

"Tell me you don't love me!" He screamed and threw the money to the floor. I collapsed to my knees and let myself sob. "You mean nothing to me." He threw the last dollar to the ground. "I've paid my whore."

I looked weakly up at him and saw the tears streaming down his face. Another wave of desperation hit my shattered heart. Horrific sounds choked from my throat and more tears flooded my cheeks. My whole body was numb and I felt like throwing up.

His eyes rolled back and he fell to his knees in front of her. "How could you..." The rest of his words were silenced by a kiss. I didn't mean to, but I wanted it, needed it, so badly. It was sloppy and ugly and it seemed like it went on for hours. Our teeth smashed together and our mouths were dry but neither pulled away.

It was beautiful, the idea of it, but not the kiss itself. But it was ours, and that's all that mattered.