what you think.