Imperfect Imortality

Can You Feel The Tension Rise?

I waddled down the hallway, tightening my belt as I went. If I didn’t hurry I’d be late with meeting the guys; I knew for a fact that Mikey/Gerard would be there but I’m sure I could cope somehow. Mum gave me a rather strange look as I proceeded to stuff toast into my mouth while trying to put my shoes on and hold up my bag,
“Need help there Frank?” I turned to look at her and half mumbled a reply,
“Na-I’m f-okay” it was rather hard trying to talk with bread crumbs flying out of your mouth, and I can imagine it didn’t look too attractive either. She came over towards me, stood me up properly and began to flatten my hair.
“Ugh mum get off! I’m 19 years old! I don’t need you to do everything for me!” She rolled her eyes at this and I pouted, why must she mock me so?
“Frank you may be 19 but you are still my son, and you are still hopeless at dressing yourself.” Her trying to tuck my shirt in was the final straw and I jumped backwards away from her evil grasp.
“Ger’off mum! I can dress how I want to!” I folded my arms over my chest and pouted again; this seemed to work, as she no longer came towards me. Huffing loudly she mimicked my pose and stuck out her tongue. Anyone would think I was 5 years old. I finished buttoning up my jacket and brushed the crumbs away from my face,
“I’m leaving now then mum. If you’ve quite finished?” I laughed and headed for the door, I heard her laugh too which made my smile widen. I looked in the mirror by the door and sorted out my hair, ruffling it up slightly.
“See mum? I can dress myself. Anyway see you later, bye” and as I stepped through the front door she called me,
“Frank darling?” I looked back,
“Yea mum?” She grinned,
“You’ve got your jacket on inside out…”


The day was unusually sunny for mid February, but I guess I couldn’t complain, sun was always a good thing but it was rather cold. I had a skip in my step as I headed for the park – obviously not the park, because come on lets face it there’s gunna be more than one park in a town - I really can’t explain why I was feeling so happy, maybe it was because I hadn’t had any experiences with him in over a week; I doubted it was a good thing, he had to be planning something. But on the other hand I had received another message from Mikey which sot of argued against that theory, it read:


Gerard’s mind has calmed down for now, I’m not quite sure why. It kind of worries me that he’s not doing anything either. And when I mean not doing anything, I mean anything. He just sits there thinking. And of course he won’t let me see what he’s thinking. Sorry for the lack of info Frank.


It wasn’t a lot of help but it held some reassurance for me, at least I knew Mikey was “okay”, well okay as you can be when you’re being possessed by your psychopathic dead brother…

I trotted into the park my chin held high I was ready for that bastard. Oh that thought made me smile. Guh what the fuck’s gotten into me, I wasn’t normally this confident maybe mum had slipped something into my food…. damn her and her confidence building drugs. Oh shut up brain!!

The others grinned at me, including Mikrard – I laughed again – who had managed to master Mikey’s little grin, I swear I wanted to tear his face off, but this was my favourite shirt and it would take ages to clean off the blood stains, plus I’m not sure Mikes would appreciate having his face ripped off. I sat in between Bob and Ray and greeted them both with a slap on the back, whilst ignoring Mikey.
“Hey guys! How are ya?” I beamed at them,
“Well not to good now that you’ve arrived Frank, I mean come on look at you, you ugly fuck,” I pouted at him,
“Cheers Bob that means a lot to me” I whacked him again even harder than the first time and we both laughed. I turned to Ray,
“What about you Toro, how’s my favourite little fro?” – HA oh I laughed again- he looked at me rather oddly,
“Yea I’m great…Frank you feeling okay? Cuz you’re acting rather weird…”
“Yea have you been snorting Pepsi again?” I looked at Bob and cocked an eyebrow,
“Aren’t I just allowed to be happy?” I grinned; it was so easy to ignore Mikey instead of being worried about him. Well I was worried about him but not the fake him. It was just then that I could hear the ice cream van approaching in the distance.
“Fuck yea ice cream!!” Bob roared, receiving a disapproving look from a passing old lady. Him and Ray jumped to their feet,
“But I don’t have any money” I mumbled in mock sadness, Ray patted my back,
“Daww don’t worry, me and Bob will buy you and Mikey one, our treat.”
“Will we?” Bob got a heavy whack round the head for that.
“Right, you two wait here and we’ll be back in a Jiff” Ray beamed as he trotted towards the parked van on the other side of the park. I tensed slightly, alone with him? Oh god I don’t think I could quite manage that. Bob turned to face us from half way across the park and yelled,
“Hey you two, no getting it on while we’re away. And if you do, use a damn condom!!” he turned and ran towards Ray. Then I froze as the air around me began to fog.

I turned to face Mikey but I already knew what was coming, Gerard faced me, a grin etched onto him face,
“Hey babe.” He jeered; I swiftly turned my head away my body shaking slightly.
“Aww you gunna ignore me then?” I said nothing. Holding my position and keeping my movement to a minimum, he wasn’t going to make me crack. He leaned closer and blew onto my neck moving his body closer to mine; still I remained still. I heard him grumble slightly next to me, I knew he wanted me to react, but I wasn’t doing what he wanted. Not any more. He leaned in and began to mumble into my ear,
“Fine ignore me. You’re only making things worse for yourself Franklin, because you can’t run from your dreams –“ and then suddenly he leaned in even closer and planted his lips gently on the base of my neck, holding them there for a moment; yet still I held my position and he pulled away “-Sweet dreams darling.”

And as reality faded back, Ray and Bob were coming towards me, as playful as always not noticing a thing. But I did because I no longer felt courageous. And once more…I was afraid…
♠ ♠ ♠
wow i made Frank "Happy" for once, rarity 8D

Title taken from "For all these times Son, For all these times." by Lostprophets