Status: Updated whenever...

Covert Affairs Drabbles

That was when I invented it.

“Oh god.” Annie grumbled as she woke up with a pounding in her head. Her eyelids were heavy and the room was spinning. Adrenaline suddenly kicked in as she realized the room she was in looked quite unfamiliar.

“Good morning sunshine.” Auggie said too enthusiastically for the situation.

“Am I in your apartment?” She asked as she started to remember certain aspects from her brief visit there.

“Yup. After you decided to get completely plastered last night, I decided that it was probably best if you just crashed here.” Auggie stated taking a seat beside her on the couch.

“Mmph.” She grunted with her tone full of regret. “God, I hate hangovers.” She muttered putting her hands to her head in an effort to cease the pounding.

“Oh!” Auggie exclaimed heading over to the kitchen. He grabbed some disgusting looking drink and headed back over to his living room. “This is for you, my dear. Best hangover cure around.”

“Ew, what is that!?” Annie cried. The beverage was red and looked to have some sort of pickle in it. It smelled terrible.

“It’s tomatoes, coffee, vodka, a pickle and oregano.” He explained like it was the most normal drink in the world.

“I am not drinking that. Where did you even come up with such a disgusting recipe?”

“See, it was the last day of my junior year of college and my buddies and I had just finished finals. So of course, in order to celebrate we decided to go drinking. We drank until probably two in the morning celebrating and having a good time.” Auggie remembered with a chuckle. “Well the next day, as you can imagine I had the worst hangover. I’m pretty sure I was still drunk too, ‘cause when I got up from my bed I threw whatever I found into a cup and drank it. Cured my hangover. Cured my friends’ hangovers. And that’s when I invented it. It’s magic.” He said making jazz hands in a rainbow shape. Annie giggled at the sight and looked back over at the drink.

“Alright, fine.” She sighed reaching for. Auggie smiled triumphantly and sat back to watch the so called magic happen. Annie took a sip and immediately fought the urge to gag. “Oh god, that’s awful.” She grimaced.

“Yea, it is, but drink some more and wait a few minutes. You’ll see.” Auggie stood up to retrieve his cup of coffee off the island in his kitchen while Annie did as she was told. She then laid back down closing her eyes.

“That does work!” Annie exclaimed sitting up, not ten minutes later.

“See? I told you.” Auggie replied confidently.

“Thanks Aug!” She exclaimed. “Can I have that recipe?”

“No way! It’s a patented invention.”

Annie folded her arms over her chest, before quickly deciding not to argue. If Auggie wanted her to come over every time she was hungover, who was she to argue?
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't really like how this one turned out. I don't like the ending either. Maybe I'll rewrite it later or something.

Feel free to comment. Or drop me a message if you want to discuss Covert Affairs. I love discussing TV :)