Status: Complete

Welcome To Your New Life

The Car Accident, That Changed His Life.

Third Person's P.O.V

Frank is just a normal 20 year old who has a dream to be a guitarist and be famous. When he was on a gig with his band he was nervous and excited. The nervousness goes once he seen he's parents standing at the back of the club, cheering him on.

Everything that day was the same just like a routine but when he walked on the stage nervous as hell and wanted to get that feeling away, he looks at the back to see his parents but to his surprise wasn't there.

He played two songs with the band nervous all the way through, he even stuffed up a few times and that isn't like him. When it comes to playing guitar he is a perfectionist. His band doesn't know what has got into him. Why is he sweating so much? Why is he stuffing up? Does he want to get kicked out of this band or what?

After playing another two more songs Frank ran off the stage and collapsed on the ground confused and worried sick. His band apologized to the crowd and ran off after him. His band members crowded around him, straight away wondering what was going on. Is he sick? Is that why he wasn't playing good? What the hell is going on with him?

"Frank? What's wrong, why were you playing so crap tonight? It's just not like you." One of the band members asked him worried kneeling down next to him, helping Frank sit up.

"My parent's they didn't come, it's just not like them" Frank replied.

"It's probably nothing Frank but go, go find out. We understand what your parents mean to you. We will explain and then let you know if they liked us. Just let us know if there is so meting wrong with your parent." He replied and told him.

Frank looked at him, thanking him with his eyes and ran out of the club; heading home hoping, praying that nothing was wrong. His parent is all that he has got. Frank has no other family, it's just him and his mum and dad. Sure there is others but Frank's mum and dad didn't get along with them, besides one of his grandfather. But I don't see him dropping everything to look after a 20 year old; that should know how to look after his self by now.

Frank doesn't know one god darn thing on how to live by his self, as the only child Frank had his parents help him with everything. His mum makes him his meals everyday, irons his clothes that she brought for him when they went shopping together. She even goes with him when Frank wants a haircut as his mum knows just the way he likes it. She is the only one who knows what to say to the hair dresser to get it prefect. Frank would try and make something to eat for his self but it only turns out to what he calls Cajun. Why do you think he lives right behind his parents house?

Frank would have to start all over again and rely on his self. Something he obviously never did in his life. All that is going on in Frank's head is that his parents will be alright and how long can he live by his self if it all goes wrong?

Running towards home as fast as his legs will allow him to go; he somehow picked up his pace when he heard sirens and seen red and blue lights and ran towards the sound and lights praying harder than he did before.

He stopped running and stood like a statue staring at a Navy blue car. Being raised to not lose hope too fast he ran to the car to read the license plate to see if it is his parents car.

Frank ran past the police tape that's says 'Stay behind this yellow and black line' not even caring about that till he read the license plate and stood tears running down his face not moving a muscle.

"Sir, you can't be in here, would you please wait behind the line like everybody else?" A police officer said for the fourth time before Frank heard him.

"But that is my parents car, please tell me no-one is inside and if someone is there are alright?" Frank told and asked the officer.

"Oh well this changes things, please follow me and I promise to give you the answers you want and need." the officer told him

Frank followed the officer and noticed that he is taking him as far away from the scene as possible. Right there was Frank's answer, he looked at the car and then the police officer, sprinting towards the car the officer right behind him yelling for him to stop.

"Stop, I'm telling you, you don't want to go down there and see your parents like that; it's better for you to remember the last memory you had of them than seeing them like that." the officer called out to him.

That made Frank stop and straight away he seen his last memory he had of his parents flash before his eyes.


"Morning Frank honey, just in time for a fresh bash of streaming pancakes" his mother said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning mum dad, how was your night?" Frank replied smiling, grabbing a plate full of pancakes.

"Good good, what time is your gig tonight?" His father replied and asked.

"7:30, you will be there won't you?" Frank asked, looking back and forth from his parents

"Of course honey, have we ever missed one of your gigs?" Mrs. Ireo replied and asked.

"No, you haven't and I'm really grateful for that." Frank replied

"Well hurry up and finish your pancakes, your going to be late." Mr. Iero told him, proud that Frank is doing everything he can to make sure his dreams come true.

"Shit college, which reminds me I have to get my guitar." Frank replied, stuffing the last of his pancakes in his mouth and running upstairs.

"Watch your language and I didn't raise you to eat like that." Frank's mother yelled after him, shaking her head.

"Sorry mum, I know you haven't. I'm really grateful i have you." Frank apologized, sucking up to her.

"Yeah sure, now get going before you will be late." She replied smiling up at him.

"Okay cya tonight at the club, don't be late." Frank yelled out over his head, running out the door.

"Love you son/honey and don't worry about us we will be there." Frank's parents yelled back, father saying son and mother saying honey.

"Love you too." he called back.

****End Of Flashback****
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This will be a short story, I made up in school years back. There would be one more chapter after this one.

Please comment and tell me what you think?
