Imperfect Imortality

Last Summer

I don’t think I’d laughed this hard all summer, I was basically shaking unable to breathe. Mikey lay next to me curled in a ball clutching his stomach, I could feel his body rumbling next to mine. I couldn’t stop and I was loving it, I glanced up towards Gerard and unfortunately for him, his over-emphasized pout was only making me laugh harder. I managed to calm down eventually, only to be met by a rather large whack round the head from Gerard,
“You’re both assholes, I hope you know that” he glared at me; I pushed out my bottom lip for effect and flipped him off casually. He knew I loved him really.
“Come on ladies no fighting, I don’t want to have to break you up,” Mikey stated holding his hands up between us, “after all I am stronger than both of you, no need to deny it it’s something we all know.” He stood up in held himself in what he obviously thought to be a triumphant pose, but to be truthful he just looked like a twat.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, he was off again my gaze flickered towards where Gerard was, he met my gaze and began to mouth Mikey’s speech, mocking him and I sniggered grinning at him and slowly his mocking turned into a rather sly smirk. I nodded and he nodded back as Mikey droned on between us. I raised my hand from the floor and began to count down, 3,2,1 and with that I threw myself at Mikey’s legs as Gerard came down on him from the other side; we hit the floor in a cloud of dust and dry earth. Before I knew it we were laughing again.

I looked back up at the cloudless sky, counting the birds that flew past overhead, as Mikey purposely took longer than usual to clean the dust from his glasses, just to piss us off. Gerard was thumping the floor with his foot impatiently, causing more dust to stir; it had been so dry this summer hardly a drop of rain had fallen for months. We lay down in the shade it was so much cooler than being in the sun, even though it was late in the day and the sky had already begun to darken in places.

Gerard sighed heavily he’d been doing it all day; he always did it when he wanted attention or when there was an awkward silence. One of his more annoying habits really.
“What’s wrong Gee?” I turned to look at him, he looked peaceful enough, his eyes closed and his hair pulled back away from his face to prevent himself from getting to hot, even though he was wearing two layers of pure black clothing, he never learnt. He opened one eye and stared at me blankly,
“Who said there was something wrong?”
He was doing it again, pretending there was nothing wrong just so we would ask him if he was okay, and if he was feeling alright, ah well passes the time I guess. Mikey sat up in a flash, obviously trying to suck up to his older brother again,
“Aww come on Gerard tell us, we’re your friends after all, and I’m your brother.” I raised my eyebrows at him,
“Hey Mikes why don’t you flutter your eyelashes at him as well? Ya know just for effect?” God if looks could kill right now I’d be dead, I turned to Gerard
“Yea so anyway what’s up with you? Haven’t got the comic you want down at the store?” Ouch, can you die two times over? Sheesh death stares all around, so I gave him one back just to be cool. Gerard crossed his arms tightly and huffed,
“Actually as I was saying there’s nothing wrong, I was just thinking about stuff, that’s all.” Mikey cocked his head slightly,
“Define stuff.” Gerard looked rather perplexed by the comment, almost as if he didn’t even know what he was thinking about,
“Well truthfully I was just thinking about what it’d be like without you guys.” I hunched my shoulders and frowned at him. He caught my gaze “no not in a bad way Frankie, I guess I was just considering how much you two mean to me. You guys help me through anything and everything; I’d be dead without you guys. Well I guess what I’m trying to say is-“ Oh god soppy moment here we come, “-you guys are my best friends, and I love you for it.” Damnit he got me I’m such a sucker when it comes to the ‘L’ word. Mikey threw his arm lazily round his brother’s shoulder and grinned at him,
“We lobe you too Geeeerard” we all laughed at this, Mikey was always such a clown.

A few minutes passed, we generally talked about life, well Gerard did. He talked about us, his family, all the fun things we’d done over the holidays. It felt good just to lay and listen to him talk and it felt good to know that I could relate to most of the things he was saying. After a while Mikey got called home, because his dinner was ready. I then found out that Gerard was planning to go to one of his other friend’s house for a party, not one of those shitty everybody comes over and trashes the fucking house parties, just playing games and having pizza, the proper way to have fun.

By now the sun was almost completely gone, and the street lamps had come on illuminating the park. Gerard shifted next to me,
“Ah well I best be off” he looked round at me grinning, I could tell he was looking forward to it, he was such a nerd sometimes always playing video games and reading comics. But that’s just who he is, fun loving, nerdy, never gunna grow up, never serious, Gerard Way and that’s how everyone liked him. I grinned back
“Have a nice time, don’t stay up to late, and try not to have to much fun without me okay?” He laughed,
“Yea sure whatever, oh wait a sec-“ he began to fiddle with something around his neck, eventually he pulled off a pendant, it was a crucifix with a solid red gem in the middle, Mikey had got it for him on his birthday, “- do you reckon you could look after this for me? Because it falls off really easily and I’d hate to loose it” he dropped it into my hands, and I examined it, it was really quite heavy for what it was. It was covered in intricate patterns and designs, and the gem in the centre swirled as I looked at it, almost in a dream like way. I glanced back up at Gerard who was waiting for my response,
“Umm yea sure” I mumbled quickly, feeling slightly light headed, he beamed back at me,
“Cheers Iero, well cya” he waved at me as he trotted off into the distance, crossing the park and disappearing behind the trees. I stuffed the pendant deep inside my jeans’ pocket so it wouldn’t fall out.
The sky was dark now, and the street lamps shone on full beam around me as I walked home, it irritated me really because when the street lamps where on you could never see the stars properly. I’ve never known why the sky intrigues me so much; I guess it just makes me feel at peace.
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Well then, this is mah first chapter type prologue thing. This chapter's set in the year 2013 btw~So yer :B

hope you all like it, comments are nice~<33

Chapter title from the song 'Last Summer' by Lostprophets