Once Upon A Wish

How it All Began

“Sam... Sam… get down here we need your help!” my loud and obnoxious mom said.

“What do you want?” I slowly replied not wanting to get up.

“Would you just come down stairs, I need your help!”

“Ugh fine what ever.”

“Thank you!”

“Yeah whatever,” I said walking down the spiral staircase.

As I walked down the stairs my mom popped out of the kitchen, “Oh there you are I didn’t think you were going to get out of bed.”

“Yeah me neither.”

“Well since you’re down here can you go to the basement and find some suitcases. We need to get packed for California,” she said almost too excited. No one in their right mind would be happy to move for the tenth time in three months. You see my mom is one of those people who can’t stay in one place for to long or else she gets all crazy and starts to spaz out. My mom got divorced from my father just before he shot himself. That was when I grew up and started fending for myself; I had lost my best friend to a gun. I was shocked when I heard the news. I thought that getting a divorce from my mom would keep him alive but apparently it just killed him.

My dad left all of his things to this stupid charity called Calls for Codes. It’s supposed to be for these people that aren’t very well off. Had he left it to me, I could have a very nice house and be living on my own and not moving every ten seconds. But since that didn’t and won’t happen I have to live with my crazy mother.

I went down to the huge basement that I was pretty positive was haunted. And there were hundreds of rooms just sitting in the middle of no where. So yes it was very creepy and since the old lady who had lived her last left all of her stuff the basement was filled with creepy old things. Like once I had found an old doll house that had these scary old looking dolls they had there arms and legs smothered with red wax and where real eyes should be there were holes, I was so scared I came up shaking. I kept looking for those darn suitcases, but they seemed to be hiding from me. Where could she have put them? I looked in every nook and cranny when I found this old game machine, well it was actually a fortune telling device.

It seemed to be plugged in so I thought what the heck let’s give it a shot. I pulled out a quarter and put it in the shot. It came to life, “Hello. Please tell me your wish,” the old fortune teller robot thing said.

What was my wish? What should I wish for money, a car, a house, a unicorn, a vampire romance, fame, a bunny? “I uh wish for a hum uh.”

“Please speak clearly,” the machine said.

“I wish that I was a super hero!” then a small slip of paper came out it read, “Please try again,” so I put another quarter in. I tried again, “I wish that I could meet someone famous and fall in love!” then the little piece of paper came out again, “only this time it read, “Your wish is impossible! Try again!”

“You money sucking thieve. This is your last chance to give me my wish!” I yelled as I put my last quarter in the machine. The old woman came to live once more, “Please ask your wish.”

“I wish that my mom for once would settle down!” then the slip of paper came out, except this time it read, “Your wish has been granted!” Wait what you mean we are going to settle down… oh yeah you’re just a machine. I finally found the suitcases after thirty more minutes of looking for them. I trudged back up the stairs, having a hard time cause of all the suitcases. I still had the piece of paper in my pocket.

“Good you found them! Oh and just so you know we bought this beautiful mansion by the beach in San Frisco. It has eight bed rooms each with there own bathroom and closet, two living rooms, an enormous kitchen, a swimming pool, an arcade room and a three car garage! Isn’t this so exciting! Oh and I’ve already enrolled you in school!”

“Wait… you enrolled me in school, like you plan to stay there for a while?” I asked my mother completely in shock.

“Yeah is that a problem, I found a case down there that’s going to take a long time to win, so were moving down there.”

“This… this is… this is great!” just maybe my wish was coming true. I couldn’t believe this for the first time in ten years I was going to school and staying. I could make friends and mom couldn’t just move because I had to finish school. I was so excited that I packed my suitcases and my moms. This was just what I wanted, my wish was coming true!

“Honey are you okay you seem a little shaken?” my mom called up the stairs while I was packing up all of my clothes.

“No I’m just very very excited!” I yelled back giggling like a new born baby.

“Oh okay that’s cool… I guess,” she yelled back at me.

That night I tossed and turned all night. I couldn’t sleep; I was thinking about getting to California and staying there. I’d be able to surf everyday, because I lived right on the beach. I might even meet some people. This is going to be great. Ah this is perfect; I’m finally able to settle down. I’ll be able to finally have the life I’ve always wanted.
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I hope you enjoy this is completely original. This is also my first story I plan on continuing.