Status: Hiatus/Might not finish

Back Home

Don’t know, what I was looking for when I went back home.

It was different here than I remembered. Sure, Arizona was still hot as ever, dry and sunny but it just didn’t seem right. I was home only an hour and my parents left to go have lunch with their new friends. I opted out saying I was jetlagged, even though really I just wanted to be alone. I had taken a shower, unpacked and found myself staring at my phone for a few minutes. I had a text message all written out saying that I’m home to my best friend but I’m so afraid to send it. I haven’t talked to him since April since the last couple of weeks have been insane with exams. In the back of my mind all I could think of is that he’s mad at me.

I took a deep breath before looking at myself in the mirror, “just send the text message, Cori, you wimp. It’s just Josh.” I rolled my eyes at myself but it wasn’t long until I started picking out the parts of my appearance I don’t like. Realizing I needed a haircut and new color, I picked up the phone, erased the message and called the salon I go to and made an appointment with my usual hair dresser. I sat back on my bed and stared at the picture in the black frame on my nightstand. It was a picture of Josh and me at my graduation; he wore a nice dress shirt and had his arms around my shoulders. He had this big cheesy grin on his face and I did too. I felt my heart sink with nostalgia. Why didn’t I bring this picture with me to college? I wondered until the reason came to mind again, I didn’t want anyone to think he was my boyfriend.

I sighed loudly before leaning against my pillows, playing with my phone until finally getting the balls to text Josh. Anxiety started to eat away at me after the message sent and I waited for his reply. My phone vibrated and I basically jumped to read the message. Who is this? My jaw, heart and stomach all dropped at the same time. Tears began to form, he forgot me. Josh Montgomery forgot me.

I texted back a snappy reply saying your best friend, asshole and tossed my phone on to my bed before heading downstairs. I got myself a bottle of water and an apple, sitting on the counter feeling worse about being home than I was earlier. My best friend forgot me, my parents are busy and I’m just as lonely as I was at college. “Cheers to being home, Cor,” I mumbled raising my water bottle like it was a glass of champagne and sipped it. Once I finished my apple, I got off the counter and walked upstairs. My phone was ringing but I didn’t get to it in time. Sighing, I picked up the device and read three missed calls, five text messages, two voicemails and I shook my head. I was more shocked that the calls were from Josh and two texts were from my parents asking if I wanted something from the café they were at. I texted my parents back first, telling them that I was fine. I opted to read the text messages from an old friend from high school, Acey, telling me that my parents told her parents that I was home and that “we should meet up.” I didn’t answer her back but went to listen to my voicemails.

“Hey Cor, uh, that wasn’t me who answered that text it was my friend Brian. He’s an asshole. I have you under, uh, sunshine and he didn’t get it. I’m sorry.” I pressed delete and listened to the other one. “I’m on my way to your house, shit Cori, pick up. I’m so sorry! I know that I fu—“ I deleted the message not wanting to listen. I knew texting him was the biggest mistake of the day. The doorbell rang and I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath before going downstairs.

I opened the door after taking a deep breath and Josh stared at me with a sad smile. “Hey sunshine,” was all he said and I didn’t know what to do. I stood frozen in the doorway and he shifted uncomfortably on the doorstep. “Can I come in?” Slowly I nodded after realizing what he said I moved a bit and let him into the house.

“Josh.” He turned and looked at me after taking in the small changes my mother did to the living room. His blue eyes caught my brown ones and all that came to my mind was that fight on the phone three weeks ago. “I-I—do you want something to drink?” I have no idea what to say. I watched him shake his head and we both stood there in the hallway unsure of what to do next.

“I’m sorry.” He spoke up after a few minutes of silence and I nodded slowly.

“Yes, I know.”

“Well I know you don’t have to forgive me yet but please, talk to me? I miss you Cor and I’m just so sorry. With you being at school, it just changed things. I didn’t have you to hang out with every day and I’m in a band now so I got busy with new people.” He paused when he noticed my face fall and he reached out to touch my shoulder. “How can I make up being a shit friend to you?”

“I don’t know, Josh, take me to a party or something?” I mumbled, half joking and half serious and he stared at me confused. “Yes, Josh, I was kind of kidding and I do like parties now.” I started laughing at how I just knew that was what he was thinking and he started laughing himself, shaking his head at me.

“Typical Cori, just knowing exactly what was on my mind.” He smiled more to himself as he looked at me and suddenly his eyes got wide. “Oh dude, I have to tell you.”

“You sound like a gossiping girl.” He waved my comment off and took my hand, leading me to my couch and sat me down.

“Remember Acey Young?” He started and I nodded, obviously since she texted me only a few moments before. “She’s probably the coolest person ever right now.” That was his big story and I stared back at him.

“How? She was the biggest dork ever and the only thing I liked about her was that she liked Harry Potter.”

“You’re missing the point. She’s throwing a party tomorrow night and asked my band to play. I just remembered how perfect this is!” I watched his whole face light up and I shook my head laughing.

“I can’t believe the words ‘Acey Young is throwing a party’ practically came out your mouth. You kind of talk her up like you want to date her.” I watched Josh blush and look down at the carpet, slightly smiling to him and I rolled my eyes. “That’s a little lame, Josh. But I’ll go to the party with you and possibly talk to Acey about you.” Josh looked up and smiled before hugging me tightly.

“Thank you Cori, thank you, thank you, thank you!” I rolled my eyes but I smiled anyway. It was kind of like having my best friend again. But something still didn’t seem right about being back home.
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I swear this "Acey" character is no big deal or a threat to miss Cori. And this is a short chapter but um, I'm gonna make other chapters longer. This chapter needed to be short for experimental reasons.