Imperfect Imortality

Sometimes You Scrape And Sink So Low

I hated this, I hated it so much, I swear to god if he wasn’t using Mikey’s body I’d rip his fucking eyes-
“Hey Frank are you okay? You seem a bit tense.” I looked at Ray, he did look rather concerned, but it was hard to take him seriously because he had breadcrumbs all round his mouth.
“Yea I’m-“
“Hey Ray you’ve got crumbs like all over your face.” I shuddered and turned to look at Mikey, well I say Mikey but it wasn’t really him. I ground my teeth together; he’d been doing it all day, saying what I was thinking out loud, I hated it when he got inside my head.
“Excuse me, I do believe I was talking?” I glared at him, and a smirk danced across his face, he pouted, stood up and sat next to me.
“Sorry Frank I didn’t hear ya.” He grinned throwing his arms round my neck, pulling me into a tight hug, the others laughed and Ray brushed the crumbs from his face. My body tensed I wanted to throw him off me and tear that sly grin from his face.
”It’s not Mikey’s fault, it’s Gerard’s not Mikey…Gerard not Mikey…” the thoughts pulsed through my head as I closed my eyes in frustration, and clenched my fists.

Suddenly I felt a hand travelling up my right thigh towards my crotch, and then the voice came, almost dream like.
“What’s wrong Frankie? You seem tense…” My eyes snapped open in an instant. The café around me had faded into a light grey mist, and I was sat alone…well alone apart from him…I flicked my head sideways to see Gerard’s face barely more than a centimetre away from mine. He was grinning. Oh how I loathed that grin. His hand moved in small circles on my hip, playing with the edge of my pants.
“I could help you relax-“ I bit my lip, so hard it almost bled, “- oh and by the way…. Mikey misses you…” He laughed and I snapped. I span round, grabbed him by the collar and pinned him down to the bench; the mist faded, and I was looking at Mikey again, his grin still in place.
“Frank dude, what the fuck?” I glanced up from Mikey beneath me to look at Bob, who looked dumbfounded by my sudden actions; I looked around to notice the entire café was looking at me.
“What the hell Frank get off of him!” I jumped off him quickly smoothing down my shirt. Mikey sat up and looked at me in a mock disgusted expression before turning to Ray,
“I dunno what’s gotten into him, I didn’t even do anything. He’s acting so weird lately don’t you think?” Ray shook his head, in what appeared to be shame and Bob just frowned. Mikey looked back round at me his grin returning. The mist gathered again for a split second, and Gerard blew me a kiss, then it faded. Tears welled in my eyes and I bit my lip, still clenching my fists.
“You don’t understand…” I whimpered and Bob looked at me.
“We don’t what?”
“You don’t fucking understand!!” I roared at them, tears springing from my eyes. And with that I turned and ran, Gerard’s laughter echoing in my head…

I threw myself through the front door, ignoring my mum’s continuous questioning and bolted into my room. My breathing came out as hard violent sobbing as I cried heavily into my pillow. I couldn’t take much more of this; why did everything have to be so damn hard!?! I began to drift and silently slipped into –thankfully- a dreamless sleep. I woke up an hour later, dirty tear tracks and eyeliner smeared across my pillow and my face. Lets just face it shall we? I’m a wreck, a hopeless good for nothing wreck. I laughed a little; at least I was good at it. I sat up and rubbed my face slightly, trying to wake myself up. I looked casually round my room and noticed a piece of paper pinned to my notice board, which was kinda odd seeing as I didn’t have any pins. I stood up rather slowly and wobbled, I walked over to the board and tore the paper free. I turned it over and my eyes widened in alarm.


I know this may be hard to believe, well it is for me, but this is Mikey. I managed to gain control over Gerard for a couple of minutes; so this is gunna be short.

You gotta help me get my body back. We’ll talk more about him later. Listen up, to get my body back, you have to get Gerard his body back, I don’t know how ya do it but I think it’s possible. I’ll try to keep you updated on what I find out every time I manage to take control. His mind is like a fucking labyrinth. Sorry I can’t tell you more.

What the hell is going on Frank?


I was broken from my trance by the phone ringing downstairs, it was silenced and then my mums voice came,
“Frank it’s for you.” I walked into the hallway and picked up the phone, I spoke quietly waiting for a response,
“Hello?” a deep rasping like breath came down the other end of the phone,
“I’ll get you for that Iero…. you won’t get him back that easily…this is war…” Gerard sounded in pain as if he were struggling, I laughed emptily,
“Fine by me…Bring it…” and with that I hung up. Maybe this wouldn’t be so hopeless after all.

But then again…. wouldn’t giving him his body back only make matters worse?
♠ ♠ ♠

Comments are niiiice~<333333333

Title taken from "Kill all your friends" by My Chemical Romance