Status: Story in progress

Gravity Don't Mean Too Much to Me

False Allegations

A blind folded Frank with make up all over his face started to pull at the fabric covering his eyes. Bandit had lifted her blind fold up slightly so that she could see what she was doing to her Uncel, and she smirked as she saw his face. She was defying all the rules of a blind folded make over, but she found it so much fun. She tried to make the make up look messy and careless when putting it on his face, otherwise he'd know she'd been cheating.

She stifled a giggle as she placed eye liner around his mouth. He had lipstip on his forehead and some sort of skin coloured liquid around his eyes, which Bandit didn't know the name of. She tried to not get any in his hair as she applied more to his face, this time picking up some glitter Cherry had handed to her secretly.

Bandit saw Frank about to place mascara to her cheeks, and she found it hard to not flinch as the cold brush touched her face. He swivelled the brush around, almost poking her in the eye in the process.

"Are we done yet?" Laughed her Uncle, putting down the mascara.

Bandit scratched her chin as if in deep thought, then remembered her Uncle couldn't see her. "I think so. Ready?"


They counted down from five and pulled up their blind folds. Bandit pretended to look shocked at Frank's face, and Frank looked bewildered at the sight of Bandit. She wondered what she looked like.

"Not bad, for my first try!" Giggled Frank. "You look pretty good, to be honest."

Bandit giggled back. "It's not meant to look good, Ghoul. It's meant to be funny!"

"That it is!" He replied, struggling to hold his laughter in.

Bandit grabbed the mirror they had laid on the table next to them.

She gasped.

She had the mascara all over both her cheeks. They almost looked like circles, but of course Frank had gone off course a lot. She saw where he had slipped and had nearly got it in her mouth. Looking at her mouth, she saw that she had lipstick covering her lips completely, and covered her upper lip. She thought she could taste a bit in her mouth. Then, to her dismay, she saw the word 'cheater' written across her forehead. The 'c', 'e' and 'r' were backwards, and the letters danced in different places across her head, and they were all different sizes.

However, as she was looking it the mirror, she supposed the letters were all the other way around, but she could still read it.

"Ha!" Cried Frank, laughter at her dismayed face. "Thought you could trick me did you?"

"How did you know?"

"I saw you lift it up." He gestured at the piece of fabric she was now ripping from her head. "I tilted my chin up a little, and saw from a gap in my blind fold. You need to be more subtle next time."

She pouted and handed him the mirror. He laughed and got up from the couch.

"I don't know about you, but I'd like to get this off my face so that we can go have some dinner."

Bandit agreed and followed him into the kitchen to wipe her face. To Frank's dismay, he saw Jamia looking back at him accusingly from the cooker.

"Been looking through mommy's make up draw again have we, lill' Fwankie?" Teased her Aunt, attacking Bandit's face with a cloth.

"I couldn't help myself, I-"

He stopped talking and looked pointedly at the food on the side. His face lit up as he saw three slices of pizza on each plate.

"You're amazing you are." He rushed to hug his wife and she scowled.

"Sure, you love me now."

They sat down at the table and Cherry and Lily ran into the room. Frank sat next to Jamia and the three girls sat next to each other. Bandit remembered all her manners as Jamia handed her her dinner.

Bandit saw Frank eager to start eating,and with a nod from her aunt, he began. She tutted at him and then began to eat her own, in a much more civilised way.

"So, Bandit honey, how are your parents?"

Bandit swallowed the piece of bacon she had in her mouth. "They're okay."

Jamia smiled sweetly. "How's your mom taking the pregnancy? She's not taking out her mood swings on your father is she?"

Bandit heard Frank choke back a piece of his pizza. He was smirking as Cherry asked; "What's a mood swing?"

"Can I have one?" piped up Lily.

"No, you can't have one! I asked first!" Cried Cherry, and Bandit giggled at their assumption.

She knew what a mood wing was, and she was shocked that Cherry and Lily didn't. Frank hushed his daughters and told them what it meant. They both went red as they realised their mistake, and Jamia continued.

"I take it Frank's spoken to you about the things we have for you if you need them." Bandit was so confused, but Jamia seemed to think her expression meant something else. "Don't worry, it's just between us girls, eh?"

Bandit nodded.

"Leave the girl alone and let her eat her dinner." said Frank.

Jamia shook her head. "Is.. is everything okay at school?"

Bandit felt her heart pound harder in her chest. Her hands grew moisturised as she tried to think if what to say. She couldn't let anyone know what was happening between her and Vicky.


Bandit looked up and realised that both her Aunt and Uncle held a concerned look on their faces. Lily and Cherry bickered in the corner, flicking pizza at each other. Bandit shook herself. She had to reply before they got suspicious.

"I-" Her voice stuck in her throat. She coughed and tried again. "Everything is fine at school. Just the amount of school work is awful. They should give us less homework, we learn enough at school."

Frank and Jamia glanced at each other. "And do you have many friends at school?"

Bandit nodded and tried to smile. She didn't trust her voice.

Frank whispered something to his wife before saying; "Vicky has left you alone now hasn't she? I mean, your mom told us-"

"- that you fell down the other day. That looked like a nasty bruise from what I can see of it."

Bandit mentally cursed herself. Of course her mom would have told them, why wouldn't she? Did her mother not trust her?

"It hurt a lot." Bandit managed to choke.

Jamia frowned. "How did it happen?"

Bandit decided to not answer directly. Then it wouldn't be lying. "Didn't my mom tell you?"

At this point Cherry and Lily had nearly thrown all their pizza toppings at each other. Frank noticed and told them off, picking the topping off of them and then eating them.

Jamia leaned forward, looking Bandit in the eye. Bandit tried to avoid her gaze, but she leaned over and lifted Bandit's chin gently. "Honey, if there's anything you want to talk about, I'm right here."

She nodded and saw Frank smiling at her, although he had a look of concern still etched on his face.

"How about I take you, Cherry and Lily to the park before your dad comes to pick you up?"

Bandit didn't feel like it anymore, but she acted excited and began eating her pizza, which she has left far too much of by now. Frank had already finished, and she could see him eyeing the left over slices on the side. Jamia looked from him to the pizza and then gave him a kiss and told him to take it. He beamed.

The park was nearly empty, save for a few children who Bandit couldn't see on the swings. They were too far to make out. She ran straight towards the round about, and yelled for Frank to catch up. He grinned and let go of the twins' hands, and all three of them ran towards Bandit.

Cherry and Lily landed on the roundabout and sat down excitedly. Bandit grinned at them and they all began shouting instructions at Frank, who followed their instructions completely.

When they had finally had enough, Frank slowly stopped it, and helped them off. Bandit saw the world spin around her, almost following over as she tried to reach the swings.

"You alright on your on?" Called Frank worriedly.

Bandit nodded and then stopped in mid stride.

It was her.

She was here, in this park. There she stood, right in front of her. Bandit was about to turn and run when she heard Vicky speak.


Bandit felt a chill run down her back. She tried to sound brave. "Don't what?"

Vicky smirked and nodded towards Frank and the twins. "Just walk towards me and sit on the swing." Bandit did as she was told. "Smile."

Bandit tried to look like she was having fun, so she began swinging back and forth and quickly as she could.

Vicky stepped off her swing and turned around, sat back down, and Bandit frowned. Then she realised. Vicky had done that so that Frank couldn't see who it was. Bandit tried to stay calm.

"Now listen to me carefully, and wipe that look from your face." Bandit realised she was no ,longer smiling, so she tried to look happier and sped up her swinging.

"Why are you here?" Bandit managed to ask.

Vicky smiled. "Thought I'd have a go on the swings. My mom dropped me off, y'know, cause she can trust me on my own."

Bandit saw Vicky look back at Frank pointedly, and when it looked as though he might turn around, Vicky quickly turned back around. Ha. Thought Bandit. Now there's something I can use against her. But how could she get Frank's attention?

"Careful, you don't want to fall off." Giggled Vicky and when Bandit wasn't looking, she stuck her foot out.

The force pulled Vicky from her swing, and sent Bandit crashing to the ground. Bandit pushed her hands out to stop the force hitting her in the face, scrapping her hands as she landed.

Bandit scrambled to her feet, and looked down at Vicky. She was screaming. Bandit felt dizzy as she looked to see Vicky's wrist. It had twisted at an odd angle, and Vicky had tears streaming down her face. Bandit didn't know what to do. Should she help her? Would she let her help her? She made up her mind in a few seconds.

"Here, let me help." She said, putting her hand out to the screaming girl.

"No! Go away!" She cried, and Bandit saw Frank grab the twins and run towards them.

"Please, I think you've broken it!"

"No! Not you!"

Frank rushed to Bandit's side and gasped. He looked briefly between the two girls, and then kneeled down next to Vicky. He gently helped her sit up, pulled out his phone, and handed it to Bandit.

"Call 911. Tell them where we are, and what's happened." Bandit dialed and out the receiver to her ear. She had never had to call 911 before, so she had no idea what to say.

Once she had told the lady down the phone everything she needed to know, she hung up and handed the cell back to her Uncle. He looked angry as he took hold of it and began dialling another number. Bandit waited as he spoke hurriedly to what she assumed was her Aunt.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update just for you guys, I felt bad for not updating for SO long. Plus, I felt we needed a bit of action. Let me know what you guys think! <3