Status: Updated whenever...

Covert Affairs Drabbles

She was adamant he would not succeed.

She was adamant he would not succeed. However watching him try was quite amusing. An asset, who was supposed to drop off intelligence in the form of a memory card, had run into somewhat of a snag. His brand new puppy had eaten the memory card. Now the puppy, who was a Bernese Mountain Dog named Rufus, circled around Jai Wilcox’s desk. To Annie’s amusement, he was attempting to train the dog to sit.

“C’mon dog, sit.” He whined. “Sit, sit, sit, sit, SIT!” He had been doing this for the last fifteen minutes, and although it was enjoyable watching him struggle with such a little creature, she decided to help.

“You’re not going to get anywhere just yelling at it.” She called over from her desk. Jai’s head shot up and looked at her.

“What should I do then?” He snapped back. The dog looked from Jai back to Annie and to Jai again, and then let its tongue loll out in a mocking smile toward the brunette. Jai returned it with a glare. Annie reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a bag of dog treats she had bought on the commute in. She walked over with the bag crinkling in her hands. Rufus ran over and danced around her ankles.

“Okay, darling.” She giggled to the dog setting the treat bag down on Jai’s desk and pulling one out. “Watch and learn, Jai.” She smirked. The dog stood in place and stared at her, wide-eyed. She kneeled down, thankful that she wore a pant suit, and held the treat above Rufus’ head. The dog looked up and she eased the treat back towards his tail. His head tilted backward until it could go no further ultimately causing him to sit. “Sit!” She commanded before giving the puppy his treat. “Good dog!” She praised patting his head. She looked back smiling at Jai who only rolled his eyes. The dog quickly stood up again and ran circles around Jai’s desk.

“Can you get him to stop doing that!?” Jai growled. “It’s so annoying. He’s been doing it all morning.”

“Annie?” Auggie’s voice reached her just as soon as the green laser grid landed on her shoes. Suddenly Rufus darted out from behind the desk directly into the green beam, which stopped it in its tracks. Annie marveled at how much he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “I take it this is Rufus setting this off?” Auggie asked with a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he gestured toward his laser cane.

“It is.” Jai grumbled.

“He’s just mad because the puppy won’t leave him alone.” Annie snickered.

“Well, why me?!” Jai moaned.

“Alright, well I was just wondering if you were in this morning, Annie, which you are. So I’m going to get coffee now.” Auggie announced. “Rufus, I need to get through. Can you sit for me? Sit.” The puppy did as he was told and Auggie made his way past. Both Jai and Annie looked with mouths agape from the dog and back to Auggie.

Rufus simply started bolting around Jai’s desk again.
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I actually kind of like this one...but it has a puppy in it so I guess I'm biased.