Status: 4 chapters. Done.

A Vampire Dream

Andy Sixx is a vampire is this romantic tale of a girl who chose her fate the day she married a cheater. Andy helps heal her wound. Comment if there are any errors. I seriously, want to know, so I can fix them. Be in detail, please?
  1. Chapter 1: Blood Ceromony
    I hope you enjoy.
  2. Chapter 2: The Life We Now Lead
    If the name Zak is in there, I'm sorry. Just replace it with Andy. This story was originally about someone else, and then I changed at the last minute. Thank you.
  3. Chapter 3: What I Want
    If the name Zak is in there, I'm sorry. Just replace it with Andy. This story was originally about someone else, and then I changed at the last minute. Thank you.
  4. Chapter 4: The Sweet Revenge
    Could also be called "The Happy Ending". If the name Zak is in there, I'm sorry, it was orginally about some one else, and at the last minute I changed it to Andy Sixx. Thank you.