Status: Updated whenever...

Covert Affairs Drabbles

Their ability to abscond was severely hampered by the insistence of bringing along the goldfish.

“Annie let’s go!” Mossad operative, Eyal Levine called out from the doorway of a small Georgetown apartment. Fate had brought him and Annie Walker together again, however this time it was planned by both of their respective agencies. The goal was to use their covers in the artistic field and turn a man with valuable intel, who also happened to be into art. Of course, with however easy this mission was made out to be, with Annie, as Eyal was finding out, everything always went awry.

“Hold on! I need to find something to put this goldfish in!” Annie snapped back, scurrying around the small room. The goldfish in question flopped around aimlessly on the trashed living room floor.

“Are you joking?!” Eyal called back incredulously. “Our lives could very well be in jeopardy right now and you’re caring about a stupid goldfish?”

Annie glared at him.

“I think it could have something to do with Derek’s disappearance.” She clarified as she ran to the kitchen. Annie could swear she heard him cursing in Hebrew. Looking around, she decided to rummage through the pantries and doors. “Ah!” She exclaimed victoriously, upon finding a box of plastic baggies.

“Did you hit your head a little too hard on that pipe back there?” Eyal cried still planted at his spot in the door. “I don’t think that goldfish can do anything pertaining to this mission, now let’s move!”

Ignoring his whining, Annie filled the baggie with water from the tap and sprinted back into the living room. Quickly plucking the small orange creature off the carpeting, she placed it in the clear bag and hurried to the door.

“There.” She stated simply while smirking. “We can go now.”