Imperfect Imortality


I sat quietly for a little while by the phone, thinking over the conversation I’d just had with Gerard. I bit my lip slightly, had I really just threatened him? What if he took it as a motive and Came to attack me in Mikey’s body? Or even worse, what if he hurt Mikey to get back at me? I banged my head gently against the small wooden table while picking at the carpet, thoughts and feelings were raging inside me like a swirling tide pool, gushing up to and spilling over the edges and overall giving me a headache. I began to regret the days I’d spent wishing that my life were more exciting.

I stood up slowly so as not to unbalance myself. Stretching I yawned and it was at that moment when I realised exactly just how tired I was, I’d been sleeping on and off for the past few nights; I’d always had so much on my mind which makes it terribly hard to sleep. I re-entered my room and fell backwards onto my bed, curling my knees up to my chest, it had been a long couple of days and I really needed the sleep but as hard as I tried it wouldn’t come.

I laid flat out on the bed, on my side, on my front but still I never found myself slipping out of consciousness. I rolled over and pounded my pillow hard in frustration, there were so many things I needed and had to do, each one of them harder than the last. Firstly I had to try to cope with Gerard in public situations and pretend everything’s okay in front of mum. Then I have to find a way to talk to Mikey without Gerard knowing, so that I can track down Gerard’s body – which is a whole new task in its self – then overall I have to find a way of putting Gerard back to the way he was before. Something inside me cracked, and I began to sob heavily into my pillow. I couldn’t do all of this, not alone.

My sobs grew harder as I began to realize what I was in for; I could get Mikey killed, his life was in my hands and I just couldn’t cope with that level of sheer responsibility. I also came to the realization that I would have to cope with other aspects of life as well, like school, family and any other problems that life dared to throw at me. I sat up and wiped the tears from my eyes, holding back my sobs, because I knew it as well as anyone, crying wouldn’t help me do bullshit.

I stood up and walked over to my desk, looking it over for any object of interest, seeing as though keeping my mind off the task ahead seemed harder than I first anticipated. Guitar pics, scraps of paper, old comics and magazines; nothing caught my attention. I flopped onto my desk chair and began to spin, the room passed by in a flash a flurry of colours whipping around me, I giggled; I always used to do this on the school computer chairs but the teachers always used to tell me off saying that if it broke I’d have to pay for it. I recall Mikey and me broke one once during a tech class and- oh shit…Mikey…I stopped spinning and sighed, the whole forget about the situation thing wasn’t going too well.

I glanced towards the clock. 11:15pm. I grumbled, this night wasn’t going any quicker than the last. I picked up my laptop off the floor, flipped the lid and turned it on then sat there tapping my fingers on the keyboard waiting for it to boot up. Eventually I logged onto my user, MSN popped up on the left hand side of the screen, I hesitated a little but then swiftly closed the window. I wasn’t going to go through all that again. I called up the Internet explorer and clicked on Google. Before I knew it I was searching the Internet for answers – pathetic I know – but it was better than sobbing like a whimp on my bed all evening. I searched on “kidnapping” which eventually I decide was too vague, seeing as over 50,000 articles came up, “Ghosts” – once again too vague -, “Returning from the dead” – loads of shit about vampires and zombies – and “Angry Spirits” – Loads of medium websites, which I had no need for as the angry spirit I knew seemed to have no problem at all with talking to me.

I groaned loudly and banged my head hard on the desk. Nothing was helping me at all, I began to think aloud.
“Come on Frank think!!” nothing came…I searched a couple of pages on “Angry Spirits” just for the hell of it. About 5 pages in I came across a couple of links that weren’t Medium websites, but none of the looked very promising:
”Need your spirits lifted?” “U.T.A” “Cheap Vodka”- and at the last one I gave in on that search. I searched “Returning from the dead” again and went a few pages forward:
”Zombie games on” ”” “U.T.A” “Are you a Vampire?!” I gave in on that one too. This was going nowhere; I laid my laptop on my desk still running, and flopped onto my bed while staring out the window.

I looked out onto the neighbourhood; nobody’s houselights were on anymore, well I guess it was past 1 in the morning…I looked at the house furthest down the street, I smiled slightly as I remembered the day when me and Mikey had walked the long route home from school and walked past that house. If I can recall a really big dog came running out of the front gate and chased us half way down the street. After that Mikey managed to convince me that the dog was possessed by some sort of hellhound, and of course being me I believed him- I sat up bolt right in bed, jumped up ran over to the laptop – why hadn’t I thought of this before? - and typed in ”Possession” flicked through a couple of pages before something caught my eye: ”UTA” so far that had popped up on every search I’d done. So I clicked it.

It was a forum website entitled ”Understanding The Afterlife” I cocked an eyebrow, maybe this website wasn’t what I was looking for after all…just another eccentric vampire/werewolf/freak forum. I slumped down on my chair and began to search through a couple of the pages. I looked at a topic on ghosts, and while I was reading it a really odd feeling dawned on me. Most of the things people were commenting about seemed realistic and most of them down to earth, which was odd. I was searching for a couple of hours more until I came across a topic named ”Possessions involving Friends”, it only had 25 comments but it appeared to be the most promising link I’d uncovered all night.

I opened the topic and began to read, already by the time I’d read the first comment I was convinced I’d found what I was looking for. I froze on the second comment, as the story seemed all too familiar:

“User: Angel Feather
Date and Time: Jan 21st 02:34am
Posts: 12

I need help guys, I’m scared. I’ll be brief; my friend went missing 6 months ago and the police never found her. Then the other day I saw her on the other side of the street grinning at me, not a happy grin a really evil looking one, and as I ran towards her shouting her name, she put her finger to her lips, shushed me and disappeared. None of my other friends saw her and they say I’m going mad. But it keeps happening more and more. I’m so scared.”

I held my breath, my hands shaking as I scrolled down a few comments, as most of them were only comments offering her help. When I hit comment 10 I stopped.

”User: Max1067
Date and Time: Jan 28th 20:49pm
Posts: 2

My Best mate died over two years ago. But then the ova day I saw him outside skl, and when I went up to him and asked him if it was really him he laughed at me punched me in da stomch and disappeared. Now he keeps appearing in my room at night and scratchin me nd pinchin me nd stuff like that. And he like whispers things in my ear at skl that no1 else can hear. Wat the fuck is goin on?”

There were several more comments like this; each one set me on edge more than the last. By the time I reached the last few comments I noticed an offer that I wasn’t going to pass up on:

“User: FBDY
Date and Time: 15th Feb 00:54am
Posts: 157

Anyone else need help feel free to message me.


I looked up at his past comments, and it appears he’d helped out quite a few others as well, and his comment was only from a few days ago. It looked promising, so I sent him a PM:

“User: Visitor
Date and Time: 19th Feb 02:45am

I need help, please it’s really urgent, and my best friend might get hurt. I’ll explain later, here’s my msn:

-Frank I.”

I got a reply within the next two minutes.

”User: FBDY
Date and Time: 19th Feb 02:47am
Posts: 163

Sure, I’ll add you.


I went to open MSN when suddenly with no warning my bedroom windows flew open. A huge gust of wind came gushing in scattering everything on the floor, my laptop was ripped off the desk flew into the wall and smashed, my desk chair flipped out from underneath me, sending me crashing to the floor. It knocked me unconscious; the last things I felt where the wind calming around me and a faint whisper in my ear,

”I don’t think so Frankie…You’re not wining that easily”
♠ ♠ ♠
OMG i am so sorry guys!!!
no really i am i haven't updated in over two weeks i'm ever so sorry. purlease forgive me ;.;

Title taken from "Whisper" by Evanescence