Imperfect Imortality

You Can't Keep My Friends

The next few days dragged past without so much as a disturbance; but obviously I couldn’t forget any of the recent events, so that Monday afternoon I arranged to meet up with Ray, Bob and Mikey. But of course Mikey and me were still not on speaking terms, so I guess I’ll just have to see how it goes. I threw on a pair of jeans, a misfits shirt and a pair of old converses then ran out the house. It felt good to get some fresh air after spending so long in my house. The autumn sun beamed down on me and I lapped it up, I hadn’t seen the sun in ages. Cars shot past on the busy road, and as the traffic slowed slightly I ran straight through the middle receiving quite a bit of abuse from angry drivers. I laughed, anything to take my mind off my current situation.

I hummed as I walked rather briskly down the path towards Starbucks, I looked up at the sun, it was at about midpoint in the sky, around 1 o’clockish I guess, ah well it didn’t matter really I knew I was gunna be late. Before coming out I’d managed to steal some of my mum’s foundation to cover up the gashes on my face, it didn’t work to well but they weren’t as noticeable as before; but at least they were healing well. I couldn’t say the same for the gashes on my wrists, no matter what I did to them they wouldn’t heal and they always looked fresh. Today I’d covered them up with two sweatbands, even though the area around the cuts was horribly tender and hurt like shit if anyone so much as touched them, so physical contact with anyone was a big no no at the moment.

I rounded the corner of the street, Starbucks facing me on the left; I could almost smell the coffee from here. I don’t know what it was but at the moment I kept craving coffee really badly, I was almost drooling. And from where I was stood I could already see Rays rather large bonnet on the table in the far corner, our usual seat. He was laughing, so were Bob and Mikey, I gulped, clenching my fists firmly and storming across the street. I threw the doors open and walked inside getting some really funny looks from people; meh what did I care? I walked over to our table chin held high. As I reached the table I slammed my fists down, Bob turned to face me,
“Hey Frank how are-“ I cut him off,
“Look Mikey I’m really sorry about last week, I really didn’t mean to punch you, you know I’m an ass, so can’t we just kiss and make up? Cuz it would mean the world to me. Not the kissing but the making up, cuz I’m not gay or anything.” Ray put his hand on my back,
“Dude I think he gets it…” I looked up at Mikey who appeared to be rather stunned by the whole thing; he blinked a couple of times and put his coffee mug down on the table before standing up slowly to face me. I half expected him to punch me, but instead he just tilted his head,
“Yea sure I don’t see why not-“ he held out his hand for me to shake, “-After all everyone’s a jerk sometimes…Especially you…” Him and the others laughed, so did I actually, it felt good to know we were no longer angry at each other any more. I threw my arms round him and brought him into a tight bear hug, he hugged me back but I noticed he was slightly reluctant and rather tense. But what did I care all that mattered was we were friends again.
“Hey Frank?” I turned to look at Bob; he looked rather freaked out “Are you wearing foundation?”

I lay on my bed that night absolutely chuffed with myself; I was so glad that Mikey had forgiven me because I’d felt like such a jerk for the past few days. Eventually I got bored, so I flipped open my laptop, turned it on and waited for it to load. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the keyboard while staring aimlessly out the window into the darkness beyond; a flash of lightning illuminated the distant sky, so much for nice weather eh? I eventually logged into my user and brought up MSN, maybe I could arrange another day out with the guys, they all made me feel so much better after the rough couple of weeks I’d just had. MSN finally loaded after like a two-minute wait - my Internet connection is so shit – and I noticed that only Mikey was online:

Hey Mikes~

Hello Franklin

Ooooo someone’s being formal =D


I frowned, why was he still acting so sour with me, I thought we’d made up after all. I began to type again.

Are you still angry at me??? I thought we made up?? :’(


Coffee-fer-Brains has Gone Offline.

I leant backwards before cussing aloud, what the hell had I done this time? I bit my lip and tears built up in the corners of my eyes, I don’t think I could take much more of this. All this stress was really getting too much. I brushed the tears away from my eyes, holding back sobs, when MSN beeped again. Mikey was back.


Hold On, let me change my name so we can do this properly.

My stomach knotted slightly, what was he on about? Thunder boomed heavily outside as the wind whipped around my house.

Ahh, much better. Now then lets get down to business, shall we?

The fear came again as I took in his new choice of MSN name, and I begged to god it didn’t mean what I was thinking.

Well Frankie Darling? Shall we?

what have you done with Mikey? you bastard

I don’t know what you’re on about Franklin, I AM Mikey.

BaD-dReAm-FaIrY-xXx is requesting to share a webcam with you, will you accept?

I clicked accept and let out a small whimper of fright at what I saw. Mikey was staring back at me through the webcam. Gerard was nowhere to be seen.

I don’t understand….you can’t be Mikey!!!

Oh but I am….well sort of….

What do you mean SORT OF?

You see Franklin my darling; I am merely using his body, since I lack one of my own, for now. As he didn’t really appear to be using it.

So it is YOU. You’re fucking possessing him aren’t you?!

Something along those lines yes. So from now onwards when we meet in public you are going to treat me like Mikey, do you understand?

Or you will never get the real Mikey back ever again. Understand me Iero?

Bastard. He’s your fucking brother…

Well I do believe this conversation has gone on long enough, don’t you?

Don’t you DARE leave yet; I’m not finished with you!!

Ah but Frankie dear, I’m not the one doing the leaving…Hope your wrists get better soon…or not…

And with that the power cut out, my bedroom lights went off, the laptop switched off and I could hear mum cursing in the dark downstairs. Tears fell from my eyes, not tears of fear but of anger. I couldn’t take this anymore; he’d gone to far this time. Then I saw something flashing in the corner of my laptop screen, small white text…

”Mikey’s Sad Frankie, he misses you. He says he doesn’t like the dark…”

And with that the laptop cut out completely…
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm Bullying Frankie again, it's my fave Hobby :B

Comments are loverly~<3333333

Title Taken From "Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us" by My Chemical Romance